Exporting Application Pools Windows server 2016 to 2022 (IIS) - windows

I´m trying to Migrate from a older server with Microsoft Server 2016
to a complete new Server with 2022. Both with IIS 10.
I want to export all the application Pools from IIS and all the Sites.
Here´s a great article (it looks like that at first glance): https://support.secureauth.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044586932-Import-Export-IIS-Site-and-App-Pool-Configuration
But this script does not work:
"..To export app pools, please run the following from an elevated command prompt":
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd list apppool /config /xml > c:\apppools.xml
Nothing is created on my c-drive, no appools.xml is generated with this script.
So, what could possible be wrong?
Or are there anyone else with another idea hos to export and import with
ApplicationsPools in Windows server with IIS 10?
Really appreciate your answer


Recommandation while using MSOffice 2016 with AbcPdf on Windows Server 2012

I'm trying to configure MSOffice 2016(x64) on a Windows Server 2012(x64) to run with ABCPdf
At runtime, the application fails because of this message: "Failed to get MS Office installation path."
So far I couldn't find an explicit explanation of why this problem occurs.
The application pool uses the "ApplicationPoolIdentity" (instead of dedicated account) and Office has been installed with an account having Admin privileges.
I also followed recommandation on websupergoo website link here
Machine has been restarted after installation, DCOM config has been made accordingly to instructions given (both for folders and launch/activation);
Is there any way to login as Application Pool user in cmd to run WinWord once ?
Is there any AppData file to copy from one user to another - like for OpenOffice installation ?
For anyone trying this kind of configuration, please be aware that highest compatible version with AbcPDF is Office 2013. Office 2016 is compatible from version 10.
Below, answer from support
The highest version with ABCpdf 9 is Office 2013 - for Office 2016 you
would need to upgrade to ABCpdf 10.
Since office was preinstalled on my laptop, i had to reinstall office 365 through the Office app that was already available.. then abcpdf was able to find my installation path

Should I use a windows service?

Hi I have a console app which I need to start up when Windows Server 2012 starts and without needing to login. I've done a bit of research and people advise a windows service is the correct approach, however the links are quite old and I wanted to confirm this is still the case, or indeed correct at all. Cheers.
Yes, Windows Service is still the most popular way to write and run servers and or a 'daemon' in Windows OS.
Depending on what your application is doing, you might have other options though, e.g. hosting an application in IIS (Microsoft's Web server application in Windows Server).
More recently, Microsoft has been working with Docker to also allow the use of containerized application deployments, which is available in new versions of Windows Server (Windows Server 2016).
Here are a few resources for more reading:
For .NET developers: Walkthrough: Creating a Windows Service Application in the Component Designer
Not just for .NET developers: Quick Start: Windows Containers on Windows Server

Office web apps unattended server installation

Our IT-department wants a script for everything that should be installed on any of our servers. They don't want to use installation wizards and click next-next-next (don't ask me why)
We need to install Office Web Apps Server to be used with our SharePoint 2013 solution.
Is it possible to install this without having to use the wizard? (with a script)
in Office Web Apps server folders, there is a folder called Files\setupsilent\ where you will find config.xml. this file contain information about silent installation of Office Web Apps Server.
call the installer like this (if your Office Web Apps server installer is extracted in c:\OWA)
setup.exe /config files\setupsilent\config.xml
this will be complete silent setup. You will not see any screens. If you like to see wizard and progress bar proceeding automatically (passive), you can change the
"Display Level="none" in this config.xml
Display Level="basic"
hope it helps.

Automatic installer for a web app on Windows 7 (or higher)

I have a web application implemented in ASP.NET MVC3 and SQL Server 2008 Express. It's relatively small so I can deploy it in local computer of my clients (Windows 7 or higher).
Currently, I deploy it manually by create new web site in IIS, copy published files to the folder of website, install SQL Server 2008R2 and use Management Studio to restore database with some initial data.
It's OK with me but not with my clients. They can't do the same things. What I want is an automatic installer, my clients just need to click a few buttons to get all done.
Specifically, this automatic installer must do the following things:
Install SQL Server 2008R2 Express and restore the initial database.
Install IIS7 (if it's not enabled in Windows 7).
Create a new app pool (V4) and a new Web Site use this pool. Then copy published files to the folder of the Web Site.
The installler can run aspnet_regiis command and grant permission for NETWORK SERVICE account to TEMP folder. This is required for web site to run.
The installer can copy some fonts to Font folder of Windows.
I see many app can do this automatic installer, but after googling I can't find a thorough solution to try.
Please give me some advice on this. Thanks in advance!
If you want a free solution, WiX is what you need, but it will take you some time to learn using it if you never created a package with it.
A more easy to use, and also powerful, but payed tool, is Advanced Installer, you need Professional edition, but you can try it for free with the 30 days trial mode. It has predefined prerequisite for SQL Server Express, built-in support to install IIS entities, and set file/folder permissions. Bassically all the requirements you need.
To enable any IIS feature you can simply add a PowerShell script.

Deploying a silverlight webapp from Visual Studio 2010 to Windows 7 IIS

Hope somebody can give me some info regarding this.
I have a silverlight web app (.NET 4). I would like to use msdeploy to deploy it to IIS 7 running on a Windows 7 64 bit machine.
I have read many pages and have tried a lot of the steps in them so far but am still struggling.
What I have done:
1. Installed Web Platform Installer.
2. Installed msdeploy
3. Started and set to automatically start: "Web Deployment Agent Service" and "Web Management Service"
4. Created a web site in IIS 7 and set permissions.
5. Tested the website "http://server/page and get a blank directory browsing because nothing is added yet.
So now I would like to deploy but am getting an error : "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it:
I have tested telnet'ing to the address on port 8172 which fails.
It is suggested that msdeploy is not configured correctly and I need to Enable Remote Connections. However it does not seem that Windows 7 IIS 7 has the icons in IIS to do this. (No "Management Service" option under add / remove features of IIS)
Does this mean i can not deploy to Windows 7 IIS 7?
Or is there another way to enable remote connections, perhaps using powershell?
Any help is greatly appreciated
