Google Console - How to add Authorized redirect URIs via API - google-api

Whenever I want to add any authorized redirect URI in the credentials section, I must have to google console and add it. Is there any API available that I can use in the script, I have googled it a lot but couldn't find anything related to it.

There is no api that will allow you to programmatically add redirect uris to your project on google console.
Google console is configuration for the developer its not something that should be needed to be done programmatically.


adding login credential for App access on google play console

I use only google sign-in in my application, how do I add App access instructions for google to test my application. I am failing to find a way of instructing google on how to log in. I thought of using my own email address but then that will require me to authorize them when they try to log in.
You do not need to provide credentials, Just write in the instructions that your app are using Google Sign-in and it will work.

Getting a warning when adding the new google one tap login in internally used web app and its dynamically created subdomains

I am trying to add the google one tap login to our internal website but I am getting the following warning. Although I have already added the main domain and sub domain(just to test) in Authorized redirect URIs and Authorized JavaScript origins but still getting this error.
I read in the document where it says no verification is required when the app is used internally.
Thanks in advance for any guidance
In order to add the new "Sign in with Google" option on the websites which are hosted on the dynamically created subdomains, one can use the solution provided by google is its integration via iframe.
The annoying part is that the documentation didn't mentioned this solution as another possible solution in its subdomain section.

How to access to google project from ui rather than link get from eclipse console

I have developed a tool for handling google sheet using spring boot with google sheet api. When I run the application from UI ,then eclipse console will show a link for OAuth authentication so that to get data in UI Eclipse console.I need to get back to console and take the link to browser for authentication. So my question is how to authenticate it through UI rather than going to console manually.
I selected react js as UI, and I added GoogleLogin to it
This tool is requir a google account to access<GoogleLogin
clientId="my client id"
buttonText="Choose account"
onFailure="" ></GoogleLogin>
even though react js code worked,i will get the sheet data only after authenticating using link given in console.Please help me to solve this
You may redirect it directly but it would only work in case you are having that url working.
Let suppose, I'm hosting my application on http://localhost:8080/myProject then it would be redirect you to some url, you would be get that using this way.
Generate Credentials.json file while keeping redirect url blank.
Put this file to resources
Run project again
It will give you the response url, Do something for mapping that URL to your needed re-directional url.
Let me know if you need anything more in this.

Programmatic access to Google API Console's functionality

I would like to configure the Google API services programmatically instead of having to go through the API Console. For example, I would like to be able to the following types of things programmatically:
Create OAuth and API Key credentials; this would include generating
the client id\secret, setting the redirect uri, downloading the
client_secrets.json file, etc.
Get the list of projects for a user
Enable\disable services for a specified project
Does Google provide any APIs for configuring services so that I don't have to use the API Console's GUI? All of the documentation I have seen has indicated that the only way to do this is through the API Console’s GUI.
You can use the Cloud Resource Manager API to get the list of projects for a user. Unfortunately, public APIs don't exist for the other things at this time.

Authenticate OAuth from Script

Can anyone tell me how I could go about authenticating with the various OAuth login mechanisms on the internets (Twitter, Facebook) so that I can run scripts against these services.
As an example, right now when I use Facebook data I goto and copy paste the access key from the URL. Obviously this is a bad approach, it has sufficed for now, but is not really an option anymore :)
I've checked out the documentation on the facebook site in particular which requests that I use a callback urL and so on. I'd like to be able to make a call from a ruby script which requests the OAuth token instead.
Is this even possible?
P.s This would be using my own credentials.
Yes, it is possible. "Authenticating as an Application" section.
You can get the Access Token using a web redirection, and then store it to perform further offline operations. Some APIs need explicit user scope permission to do that.
