Swagger Codegen Maven Plugin - Custom ClientConfiguration name - spring-boot

I'm using the Swagger Codegen Maven Plugin (v3) to generate spring-cloud client from yaml file with openapi 3 definition.
My plugin is configured like that
Among the generated files there are 2 files for the authentification
│ ApiKeyRequestInterceptor.class
│ ClientConfiguration.class
The problem is that I don't know how to customize the name of those files.
I need to do that because I have multiple clients to generate. So when I'm injecting the clients into my Spring Boot application it tells me there is a conflict between beans with the same name.
I'd like to have files like MyFirstClientApiKeyInterceptor.class MyFirstClientConfiguration.class and MySecondClientApiKeyInterceptor.class MySecondClientConfiguration.class
Or is there a solution for leaving it like that and being able to inject the clients without the error ?


swagger maven plgin executions do not run independant

I use the latest swagger-maven-plugin from the io.swagger.core.v3 to generate my static swagger api documentation.
In my project, I have to separate apis so I want to get a json and yml representation for each api within one package process.
the execution creates the expected json and yml files for each execution
The problem is, that the seconAPI files are a copy of the swagger files.
I've read the documentation and I thought that configuration in the plugin root is shared between multiple executions. Configurations within the execution tag are individually used per execution.
Is there a way to run the executions in parallel with individual configuration?
Or is it a problem with the plugin itself?
Each execution works as expected when there is only one execution defined in the executions tag.

Spring Boot: OpenApi Generator Plugin creates unwanted test file

I use OpenApi 3.0 and the maven plugin openapi-generator-maven-plugin to generate my api + objects.
This is my maven config:
It works as expected, however its also generating tests that I do not want. As you can see in my config i disabled the tests for Api tests + Model tests..
The compilation of these tests fail bc it "Cannot resolve symbol 'SpringBootTest'" in the build target folder...
These tests do not have any sense, how can I disable them?
Note this is a workaround. It would be better to get a property to not generate this testcase, but for now this seems to work...
Add this maven plugin to your pom.xml
<!-- remove the unwanted generated testcases by the spring generator of openapi -->
<delete dir="${project.build.directory}/generated-sources/openapi/src/test" />
It will delete that entire test package after the sources have been generated in the process-sources phase
We can skip the generation by enabling <interfaceOnly>true</interfaceOnly> but delegatePattern will not consider.
Here is the source code from openapi-generator...
Source Code
if (!interfaceOnly) {
if (SPRING_BOOT.equals(library)) {
if (useSwaggerUI && selectedDocumentationProviderRequiresSwaggerUiBootstrap()) {
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("swagger-ui.mustache", "src/main/resources/static", "swagger-ui.html"));
// rename template to SpringBootApplication.mustache
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("openapi2SpringBoot.mustache",
(sourceFolder + File.separator + basePackage).replace(".", java.io.File.separator),
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("SpringBootTest.mustache",
(testFolder + File.separator + basePackage).replace(".", java.io.File.separator),
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("RFC3339DateFormat.mustache",
(sourceFolder + File.separator + basePackage).replace(".", java.io.File.separator),
You can always exclude the generated test package in Intellij IDE for local compilation issue.

Generate API and Data Model java files from Open API Generator with maven plugin

I am using maven plugin of openapi generator (not swagger code generator) but the java files are not getting generated as yaml file has $ref relative paths.
My yaml file has $ref in many places. Example below.
$ref: 'comDefs.yaml#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
Getting below exception:
[WARNING] Exception while resolving:
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
at java.lang.String.substring (String.java:1967)
at io.swagger.v3.parser.processors.ExternalRefProcessor.processRefToExternalSchema (ExternalRefProcessor.java:113)
at io.swagger.v3.parser.processors.ExternalRefProcessor.processRefSchema (ExternalRefProcessor.java:921)
at io.swagger.v3.parser.processors.ExternalRefProcessor.processSchema (ExternalRefProcessor.java:200)
So how to generate the server code (spring) with Open API Generator with yaml file having $ref?

How to fetch Swagger definition from a password-protected remote server in Maven

Rather than copy a Swagger definition from another project, I want to fetch the current version direct from Gitlab. I thought that I might be able to link to the server settings in settings.xml but that doesn't seem to work.
How do I pass the server credentials to Maven in order to access the yaml? Or is this not the right way to do it?

jaxb2-maven-plugin with external XSD dependencies

We have a common set of XSDs (datatypes, vocabulary, etc.) we're generating with the jaxb2-maven-plugin in its own Maven project. In a second project, I need to refer to one or more of those XSDs at compile time but don't want them included in the resulting artifact. I've created a catalog file, which works fine except I get everything in it.
I've pored over the plugin docs, but they're woefully light on detail. Is there any way to get reuse out of common schemas without every project having to take a copy of them?
This is something my maven-jaxb2-plugin can do:
Compiling schema from Maven Artifact
The documentation site is currently very unstable so here's snippets of the documentation.
<!-- Can be defined in project dependencies or dependency management -->
Here's a sample project.
