How to remove y-ticklabels, y-label and x-label from seaborn [duplicate] - seaborn

This question already has answers here:
How to remove or hide y-axis ticklabels from a matplotlib / seaborn plot
(1 answer)
How to remove or hide x-axis labels from a seaborn / matplotlib plot
(1 answer)
Closed 6 months ago.
When plotting a count plot in seaborn with the code : g=sns.countplot(x='Vertical', data=Report), am getting x-label as "Vertical" and y-label as "count" and values along y-axis. How to remove x-label, y-label and y-values?


Seaborn heatmap only apply to subset of columns

I tried different seaborn functions and pandas style functions. I want to apply a heatmap with center=0 (positive value gets red heatmap, negative values gets blue heatmap) while keeping all the categorical columns uncolored.
When I was using sns.diverging_palette together with pandas style.background_gradient(), I can specify subset of columns to be colored. But cannot specify the color center as 0.
When using sns.heatmap(), How to set center color in heatmap, it allows you to set center as 0 but the input has to be all numerical....
Is there a method to do both, so that I can apply heatmap to both positive/negative values while keeping the categorical columns uncolored?

Plot scatterplot without y-values in plotly.js

I would like to implement a scatterplot over timeline using plotly.js, similar to the image below.
Plotly takes in x and y values to plot the chart. But I will be plotting x-values(time) without any y-values. Is it possible to do so ? Or can I generate random values for y-axis ? Any suggestion or idea would be great.

dc.js Scatter Plot with Vertical Brush

We are preparing to upgrade our application from dc.js v2 & d3.js v3 to the latest code dc.js v3.0.6 and d3.js 5.6. 18 months ago as we were getting with dc.js we developed our own vertical brushing for the scatter plot.
I was interested when I notice dc.js v3 coordinateGridMixin had a new method brush([]). I saw all the notes and cautions, but was hoping it would be simple to use just a vertical brush on the scatter plot by defining
So now the scatter plot only allows vertical brushing visually, but of course errors occur because scatter plot is expecting 2 dimensional brushing by default and it has override coordinateGridMixin brushing code.
What is the best ay to approach my requirement to only allow vertical brushing on a scatter plot?

python get coordinates (pixels) of corresponding points from clicks [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Store mouse click event coordinates with matplotlib
(3 answers)
Detecting mouse event in an image with matplotlib
(2 answers)
Determine button clicked subplot in matplotlib
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have two images which I want to do the following using python 3.6
1- plot both images side by side
2- click on one image and output the corresponding pixel coordinates
3- click on the second image and get the corresponding pixel coordinates
note: this question is different because it has to work on two images by finding the axis the click event is happening.
I think the best way is to have a function that identifies which axis i am clicking on and gets the clicked coordinates. I couldn't find much of a resources for two images, mostly what I found is on one image.

MATLAB - Projecting a quadrilateral to a rectangle [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Warping an image using control points
(2 answers)
How to warp an image into a trapezoidal shape in MATLAB
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have an image of a quadrilateral (the image is of a rectangle, but in an unknown perspective). Assume it looks something like this:
Also, assume I've found the coordinates for the quadrilateral's corners (hence the black arrows, which are NOT part of the actual image).
What I want is, given the 4 corners' coordinates, to take only the quadrilateral and project it to a rectangle of a given size (say, height h and width w).
Meaning, the result should be:
I've tried several things (like imwarp, for example) but can't get the result I'm looking for.
How do I go about making this in MARLAB?
EDIT: I should mention that thus far, using MATLAB's fitgoetrans and imwarp transformed the image, but didn't create a new image containing just the shape.
