spring boot oauth2 authentication and role based authorization - spring

We are trying to implement spring boot oauth2 authentication and then role based authorization for the front-end application routing.
following is an example what we are trying to achieve. after authentication is done we want to get the groups from jwt or from an api by using the access token and if the groups are there user will be be able to login otherwise will get 403. We have done this for on prem security but trying with oatuh2 but not luck so far.


LDAP Authentication with JWT Spring Boot Application

Currently, I am Using Spring Security with LDAP authentication. But I want to Create one Rest API which will do LDAP authentication and will then I will generate JWT token so for upcoming request I can valid JWT tokens.
Any suggestions to achieve this ?

How does spring security knows which user has been authenticated in azure ad

I am using spring boot with angular for azure ad authentication. In angular i have used Microsoft adal library for authentication. From that I am getting an access token, and passing as header with request to spring boot app. But When i am retrieving SecurityContext object, i am getting anonymous user.
Now how does spring security knows about this user login. Do i need to explicitly do any code for this to get done?
Configure properly azure-spring-boot (ad client id and secret) and then in WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter filter your requests with AADAuthenticationFilter. Check out a sample here.

Spring Boot OAuth2 Could not obtain access token

I'm tring SSO Login with Spring Boot and OAuth2.
I have an oauth2 client running on http://localhost:8001/demo and an oauth2 authorization server running on http://localhost:9001/uaa
In result, after approval page it direct to the approval page again and again.I'm getting back "org.springframework.security.authentication.BadCredentialsException: Could not obtain access token" from the client.
I have no idea what's going on. I did this with Spring Boot1.5 everything seems to be find

Spring Security OAuth - Can it consume JWT tokens from Keycloak

In Spring Security OAuth, can it consume/work with JWT tokens that were generated from a user authenticating with Keycloak? Keycloak's open-id far as that goes, but it all seems to be really similar. I'm still trying to understand the dividing line and also what's similar or same with this.
Basically I'd like to authenticate separately in a REST client then use the token in the Authorization header for REST calls to some web services. There seems to be some JWT stuff in in the Spring Security OAuth, so I'm wondering I can actually use that instead of the Keycloak Spring stuff? Are there any examples of this out there? (I'd love to use the Spring security checks on different methods in my controller)
You can use the Keycloak Spring adapter and still rely on Spring Security annotations for controller security. The main purpose of the Keycloak Spring adapter is simplify the integration with Keycloak for interactive login and also to correctly map JWT access token claims into the Spring Security authentication context.
Reading through the Spring Security OAuth2 documentation, I get the impression that it's not quite ready out of the box to handle OpenID Connect JWT access tokens. However, it's customizable so it could most likely be made to work.
My advice for now is to stick with the Keycloak Spring adapter if you're using Keycloak as your OIDC server. It will save you time and it's well tested with Keycloak.

Spring Boot token-based authentication

How can I implement token-based authentication without cookies for my Spring Boot RESTful application (not MVC)? I've searched the web, but not found any good tutorials.
Create a Authentication filter and check the token in header there. Load the used based on the token from your user store and set it as the request principle.
Checkout the following for an example
Authentication Filter Example
