Bearer Token for REST API in SpringBoot without Authentication - spring-boot

I have a simple REST API which is a GET service and doesn't require any user login to consume, but I want to protect it using Bearer Token, when I research on this in internet it's been showed that I need to implement bearer token only after user logs in and authenticated. Is there a way in springboot where I can generate a token for my API and give it to client and client calls my API with that and the program validates the same and provides response?

You have the OAuth2TokenGenerator available in Spring Authorization Server.


springboot APIs to use Auth0

We are trying to use auth0 for spring-boot application authentication.
Created Regular Web Application and Machine to Machine Applications in and added users under User Management.
Intention is to have a login API to authenticate users and get the access-token after the successful authentication. Use access token (as bearer token) to access other APIs of the spring-boot application.
We provided proper login and callback urls under the Machine To Machine application configuration in
While generating bearer token, apart from client_id, client_secret we have provided grant_type (as client_credentials), audience as https://<>/api/v2 and scope with (openid profile my_scope email roles).
We are getting 401 error while accessing the other APIs using bearer token generated using client_id, client_secret, grant_type and audience.
Wherein, we are getting 403 error while accessing the other APIs using bearer token generated using client_id, client_secret, grant_type, audience and scope.
403 error stack is as below
Client is not authorized to access <<application-domain-in-auth0>>/api/v2/. You need to create a client-grant associated to this API.
We referred to the udemy session (
Any inputs on the overall approach and where we are going wrong.
Venkata Madhu
not sure if it can help, but found this more relevant to the problem statement.
There are a few things you need to do/check:
Create a non-interactive client in Auth0, which will be used to represent your service.
Authorize the non-interactive client to call the Auth0 Management API:
Dashboard > APIs > Auth0 Management API > Non Interactive Clients > Authorize your client
Ensure that the parameters used in the call to /oauth/token are for your non interactive client:
grant_type: 'client_credentials',
audience: '" }
Make sure the access token you receive is passed in the Authorization header for every request made to the Management API. Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Can AWS LAMBDA Web API authenticate by middleware if you send jwt token in the header

I have a .net core 3.1 web api authenticated by jwt in the middle ware pipline.Works fine. I converted the web api to a lambda web api by adding a aws Lambda entry class and published into aws with an API Gateway in front
All the endpoints without Authorization attribute worked fine.
All the endpoints with Authorization attribute gets 401.
All request has a jwt Authorization Bearer token header
One endpoint without Authorization attribute reponses with all the headers converted to a string.From that i can see the request's jwt is getting thru to the endpoint.
1.Why isnt the endpoint giving me 401 even tho there is a token?
2.Does AWS lambda or the API getway not pass the header direstly?
3.Do I need to configure the api geteway to send the header to the lamdbda endpoint?
4.Can Lambda authenticate by pipline like a normal web api?
Another solution was to use authorization Lambda with the API GETWAY.
If I use authorization Lambda does that mean my end point wont need the authorization attriibutes any more because it done in the getway?
JWT is generated and authenticated by Firebase.
It works I finally figured the reason. Its so awesome you can have Web api as a Lambda in aws. I can now spend less money in AWS.

Using Kong API Gateway key-auth plugin with keycloak protected rest apis

My setup is as follows:
Rest APIs (Spring boot)
Front-end application (Angular 8)
Auth Server (Keycloak)
Current scenario:
User enters the username and password in the angular login page.
Angular makes a POST request and gets the access token, refresh token etc. from keycloak server.
In all subsequent request to rest api server(which is bearer only), the access token is passed in
header as "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
Rest api looks at the role of the user and based on that either returns the desired data or throws a 403 Forbidden exception.
What I want:
To authenticate external users using an api-key and then add rate-limiting to it. For that, i am using Kong API Gateway. For internal or trusted users that login through the angular app, the existing access token flow should work.
When using apikey in Kong, it does pass the Kong's authentication but the rest api server still expects an access token and hence get the 401 unauthorized error.
I found the solution for this. Basically you need to configure an anonymous consumer and enable multiple authentication methods using the Kong's key-auth plugin for api-key based security and openid-connect plugin for keycloak based security.
For those who don't have Kong Enterprise, since openid-connect plugin is not open source, you can configure just the key-auth plugin with anonymous access enabled and then handle the keycloak based authentication in your rest application.

Django rest framework working with multiple apps

My aim is to authorize browsable API(first app) using the JWT token generated(second app).
I have two apps created,
1. API - has all the data
2. Authentication - generate JWT tokens after validating the user.
Now, when I try to access the API after generating the token it says,
Authentication credentials were not provided.
Trying to access the API (passing the bearer whatevertoken)
I mean, is there a way to authenticate the Browsable API using JWT token? Instead of creating a user session.
Passing Authorization header as,
"Authorization: JWT token"
authenticates the user.
But, limits me to browse the API in a browser. Is there any way we can implement Browsable API using JWT authentication?
A thorough reading on
Authentication classes
Permission classes
Django settings
Helped in understanding the core concepts and apply appropriate solutions.

call openshift rest api to get api token

I want to get an API token for a specific user using openshift rest api. I have a web application which can be used by any user in my organization. I want to be able to authenticate the user in my application using an internal oauth service, after authentication, i want to authorize the user to be able to call openshift rest apis.
I have found 2 APIs, /authorize and /token which get called up to generate api tokens which can be sent as Bearer 'Token' in the REST APIs headers. But not able to find a way to call them. I have been facing CORS errors calling these APIs using AJAX request.
This url is internal to my organisation which authenticates the employees if not authenticated, and then displays a token on the web page. I want to be able to get that token.
