How to delete an account created through ./acme-account-creation-tool - ibm-secrets-manager

I have created an account through below command -
./acme-account-creation-tool -e email -o my-letsencrypt -d letsencrypt-prod
How can I delete the account created by above command?


Role not created after using psql -c "create user...."

I'm trying to create a script that creates readonly users but while trying to create a user my database doesn't update with the new user. The terminal returns a "CREATE ROLE" and no errors.
I've tried setting -U -h -p and calling the current_user() which shows that I'm the superuser making the call.
psql \
-X \
-h $DBHOST \
-p $PORT \
-c "create user readonly with password 'welcome';" \
I'm connected to my postgres via goland and when I run the shell file which runs that psql the terminal returns a "CREATE ROLE" but the postgres isn't reflecting any new roles and when I run the query in the PostgresSQL console to find my readonly user 0 rows are found. I expected the shell script to create a user and update my local database.
As Laurenz Albe mentioned in the comment removing the \ at the end resolved this issue.

Send mails to multiple users with looping using mailx and output from another file

Project scope: Locking few users and sending them email that has to be automated.
Issue: the mailx part isn't working as I need help on how to input the options for mailx.
DB server: AIX 7.x
I have a file that has the below:
alter user x1 account lock;
alter user x2 account lock;
I have to use the x1,x2.. and send these user individual email using mailx.
Part of my script is:
for i in $(cat Test_lock_users.log)
print mailx -c -s "WARNING - $ORACLE_SID User account Locked" " $"
Korn shell script as stated above in #2. This is on AIX 7.x server
I got the output as given below and no email sent to the address.
mailx -c -s WARNING - $ORACLE_SID User account Locked
mailx -c -s WARNING - $ORACLE_SID User account Locked
No error message either. Its just gave the output and how to execute/run the mailx with x1, x2 inputs?

can't create IAM access key via bash

I'm trying to rotate AWS IAM access keys via bash script.
I am able to deactivate and delete access keys that are there. But after the last key is deleted and even after a 30 second sleep command, I still get this error trying to create the new key:
An error occurred (LimitExceeded) when calling the CreateAccessKey operation: Cannot exceed quota for AccessKeysPerUser: 2
This is my code:
echo "Deleting AWS user access key: $user_access_key1"
aws iam delete-access-key --access-key-id "$user_access_key1" --user-name "$aws_user_name" --profile "$aws_key"
sleep 2
# Check if key still exists
aws iam list-access-keys --user-name "$aws_user_name" --profile "$aws_key" --output text --query 'AccessKeyMetadata[*].[AccessKeyId,Status]' | sed -e '1d')
sleep 30
#Create new keys
new_keys=( $(aws iam create-access-key --user-name "$user_name" --profile="$aws_env" | jq -r '.AccessKey[] | (.SecretAccessKey, .AccessKeyId)') )
I'm able to verify that the previous key is gone after the script deletes it. So why am I not able to create a new key after deleting the last one?

How to get SFTP login alert (email or SMS) on ubuntu?

I want to get Email or/and SMS alert whenever someone logs into my server. I have successfully done this for SSH login by editing .bashrc file.
But this method doesn't work for SFTP login.
I know I can do this by extracting information from log files, but i want a more efficient way (Since users can delete from log file).
I have also tried this, but it doesn't work.(I'm using ubuntu 12.04).
Basically, I want to execute a curl command (SMS API) on successful login.
Please help, thank you.
First, make sure you have the sendmail package (sudo apt-get install sendmail).
You can create or edit the file /etc/ssh/sshrc and give it the following code to achieve this:
ip=`echo $SSH_CONNECTION | cut -d " " -f 1`
logger -t ssh-wrapper $USER login from $ip echo "User $USER logged in from $ip" | sendemail -q -u "Email Title" -f "Sender <>" -t "Your Name <>" -s &
Fill the appropriate variables (sender and recipient names and addresses) into this code.

Postgres createuser.exe silent execution from batch script

I am finding myself with the issue of needing to execute the postgres createuser.exe from a batch script and cannot get it to stop prompting me with the following:
Enter name of role to add:
my batch script looks like this:
echo calling createuser!
createuser username %super_user% -s -U Super_Postgres s -q
Where %super_user% is a command line argument. Any help would be greatly appreciated, this is the documentation that I am referring too: postgres
"username" should go at the end, after the options. You have it as the first parameter.
from the documentation
The following is from the documentation listed above
To create the same user joe using the server on host eden, port 5000, avoiding the prompts and taking a look at the underlying command:
$ createuser -h eden -p 5000 -S -D -R -e joe
To create the user joe as a superuser, and assign a password immediately:
$ createuser -P -s -e joe
Enter password for new role: xyzzy
Enter it again: xyzzy
