Composer - RuntimeException in RootPackageLoader after laminas-migration - composer-php

I have a strange issue with composer. Having installed as per website docs, and has been working perfectly for days. Updating a zf2 project to laminas. All seemed to be ok after a successful use of laminas-migrate. Updated the new laminas dependencies and was asked to inject Laminas\ComposerAutoloading into my modules.config.php - all ok. After that, i've been getting the following message when i run composer update:
RootPackageLoader.php line 162:
require.laminas/laminas-di is invalid, it should have a vendor name, a forward slash, and a package name. The vendor and package name can be words separated by -, . or _. The complete name should match "^a-z0-9/a-z0-9$".
This even happens if i am in my project dir and run composer -V.
Strangely, if i cd / then run composer -V, i get the correct output (composer version without the RootPackageLoader exception).
I have deleted composer from /usr/local/bin and reinstalled, issue persists.

After a few evenings of going round in circles, i ended up deleting the whole project and starting afresh. This time, there were none of the above issues with laminas-migrate. The only thing i did differently was to run laminas-migrate on the project straight out of the repo, instead of trying to update all the packages to as-close-to-zf3 before migrating to laminas. Seemed to work fine.


Laravel Error "Unable to load the "app" configuration file" after Windows file restore

Bad mistake this morning. I uninstalled WAMP Server which deleted the Wamp folder and all its projects.
I restored the wamp folder from backup. WAMP is up and running on upgraded PHP and settings as before, however:
Laravel projects won't start - getting blank whoops pages on any Laravel project. When I cd into any project folder and try to run php artisan, I get:
Unable to load the "app" configuration file.
The 'config/app.php' does indeed exist. And, all the restored files appear correct.
As a test, I installed a new Laravel project and it works correctly. I also am able to clone a project from a Git repo, npm update & composer install, and that works. So, I don't think the problem is with the WAMP stack.
I need some direction troubleshooting this. Thanks!
The problem is that Windows changes the case of some file names during restore. What a drag. There seems to be no reasonable answer except make the switch to Apple.
For example, in the Laravel config folder, Windows restored these files with proper case, App.php, Auth.php, Queue.php, and View.php. Everything else was left lowercase as they need to be.
Correcting the case of these files fixed the problem for now (until I find other mis-cased files).
Make sure this file exist

Installing only new packages from composer.json

I'm trying to make composer update only newly added packages to composer.json i.e when I manually add a package dependency to the composer.json file, it should update the composer.lock file only for the new package; the rest of the packages should be at the same version as before. I tried running composer update --lock but I don't think it does what I'm trying to achieve and it took a lot of time to finish. I checked the commands on composer's documentation but can't find one to achieve my wish. Any advice or workaround will be appreciated.
Note: I'm using Laravel Forge, so there is a 2 minutes deployment limit.
In order to install only new packages with composer you should run
composer install
Because composer update will install your new packages but will update and all the other already installed packages.
You can specify the name of the package as an argument to the update command. This will perform a partial update: composer update the-package/you-want-to-update
I think your question is related to your (guessed) current workflow: To add a new package you edit the composer.json file and then run composer update - wishing to only add/update that new file.
If that is true, here is the solution:
composer require new/package will add the newest possible version (taking into account the currently installed packages) of the new package. Benefits: Only one command line, and no fiddling with JSON content.
If you already know which version you want, you could also run composer require new/package:^2.1.25#beta (or whatever version and stability level you want - this example is exaggerating a bit). If this version is incompatible with existing packages, nothing will get installed, everything will get rolled back, and you get an error message.

Laravel 4 class not found after doployment to production

Class 'App\Package\PackageServiceProvider' not found
After moving my laravel directories to my server. The app is under psr-0.
The same files are found and working locally without any errors.
I tried to update composer with and without dump but nothing changes.
Why does that happen?
By default, the vendor directory is not checked into your git repository. So, just run composer install on your server and it should take care of the rest.

Laravel 4: php artisan down not defined

I've updated my Laravel installation with the following commands today (which is a few days after Laravel 4's release date):
php composer self-update
php composer update
You can have a look at my composer.json file here:
In the Docs I've found out about the Maintenance Mode... ( Trying to use it returns:
Command "down" is not defined.
Command I've entered in the terminal for this exception:
php artisan down
My current version:
php artisan --version
Laravel Framework version 4.0.0
Any ideas? Did i miss something, am I still on some old version possibly?
Thanks in advance and best regards, Martin.
The fix for me was to update the 'providers' array in ./app/config/app.php. I thought I was doing a pretty good job of manually updating the L4 skeleton near the end of the beta period, but there was a minor change in that array (not sure which line) that allowed the 'down' command to finally appear in artisan.
The first thing I suggest you do is just run php artisan list to get a list of all the available commands. If the up and down commands aren't listed then you probably aren't fully updated.
If you have a bootstrap/compiled.php file try deleting it. Also make sure you pull the latest changes in from the laravel/laravel GitHub repository to update your application skeleton.
Once you've done the above you can again check for the existence of the commands by running php artisan list.
In app/start/global.php (or app/start/artisan.php), you need:
App::down(function() { return Response::make("Be right back!", 503); });
don't you?
Perhaps you could also try updating laravel via composer "composer update" in CLI.
I've just installed a clean Laravel 4 clone and tryed the maintenance mode with it.
Everything's working as supposed...
I've also compared the composer.json files + I'm pretty sure I've done nothing wrong updating to the stable release version even thought my app/start/* php-files remain unchanged.
Composer seems to not override the php files in app/start/* which would be needed in order to get the maintenance mode working correctly. Probably there are even more files not being updated. This also makes a lot of sense, since you could have done some important customizations to your application there.
Correct me if I'm wrong... I'll start importing my package into a clean install thought. Don't want to run into more trouble due to this.
Best Regards, Martin.

Installing Zend Framework 2 on XAMPP in Windows

I know this question may have appeared few times here and in the internet. But still I feel it is not clear for somebody who wanted to enter into the world of frameworks. I have followed these links Rob Allens Tutorial, ZF Quick Tutorial.
But some how I feel it is not quite clear with the installation part. I have a windows system basically Vista with the newest version of XAMPP installed. I have downloaded the latest version of ZFSkeletonApplication from this link ZFSkeletonApp, extracted the skeleton contents, renamed the folder to zendframework and moved it to xampp folder i.e now ZF skeleton is in c:\xampp\zendframework.
So until here everything seems clear and easy, from here I am some how lost with the configurations. Can some one elaborate the things from here how to install the Zf and make it work, like changes in the include paths, .htaccess files and so on. Please do remember that I have windows with XAMPP on it. If some one can guide me exactly for this set up, it would be helpful.
P.S. It would be good if one can provide info about the changes which I need to make with examples consisting of paths, so that I am not lost, for example like you can find .htaccess file here(ex pathname), changes in .htaccess file should be so and so.
For future references, i also made a big post on how to install ZF2 on a windows xampp environment right here Install ZF2 on Windows Xampp
OK, i have done this on multiple systems now. For a home system the following steps work quite well:
Download msysGit and install it to any directory
Run the git-cmd.bat from the msysGit-Folder
Move into the directory you want i.e. C:\xampp\htdocs\ (this is done via cd dirname or cd .. to go up a level, change partition with D: and hit enter)
Run the following command. The <OptionalFolderName> would be the name of a Sub-Directory of htdocs, if you skip this, the folder will get named ZendSkeletonApplication
git clone git:// <OptionalFolderName>
Possible Trouble Scenario (fatal:unable to connect to
Once again at workplaces, pretty often the default port (9418) for the git-protocol is blocked. If this is the case for you, then you should try one of the following Commands
git clone <OptionalFolderName>
git clone <OptionalFolderName>
Now you are not done yet. The skeleton Application is installed, but the framework is still missing, here some people might run into the first problems, but this actually is quite easy.
We're still at the command line interface
cd <OptionalFolderName> or cd ZendSkeletonApplication depending on what you did earlier
php composer.phar self-update
php composer.phar install (this might take a while)
So, this is the part where lots of things can happen. I have two scenarios happened to me:
Scenario #1 No directory write permissions
This is easily handled by running the command line interface with administrator privileges
Scenario #2 Working behind a router (i.e. at work)
Personally i didn't have to do much to get this working, but the line might change depending on your proxy. Personally i did the following at the command line interface
SET HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy.domain.tld:8080 you might also be good with
SET HTTP_PROXY=proxy.domain.tld:8080 don't ask me why, but i needed the http://
With all those done, you should have an almost running ZendSkeletonApplication. The other part is how to set up your virtual host, but i won't go into detail on this, as that's even ZF1 Stuff and everyone should be familiar with that by now, if not, there's good resources to learn out there.
I hope i could be of help to you.
Setbacks have to install in Windows, but I ended up finding a solution. From ZF2 to install on windows via git, for this is the only use that simulates msysGit git linux on windows, for it is only access the tutorial:
Since I had lot dependency extension problems (mostly .dll files) with old version of XAMPP, so first thing I did was made sure I uninstall all previous versions of PHP already present on my system as well as old XAMPP. Then installed latest XAMPP v3.2.2 (using latest XAMPP 3.2.2-32-bit on Win-7-64-bit). Then followed installation steps in XAMPP Documentation under title Start a New Zend Framework 2 Project.
I had issues while installing composer also with old-XAMPP, but somehow those errors didn't appear during composer installation this time. And, I successfully installed ZEND till I typed http://localhost:8081/myapp/ (I renamed my ZendSkeletonAppliction folder as myapp as per documentation) into my browser to access the same and met the error which said:
Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Unable to load ZF2. Run php composer.phar install or define a ZF2_PATH environment variable. in C:\xampp\apps\myapp\htdocs\init_autoloader.php:51
Stack trace:
#0 C:\xampp\apps\myapp\htdocs\public\index.php(18): require()
#1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\apps\myapp\htdocs\init_autoloader.php on line 51
Composer.phar was not even present the first time I downloaded ZendSkeletonApplication‐ from Github (there was only composer.json and composer.lock files present). Anyhow I didn't need them since I followed XAMPP Doc which doesn't call composer.phar in command line:
composer create‐project ‐s dev zendframework/skeleton‐application path/to/install
I am not that tech-savvy to know how to 'define a ZF2_PATH environment variable' correctly, so I wasted time looking for solution online, couldn't find any (which is when I stumbled on this forum which also turned out not to have a solution for my query). In the end, in a fit of depression and anxiety, serendipity happened. All I did was as per XAMPP's ZEND documentation I right-clicked inside C:\xampp\apps\myapp\htdocs folder and clicked 'Composer Install' which reinstalled the Zend files from cache. Then refreshed http://localhost:8081/myapp/ and the Zend intro page appeared.
I just did it like that:
D:\web_dev\zendapp>C:\PHP\php.exe composer.phar self-update
it worked perfectly
