Error with connect SQL Developer with Oracle Database using Docker - oracle

I am trying to install an oracle 18 database on my Ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine using Docker. As seen in the following images, I have managed to obtain the database image and instantiate the content. To instantiate the container I have executed the following command:
sudo docker run \
--name oracle18c \
-p 1521:1521 \
-p 5500:5500 \
-e ORACLE_PDB=orcl \
-e ORACLE_PWD=password \
-e ORACLE_MEM=4000 \
-v /opt/oracle/oradata \
-d \
With SQL Developer running, I try to create my first connection with the following parameters:
Could someone understand me or give me a solution to the problem?
FailureTest: listener refused the connection with the following error ora-12514.


Docker behaving odd with bash environment vars

I know technically host networking isn't supported MacOS (see
The host networking driver only works on Linux hosts, and is not
supported on Docker Desktop for Mac, Docker Desktop for Windows, or
Docker EE for Windows Server.
However it does actually seem to work. E.g. this works just fine:
docker run \
--name local-mysql \
--network="host" \
-d mysql:latest
However when I try to conditionally specify the host networking with a bash variable, it doesn't work, and I can't make sense of it. Consider the following
echo "Test 1"
docker rm -f local-mysql
docker run \
--name local-mysql \
-e MYSQL_USER=master \
--network="host" \
-d mysql:latest
docker ps
sleep 5
echo "Test 2"
export NETWORKING='--network="host"'
docker rm -f local-mysql
docker run \
--name local-mysql \
-e MYSQL_USER=master \
-d mysql:latest
docker ps
This yields:
% ./
Test 1
6bbd68f05649 mysql:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" Less than a second ago Up Less than a second local-mysql
Test 2
docker: Error response from daemon: network "host" not found.
I.e. when I hard code --network=host into the docker command, the container starts fine. But the exact same parameter in an environment variable fails to start with network "host" not found.
I'm honestly not sure if this is a failure of bash or docker, but I can't actually figure out what's going wrong.
-- EDIT --
export NETWORKING='--network="host"'
export NETWORKING='--network=host'
works. And for my purposes right now that's enough. But just to be thorough... Why? The working example has quotes in the value (--network="host"), so why does the shell expansion break the non-working example? What if I wanted something like --network="my host"?

Bcrypt docker passwd using --admin-passwd

What is wrong with the following command? It is intended to create a portainer container with admin passwd 'portainer':
docker run --rm -d --name "portainer" -p "" -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer --admin-password='$2a$10$0PW6gPY0TSeYzry2RSakl.7VUVmzdmD6mQPcemiG6i2vfJGGGePYu'
It leads to a Portainer container that will deny access for 'admin', saying that passwd 'portainer' is invalid. Details:
I put it into a .bat file. The thing runs on docker CE in Windows 10.
The longish crypt string within single quotes is a bcrypt equivalent of 'portainer', the designated admin password. I created and checked it here:
Prior to running the command I stopped and removed an old portainer container, and even said docker volume rm portainer_data.
Doubling the "$" to "$$" did not solve the issue.
The command is deeply inspired by the official portainer docs:
For now I have a simple workaround: Simply drop that --admin-passwd parameter. Given that I grant a volume to portainer, I can just define a passwd at first start. However, I'd still prefer the script-only solution. Any ideas?
Here it is the solution you need:
docker run --detach \
--name=portainer-ce \
-p 8000:8000 \
-p 9000:9000 \
--restart=always \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /volume1/docker/portainer-ce:/data \
portainer/portainer-ce \
--admin-password="$(htpasswd -nb -B admin adminpwPC | cut -d ':' -f 2)"

Traefik on Docker stripprefix / to current directory

I am trying to setup a simple stripprefix middleware using Docker Desktop with unix containers and i get a very wiered behavior.
The static traefik-config comes from environment-variables:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --rm \
--name traefik \
--network elastic \
-v c:/dev/repos/docker/dockerfiles/traefik/ssl/localhost.crt:/ssl/traefik-server.crt \
-v c:/dev/repos/docker/dockerfiles/traefik/ssl/localhost.key:/ssl/traefik-server.key \
I start a service using a middleware defined with labels like this:
-l traefik.http.routers.test.middlewares=test \
-l traefik.http.middlewares.test.stripprefix.prefixes=/test/my-service \
-l traefik.http.middlewares.test.stripprefix.forceslash=false
As a result i would expect a stripprefix-middleware with "/test/my-service" appear in traefik dashboard.
A stripprefix-middleware with "C:/dev/tools/git/" appears in the treafik dashboard. Appearently traefik somehow resolves the first "/" into the directory-path.
I start the whole thing using Git-Bash.
If anyone encountered something like this, i would really appreciate some pointers...
P.S.: i also tried all kinds of escaping and quoting i could think of
Maybe to prevent others wasting as much time....
... Turns out that git-bash for windows does some crazy stuff before handing the commands to docker.
Executing the exact same config using IntelliJ (docker-integration) or powershell does not replace the leading "/" with a windows path.

Why is DB data not being persisted from docker container?

I have created an Oracle 12c docker instance on my Mac(Sierra). I can do everything outlined in this link (bring it up, connect to it, create table, insert data):
In the docker toolkit I have mapped a shared drive /Users/user/projects/database.
I am executing this command:
docker run --name oraclecdb \
-p 1521:1521 -p 5500:5500 \
-e ORACLE_PWD=oracle \
-v /Users/user/projects/database/oradata:/home/oracle/oradata \
"oradata" gets created, but the pluggable database never gets persisted to the shared volume. So what am I missing?
Turns out that /home/oracle/oradata should be /opt/oracle/oradata

HDFS as volume in cloudera quickstart docker

I am fairly new to both hadoop and docker.
I haven been working on extending the cloudera/quickstart docker image docker file and wanted to mount a directory form host and map it to hdfs location, so that performance is increased and data are persist localy.
When i mount volume anywhere with -v /localdir:/someDir everything works fine, but that's not my goal. But when i do -v /localdir:/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs both datanode and namenode fails to start and I get : "cd /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs: Permission denied". And when i do -v /localdir:/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/cache no permission denied but datanode and namenode, or one of them fails to start on starting the docker image and i can't find any useful information in log files about the reason for that.
Mayby someone came across this problem, or have some other solution for putting hdfs outside the docker container?
I've the same problem and I've managed the situation copying the entire /var/lib directory from container to a local directory
From terminal, start the cloudera/quickstart container without start all hadoop services:
docker run -ti cloudera/quickstart /bin/bash
In another terminal copy the container directory to the local directory
mkdir /local_var_lib
docker exec your_container_id tar Ccf $(dirname /var/lib) - $(basename /var/lib) | tar Cxf /local_var_lib -
After all files copied from container to local dir, stop the container and point the /var/lib to the new target. Make sure the /local_var_lib directory contains the hadoop directories (hbase, hadoop-hdfs, oozie, mysql, etc).
Start the container:
docker run --name cloudera \
--hostname=quickstart.cloudera \
--privileged=true \
-td \
-p 2181:2181 \
-p 8888:8888 \
-p 7180:7180 \
-p 6680:80 \
-p 7187:7187 \
-p 8079:8079 \
-p 8080:8080 \
-p 8085:8085 \
-p 8400:8400 \
-p 8161:8161 \
-p 9090:9090 \
-p 9095:9095 \
-p 60000:60000 \
-p 60010:60010 \
-p 60020:60020 \
-p 60030:60030 \
-v /local_var_lib:/var/lib \
cloudera/quickstart /usr/bin/docker-quickstart
You should run a
docker exec -it "YOUR CLOUDERA CONTAINER" chown -R hdfs:hadoop /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/
