I tried to create a multi step form using Vue 3 and Quasar UI framework with validation, i'm using q-stepper component , but i want to validate inputs step by step.
can i use muliple q-form ? or only one ?
Any help please ?
You could use QStepper component and leverage the internal validation of QInput component to achieve this goal.
Please check my example on codepen https://codepen.io/hoangdng-the-sans/pen/YzLKXaG
Can we do pagination inside a custom component in hybris?
We have a requirement wherein the pagination needs to be done inside a custom component.
Is there any way through which we can achieve it..
Owl carousel comes packaged with the Hybris accelerator frontend. It's quite easy to use - take a look at the demos below and see if it suits your requirements.
I am trying to migrate from ngx-translate to Angular i18n approach and wanted to make sure a few points before migration.
Is it possible to translate inside the service and component without any template? In ngx-translate it was possible using translate pipe.
Is there any approach which angular has introduced for V7 or planning to introduce in v8 for translating inside component and service level?
Is this currently only possible using workaround and there is no angular way to do it? If yes, shall i go with angular i18n approach OR better to continue with ng-tranlate package?
Thanks in advance!
You can find the corresponding gitlab issue here. There is still no milestone set to it, so I guess it will take some more time for this feature to be implemented.
For those who are looking for a possible workaround to get translations inside Angular 7- components: I personally use the following workaround, which you also can find together with some other proposals in the gitlab issue:
Create hidden elements in the template
<span style="display: none;" #trans-foo i18n>foo</span>
Bind them using
#ViewChild('trans-foo') transFoo : ElementRef;
Then retrieve the translated value
I want to know how to validate a field in vue js using vee validate plugin
I have used Vee-validation in many projects. The link http://vee-validate.logaretm.com/ provides good documentation.
However, I am sharing with you a small example from which you can try further and let me know if you need any other help. Hope this helps you :)
Link to JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/narwanimonish19/13tggr2x/
I would to know , how to validate custom form values in ez publish 5?
any help or links to topics would be very helpful for me.
If the form is a custom Symfony Form, then eZ Platform doesn't provide anything special for it. You must configure validation for your form the way you would with Symfony alone.
If the custom form is related to content, then I need more details in order to answer.
You can refer code from eZ Platform Demo Bundle for Form processing:
I have started a new AEM project in eclipse that has
I have a local instance of 5.6.1 running and I would like to create a very simple form (firstname, lastname) and have it persist data such that I can view data for all forms submitted. Also, I would like for the form to be approve/rejected (e.g. user1 submits the form, user2 accepts/rejects it).
I'm new to AEM and have been looking at docs and trying to find a tutorial for it for a while now but haven't been successful.
Can someone please walk me through how to accomplish this simple form? Once I can do this I can build-up more functionality on my own.
What I've tried
I tried to create a form in the Geometrixx Media site but I don't see form template there.
I also tried following this tutorial but it didn't help since its for 6.0 and is confusing to the point that I don't follow it at all.
You need some basic understanding of how cq/aem works in order to accomplish the task you started. But in the simplest use case, you need the following things:
You can create new cq page component and define in the jsp the html markup of the form you need
Or you can build a page/component using the /libs/foundation/components/form components. Start reading the best from the page developing forms.
The form action can point to the component itself where you can store the data (if you create a page with a component who is responsible for rendering the form) and in this case you can let sling post processor to handle the data storage or you can define your own action with a servlet where you can create a node on your desired location.
The second part of you question is about approving/rejecting submitted data. I guess, that you are talking about workflows. Every time the form is submitted you have to create a new node (or let sling to create it) and than start a workflow for moderating the content. You use here as example the implementation of the social comments and the moderation workflow.