I have been using Powerlevel 10k with Zsh on MacOS Monterey.
Now that I've just installed Anaconda for MacOS, whenever I open a new tab in the terminal iTerm, I get the following message:
[WARNING]: Console output during zsh initialization detected.
When using Powerlevel10k with instant prompt, console output during zsh
initialization may indicate issues.
You can:
- Recommended: Change ~/.zshrc so that it does not perform console I/O
after the instant prompt preamble. See the link below for details.
* You will not see this error message again.
* Zsh will start quickly and prompt will update smoothly.
- Suppress this warning either by running p10k configure or by manually
defining the following parameter:
* You will not see this error message again.
* Zsh will start quickly but prompt will jump down after initialization.
- Disable instant prompt either by running p10k configure or by manually
defining the following parameter:
* You will not see this error message again.
* Zsh will start slowly.
- Do nothing.
* You will see this error message every time you start zsh.
* Zsh will start quickly but prompt will jump down after initialization.
For details, see:
-- console output produced during zsh initialization follows --
(eval):13: unmatched "
I have tried:
conda config --set changeps1 false
But it didn't work.
How do I fix it?
Aparently solved
As stated in this reddit thread, I have tried:
Open the .zsh config:
❯ nvim ~/.zshrc
And at the top of the file, add the following line:
Then reload the zsh config:
source ~/.zshrc
And it seemed to work
I had same warning because, in my file "~/.zshrc"
At the last line I had :
# Load Angular CLI autocompletion.
source <(ng completion script)
After i remove it the warning has disappeared, hope it can help you
I was trying to install Kaggle but then all of a u sudden I see:
#x86_64-apple-darwin13 on my terminal.
How do I switch this back? I was trying some solutions I found online but every time I run open ~.bash_profile it says:
zsh: no such user or named directory: .bash_profile
Every time turn on terminal, conda will be activated automatically.
Try the following command should work
conda config --set auto_activate_base false
I wanted to reinstall flutter but I am getting this error, how can I resolve it?
Run the following command to see if there are any dependencies you need to install to complete the setup (for verbose output, add the -v flag):
flutter doctor
You can update your PATH variable for the current session at the command line, as shown in Get the Flutter SDK. You’ll probably want to update this variable permanently, so you can run flutter commands in any terminal session.
The steps for modifying this variable permanently for all terminal sessions are machine-specific. Typically you add a line to a file that is executed whenever you open a new window. For example:
Determine the directory where you placed the Flutter SDK. You need this in Step 3.
Open (or create) the rc file for your shell. Typing echo $SHELL in your Terminal tells you which shell you’re using. If you’re using Bash, edit $HOME/.bash_profile or $HOME/.bashrc. If you’re using Z shell, edit $HOME/.zshrc. If you’re using a different shell, the file path and filename will be different on your machine.
I am using PyCharm 2019.3.3 (Community Edition) on Windows 8. I wanted to integrate Git bash in the PyCharm terminal. I have set the shell path in the terminal application settings of PyCharm as
C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe
The problem occurs when I activate a venv virtual ennvironment, set up using
python -m venv env
by running
source env/Scripts/activate
I think env is active as I see two parenthesis, () and typing pip freeze displays all installed packages in env. But this is accompanied with an error message that displays in the terminal
bash: basename: command not found
This same message is logged after typing commands like ls, clear which doesn't work but pip freeze and pip --version work. And when I deactivate env, ls, clear and pip stopped working displaying the mentioned error message.
All this problems do not occur in the Git bash application for Windows irrespective of whether I am in env or global environment and all commands work properly. I know I can just use Git bash instead of the integrated terminal of PyCharm but just wanted an answer to this problem.
What seems to be the problem here? Am I setting up my shell path wrongly or is this problem specific to PyCharm?
I solved this issue by disabling "Activate Virtualenv" checkbox in File -> Settings -> Tools -> Terminal
Since, pycharm documents does not show any support for 'Git Bash', that is probably the reason for this weird behaviour.
Terminal Options in Pycharm
This happened right after I tried to install pyenv and then virtualenvrapper.
As soon as I open iTerminal I get a "Broken Pipe" message and macOS terminal also shuts down immediately.
I have been trying to debug my .bash_profile but uncommenting one after another but without avail
I tried updating homebrew and bash but no change (using a previously open iterm session)
I restarted my computer with the unfortunate effect that I can't access iterm or terminal now (all old sessions closed)
I am quite at loss here now, I have no clue why this happened and how to go about fixing it without having a functioning terminal.
I'd appreciate any advice or pointers.
Following #user1934428 advice I added set -x to all the bash startup files, unfortunately was still met with the same problem. Changing the startup shell in the terminal preferences didn't work.
Thankfully when using emacs ansi-term I was able to get some information/feedback message:
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run chsh -s /bin/zsh.
For more details, please visit https://support.apple.com/kb/HT208050.
Following the link I found that default shell has been changed to zsh Catalina. So I went and followed the instructions on the support page and changed the default shell back to bash, which fixed the problem. I am not quite sure why this problem occurred initially since the Broken Pipe Error appeared before I updated to Catalina.
Anyways changing the default shell back to bash shell fixed everything
My mac terminal is completely dysfunctional! Every time I open terminal I get this message:
-bash: export: `/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.10/bin/:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin': not a valid identifier
The problem came about a while ago, I believe I was attempting to install composer to work with MAMP.
Today I started a beginner tutorial on how to use the Terminal and almost every command does not work such as the basic mkdir , ls , and touch (to make folder, list items, and make a file respectively), (screenshot attached).
I have already tried deleting the ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Terminal.plist file. Your help is greatly appreciated.
I am working with Mac OS X 10.10.2
screenshot of terminal after making basic commands
It looks like you have an error in your .bash_profile or other startup script. Open it on terminal using vi ~/.bash_profile or some other editor of your choice and comment out that line, then type source .bash_profile to reload it.