How to handle exception in controller method with controlleradvice being in place - spring

I do have a Spring boot controller class and a corresponding ControllerAdvice class which has ExceptionHandlers to handle different exception.
My controller method calls a simple validation helper class to validate input fields which throws an exception if validation fails. Now if I don't put a try catch block in my controller it keeps complaining me that you have a method which has untangled exception even through the logic for handling validation exception is defined in controlleradvice class. Please suggest how do I solve it.

From the method of ValidationHelper class if you throw any Checked Exception then you need to use a try-catch block to call that method.
If you don't want then it's better to use any Custom Exception class which will extend the RuntimeException class and you throw that exception. Then you don't need to explicitly mention the throws as well as you don't need to have a try-catch block at the controller.
public class SampleController {
private final ValidationHelper validationHelper;
public String getRequest(#RequestParam String name) {
return "";
public class ValidationHelper {
public Boolean validate(String name) {
throw new CustomException("Validation Failed");
public class CustomException extends RuntimeException {
public CustomException(String message) {


preventing or handle jax-rs bean validation exception

is there a way to handle jax-rs validation exception, I mean to not the throwing exception, just sysout my string.
I use #Valid annotation in this way
public function name (#Valid DtoClassName dtoVariableName);
using resteasy 2 and wildfly 19.
I use mapper as previous answers here, but nothing work, it's throw the exception then call the mapper.
public class ValidationExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException> {
public ValidationExceptionMapper() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public Response toResponse(ConstraintViolationException exception) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("HELLLO ERROR").build();

How to test exceptions handling in #ControllerAdvice

I currently have two ControllerAdvice in my application, I'm supposed to merge them into one.
But I need to test them before and after the merge, test the exception and the object that the controller return me.
I'm trying to make a jUnit test with Mockito but it seems impossible to test the exceptions without any context, without a controller, etc ...
Does anyone know how can I proceed to achieve what I'm trying to do ?
I also try to throw manually an exception but obviously it wasn't catched by the ControllerAdvice.
So basically here is what i'm trying to do:
Manually throw an exception
This exception is handled by my ControllerAdvice
Check the returned object (code & message)
Here is a sample of code I have:
public void setup() {
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(getController())
.setControllerAdvice(new GlobalControllerExceptionHandler())
.setCustomArgumentResolvers(resolver, resolver_0, resolver_1)
public static class RestProcessingExceptionThrowingController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/exception", method = GET)
public #ResponseBody String find() {
throw new EntityNotFoundException();
public void testHandleException() throws Exception {
.andExpect(new ResultMatcher() {
public void match(MvcResult result) throws Exception {
I have the good status code at the end but it doesn't use my ControllerAdvice (I try with the debugger)
You can just call handler method directly
public ResponseEntity someOfMyExceptionsHandler(Exception e){
and in test
private MyAdvice advice=new MyAdvice();
public void oneOfTests(){
Exception e=new SomeSortOfExceptionToTest();
If you want to test how spring integrates with your handlers - if your annotations are correct, ordering serialization etc - well that will be an integration test and you have to boot up test context - then you can throw exceptions directly from controller methods.

CustomExceptionHandler not able to catch exceptions in spring boot

In my spring boot application, I have created a custom exception handler using #ControllerAdvice, and a custom exception ServerException, when I throw the custom exception, it does not get caught by my customExcpetionHandler, though I am able to check whether actually the excpetion is thrown and it is getting thrown as shown by logs.
Below is the code for my ServerException:
public class ServerException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = <uid>;
public ServerException(String message) {
Below is my GlobalCustomExceptionHandler class:
public class GlobalCustomExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler{
public ModelMap handleServerException(ServerException ex) {
ModelMap modelMap = new ModelMap();
modelMap.addAttribute("status", "ERROR_400_Bad_Request");
modelMap.addAttribute("error_message", ex.getMessage());
return modelMap;
I am throwing the exception in one of the restcontroller as follows:
throw new ServerException("invalid server configs");
But I can only see the exception getting printed in log file, and not getting it as response mentioned in handleServerException() method of GlobalCustomExceptionHandler class.
What could be the reason ?
I have just reproduced Your copy-pasted piece of code with simple REST endpoint, and it works as expected:
public class SystemController {
#GetMapping(value = "/system")
public ResponseEntity<Object> getSystem() throws ServerException {
if (true)
throw new ServerException("Checking this out");
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.OK);
Calling http://localhost:8080/system
Results with:
{"status":"ERROR_400_Bad_Request","error_message":"Checking this out"}
I need bigger picture to help You. Paste controller that is throwing that as well as main application config class.

ControllerAdvice not triggering for specific exceptions

I have #RestControllerAdvice (spring boot 1.4.2) that looks like this
public class GlobalControllerExceptionHandler {
#ExceptionHandler(value = { AvailabilityException.class })
public RestResponse availabilityException(AvailabilityException ex) {
#ExceptionHandler(value = { HrsException.class })
public RestResponse hrsException(HrsException ex) {
This class catches excpetions of type HrsException but does not catch exceptions of type AvailabilityException
public class HrsException extends RuntimeException {
public Integer errorCode;
public String messageKey;
public class AvailabilityException extends HrsException {
So I'm guessing AvailabilityException is not being caught by the controller advice because it's extending HrsException, what's the explanation for this and how can I continue with this a design?
Basically I want to create a bunch of exceptions that inherits from HrsException (because I don't want duplicate code) and want to catch them in the controller advice.
There was a catch somewhere in the code that was interfering with the controller advice, if someone faces the issue make sure you have no catches in your code preventing the chain from reaching the controller advice.

Spring MVC accessing Spring Security ConfigAttributes?

I want to produce HTTP Response Body with an error message referencing something like _"missing ... 'CUSTOM_AUTHORITY'"_ in addition to a 403 Forbidden HTTP Status code.
My application is Spring Boot with a Spring-Security-Secured #PreAuthorize method within a Spring-MVC-REST #Controller:
public FooController{
public Object getSomething(){ ... }
public class GlobalExceptionHandler {
public Object forbidden(AccessDeniedException exception){ ... }
What I want is to expose/inject Collection<ConfigAttribute>. The Spring Security docs reference it.
There doesn't seem to be a straightforward way of accomplishing this. The AccessDecisionManager (which is AffirmativeBased) throws the AccessDeniedException with none of the information you want. So if you want to "expose/inject" the Collection<ConfigAttribute>, you'll want to provide your own AccessDecisionManager that throws a custom exception that holds the ConfigAttributes.
The easiest way to do this could be to wrap the default AccessDecisionManager with your own and delegate method calls to it:
CustomMethodSecurityConfig extends GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration
protected AccessDecisionManager accessDecisionManager() {
AccessDecisionManager default = super.accessDecisionManager();
MyCustomDecisionManager custom = new CustomDecisionManager(default);
You could define your custom AccessDecisionManager as follows:
public class MyCustomDecisionManager implements AccessDecisionManager {
private AccessDecisionManager default;
public MyCustomDecisionManager(AccessDecisionManager acm) {
this.default = acm;
public void decide(Authentication authentication, Object object, Collection<ConfigAttribute> configAttributes) throws AccessDeniedException, InsufficientAuthenticationException{
try {
default.decide(authentication, object, configAttributes)
} catch(AccessDeniedException ex) {
throw new CustomAccessDeniedException(ex.getMessage(), configAttributes);
// other methods delegate to default
Now whenever access is denied, you will get an exception that holds the Collection<ConfigAttribute>.
Your custom exception could look like this:
public class CustomAccessDeniedException extends AccessDeniedException {
private Collection<ConfigAttribute> attributes;
public CustomAccessDeniedException(String message, Collection<ConfigAttribute> attr) {
this.attributes = attr;
public Collection<ConfigAttribute> getAttributes() {
return this.attributes;
Now your #ExceptionHandler could handle your CustomAccessDeniedException and have access to the ConfigAttributes.
I am not sure that will provide you with the error message you wanted. The ConfigAttribute interface only has one method:
String getAttribute();
And the javadoc states:
If the ConfigAttribute cannot be expressed with sufficient precision as a String, null should be returned.
Since we can't rely on the interface method, how you deal with each ConfigAttribute will be heavily dependent on the type of the particular object you're dealing with.
For example, the ConfigAttribute that corresponds to #PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('CUSTOM_AUTHORITY')") is PreInvocationExpressionAttribute, and to print something that resembles what you want, you could do:
PreInvocationExpressionAttribute attr = (PreInvocationExpressionAttribute)configAttribute;
String expressionString = attr.getAuthorizeExpression().getExpressionString();
System.out.println(expressionString); // "hasAuthority('CUSTOM_AUTHORITY')"
That's the major drawback. Also, you would get ALL the ConfigAttributes, not necessarily the ones that failed.
