I've been trying to customize React-select elements but they are all getting these "css-xxx" prefixes as such :
class="user-select css-b62m3t-container"
I dont know where thats coming from (could be Next.js) and I have been asked to modify theses elements using classes but not using those hashes. I've tried this (user-select is my AsyncSelect className):
.user-select {
.control {
border-radius: 0.375rem !important;
border: 1px solid #d2ddec;
.control:focus {
border-radius: 0.375rem !important;
border: 1px solid #d2ddec;
and this aswell :
.user-select {
&__control {
border-radius: 0.375rem !important;
border: 1px solid #d2ddec;
&--is-focused {
border-radius: 0.375rem !important;
border: 1px solid #d2ddec;
as described here How to style react-select options but I have not managed to modify these css properties other than by giving the "css-hash" class names in my scss file.
I would appreciate if you guys could help me understand where these hashes are coming from and what am I doing wrong.
Thanks in advance !
Those hash classes are CSS-in-JS classes created by #emotion, and part of the core library. You use the style override functions to create additional component styles or add additional classes to individual components.
so I've been trying to figure this out but maybe I'm just beating my head against the wall. I'm trying to make a sass mixin that uses null arguments so that the argument will not be included unless a value is specifically assigned to the output like so:
// main mixin
#mixin fontSettings(
$font-size: null,
$line-height: null,
// if null, get the default value
#if not $font-size {
$font-size: -get-font-defaults(font-size);
// if null get, default value
#if not $line-height {
$line-height: -get-font-defaults(line-height);
// calculate font stuff
$font-size: $font-size * 1rem;
$line-height: $line-height * 1rem;
font-size: $font-size;
line-height: $line-height;
// map merge mixin
#mixin -set-font-defaults() {
$-font-defaults: map-merge($-font-defaults, keywords($defaults)) !global;
// function to get map values
#function -get-font-defaults($key){
#return map-get($-font-defaults, $key);
// default settings config map
$-font-defaults: (
'font-size': 1.2,
'line-height': 2,
and usage would be
p {
//output sets fontsize to 12px and line height to 20px
#include fontSettings;
my question is - is there any way to shorten this without having to do an #if validation for each argument? like using a #each loop to loop through the arguments? I keep getting invalid null operations unless I do a validation for each argument separately. if there's no way to shorten this with a loop, then I'll accept that since I'm a noob but if there is a way to shorten this I would appreciate some advise on how to do so. I plan on adding more arguments to the mixing, this is just a test with the two. thanks in advance for any help.
There is an easier way, you need to leverage the optional parameters of the mixin in your favor. By using optional parameters, not defining them allows the default values set in the declaration to kick in like the example below.
#mixin fontSettings($font-size: 1.2, $line-height: 2) {
font-size: $font-size * 1rem;
line-height: $line-height * 1rem;
I am using the built in Laravel 5.2 pagination with the ->render() function to output the pagination links. I need to add a class to the next and previous links in order to style them. Is there a simple way to do it?
If you want to change pagination links style just a little bit (for example, just change some colors), easiest way to do that is overriding some of the pagination related CSS classes. For example, you can add this code to your CSS file and see how links style will be changed:
.pagination>li>a, .pagination>li>span {
color: #6db91c;
border: 1px solid #000;
.pagination>li>a:hover, .pagination>li>span:hover, .pagination>li>a:focus, .pagination>li>span:focus {
color: #fff;
background-color: #6db91c;
border-color: #6db91c
.pagination>.active>a, .pagination>.active>span, .pagination>.active>a:hover, .pagination>.active>span:hover, .pagination>.active>a:focus, .pagination>.active>span:focus {
z-index: 2;
color: #fff;
background-color: #6db91c;
border-color: #6db91c
.pagination>.disabled>span, .pagination>.disabled>span:hover, .pagination>.disabled>span:focus, .pagination>.disabled>a, .pagination>.disabled>a:hover, .pagination>.disabled>a:focus {
color: #000; background-color: #fff; border-color: #000; cursor: not-allowed
If you don't want to do that for some reason, you can create custom pagination.
for front end css framework like i use bulma i simply create jQuery Dom select pagination child li and add class pagination-link example
// Setting Pagination Bulma Class
I have a SCSS file with the following
margin: 0 0.5em;
which works as expected. I would also like a textarea to have the same CSS. Does SCSS have a selector that will allow me to place textarea with the
&[type="text"], &[type="search"]
in the SCSS file but not place the 'input' parent before textarea. The output I'm trying to achieve is as follows
input[type="text"], input[type="search"], textarea {
margin: 0 0.5em;
I know I could do this with a mixin however I was thought this feature was added to SCSS.
#extend works really great in these situations. % is good as a way of implying that this class will only ever be extended.
margin: 0 0.5em;
#extend %baseClass;
#extend %baseClass;
No, you cannot. For a lengthy selector, The best you can do is set it as a variable and use that.
$form-input-text: unquote('input[type="text"], input[type="password"], input[type="search"], input[type="email"], input[type="tel"], input[type="url"]');
#{$form-input-text} {
// styles;
#{$form-input-text}, textarea {
// styles
I'm new to Sass so I need help with the creation of a mixing for my input fields.
However, if anyone knows of an already made mixin for this or if Compass has one that accomplishes this, please let me (us) know.
I currently have the following CSS rules in my .scss file:
select { ... }
select:focus { ... }
Now, as we know HTML5 provides a nice new set of input types, but right now I don't need to add input types like date, month or week, that's why I don't have them listed "yet".
So in the case I need to add them in the future, I'll update that list you see above.
However, my problem is that I feel I'm repeating myself all over here, plus, the work of selecting items, copying, pasting and editing every time for every new input type I add to the list is just plain dumb and I almost sure Sass' mixins can be of help with this. The problem is that creating a mixin for this is honestly very confusing to me.
I've looked around here and the web for something similar but haven't been able to find anything.
Any help with this is greatly appreciated.
Ok, I eventually found the Sass mixing library Bourbon.
They have an 'add-on' for HTML5 input types (here's a link to the .scss file they created), but it doesn't have the :hover or :focus pseudo elements. So I added them.
I honestly don't know if what I did is the best way to write this mixin, but the thing works marvelously:
// Generate a variable ($all-text-inputs) with a list of all html5
// input types that have a text-based input, excluding textarea.
// http://diveintohtml5.org/forms.html
$inputs-list: 'input[type="email"]',
// Webkit & Gecko may change the display of these in the future
$unquoted-inputs-list: ();
#each $input-type in $inputs-list {
$unquoted-inputs-list: append($unquoted-inputs-list, unquote($input-type), comma);
$all-text-inputs: $unquoted-inputs-list;
// You must use interpolation on the variable:
// #{$all-text-inputs}
// #{$all-text-inputs}, textarea {
// border: 1px solid red;
// }
// :hover and :focus pseudo elements
// Added by Ricardo Zea
// http://ricardozea.net
// #ricardozea
// Tracking: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13180807/sass-create-mixin-for-input-fields
$unquoted-inputs-list-hf: ();
#each $input-type-hf in $inputs-list-hf {
$unquoted-inputs-list-hf: append($unquoted-inputs-list-hf, unquote($input-type-hf), comma);
$all-text-inputs-hf: $unquoted-inputs-list-hf;
// You must use interpolation on the variable:
// #{$all-text-inputs-hf}
// #{$all-text-inputs-hf}, textarea {
// border: 1px solid red;
// }
As you can see I copied and pasted the original mixing and added the prefix -hf and of course the :hover and :focus to the new rules.
And in my .scss file I added this #import:
#import "html5-input-types"; (no need for the underline _ or file extension .scss)
And in the 'Forms' section of my .scss file I added these rules:
/*Normal state*/
select { ... }
/*:hover and :focus states*/
select:focus { ... }
I know I have textarea and select outside the mixin file (html5-input-types.scss), not sure yet if I'm including them in it or not, gotta think about it.
Anyway, this worked for me pretty well and although I will still need to update the html5-input-types.scss if anything changes in the future, at least I'm handling these input fields way more efficiently than before.
Hopefully what I did here helps someone else.
And if any of you has a suggestion to improve the mixin, by all means let me (us) know.
In case anyone comes across this for the same reason I did. Why not let SASS do the work?
$form-background: #f8f8f8;
$form-color: #000;
$form-border: 1px solid lighten($form-color, 50%);
$form-focus-background: darken($form-background, 10%);
$form-focus-color: #999;
$form-focus-border: 1px solid $form-color;
%input-styles {
width: 15em;
min-height: 30px;
margin: 0 0 15px 15px;
background: $form-background;
color: $form-color;
border: $form-border;
transition: .2s ease-in-out;
transition-property: color, background-color, border;
%input-styles--focus {
background-color: $form-focus-background;
color: $form-focus-color;
border: $form-focus-border;
#mixin input-styles($styles, $focus_styles) {
$types: 'email', 'number', 'radio', 'password', 'search', 'tel',
'text', 'url', 'color', 'date', 'datetime',
'datetime-local', 'month', 'time', 'week';
#each $type in $types {
input[type="#{$type}"] {
#extend #{$styles};
&:focus {
#extend #{$focus_styles};
textarea {
#extend #{$styles};
&:focus {
#extend #{$focus_styles};
#include input-styles('%input-styles', '%input-styles--focus');