Additional properties is not shown in file - spring

I used mvn clean package spring-boot:build-info -DskipTests command to generate in the folder target/classes/META-INF. But it was showing only the default properties not the additional properties mentioned.
I used the following plugin in the pom.xml


maven: read sonar.login from properties file

I'm trying to setup sonar.login property so that it is outside of pom.xml. I tried using properties-maven-plugin from codehaus but it fails to see the property (and I don't see that much information about how to debug it to show me like the property file being read and the values that it retrieved).
The properties file inside has something like:
The only thing that works is setting the property on mvn call:
mvn -Dsonar.login=some-value sonar:sonar
How can I get these properties file to be read so that mvn sonar:sonar works as intended?
plugin should be kept inside the build

Travis CI - Maven build - Tests are skipped by default

I observed that unit tests are skipped by default during travis-ci builds.
My travis config file
language: java
sudo: false
- openjdk11
- "$HOME/.m2/repository"
- "$HOME/.sonar/cache"
organization: st-spring-samples
secure: ${SONAR_TOKEN}
- mvn org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent install sonar:sonar
My travis build output:
Can someone please let me know why travis-ci forces -DskipTests=true option in this case?
Was able to overcome the problem by making use of maven build profiles. Assembly plugin will be invoked only with an explicit build profile. So travis install dependencies phase doesn't kickoff assembly process, hence no assembly error.
Full pom.xml can be found here
I am still interested to see if there is a better option available. If anyone knows one, please let me know.

How to remove a a specific directory from the Maven's target directory at the end of the build?

I have a task to unpack all the jars mentioned in the pom.xml and then jar the unpacked content into one single jar. I am able to do this using the unpack-dependency goal of the dependency plugin and the jar plugin.
However, after i generate the new jar, I want to delete the folder that was created after unpacking. I am using the following code snippet in my pom.xml(Please read the comments above each plugin).
<!-- This part of the code is used to unpack all the dependencies mentioned in my pom.xml -->
<!-- This part of the code is used for creating a jar with all the contents of the "alternateLocation" directory above -->
<!-- I am using this part of the code to delete the "alternateLocation" after everything is done, but it deletes the target directory instead -->
The clean plugin is basically deleting the target directory by default.
So how can I delete the "alternateLocation" folder from the target directory at the end of the build. (I guess you can do it using the maven-antrun-plugin but i don't want to use this plugin.).
You can solved this by using the maven-assembly-plugin via the predefined descriptor jar-with-dependencies which can be done by the following:
Than you don't need supplemental configuration.

Can I produce both jar and war of a project in maven?

I have a project(A) in maven that has packaging of war. One other project(B) depends on A and it needs project A jar file but in phase of compile, the war of project A will produce and no jar is available for project B.
How can I create a jar of project A in phase of compile so that project B can use it?
I would suggest to go a different way and use the maven-war-plugin which can produce a separate artifact for the classes which can be used like the following:
This can be achieved by using the following configuration in your war module:
I found the solution : :)

Generating java from rpc wsdl

I have a pom which generates some java code from an RPC wsdl. The problem is that the code is never generated.
Any ideas as to why this isnt generating the java code?
After taken a look into your pom I realized your problem. It's not related to calling mvn its based on the configuration you made.
You have configured the axistools-maven-plugin in the pluginManagement area. In this case you need to do this in the build area like this:
instead of:
If you configure it correctly you can use mvn clean package or mvn clean install instead of calling mvn axistools:wsdl2java ...
