Order OpenApi 3 operations manually with OpenApiCustomiser - spring

Does anyone know how to order operations manually using OpenApiCustoiser? For example
I would like this order Path /account GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
I have used springdoc.swagger-ui.operations-sorter but it doesn’t order them the way I want.


Is it necessary to use the form to transfer data to the server?

I'm new to backend programming. I chose the laravel framework. Already learned the basics. During the study, the question arose: is it necessary to use the form to transfer data to the server ?. For example: the deletion route looks like this to me
If I leave it, will it be a mistake? Maybe advise an article or something. Thanks in advance
Short answer is no, it's not necessary, but you should (if you're bound to HTML only).
The HTTP standard has different methods for different purposes. Using an anchor tag will always make a HTTP GET request to the link/server, which is not ideal, GET request should never change the remote (server) state, that's a job other methods (POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH), you should try to use the method that better describe what you're trying to do: in your case I suppose you're trying to delete a complaint, so a DELETE or POST is what you're looking for.
The only way to use make a non GET request in plain HTML* is to use <form>. Also if you're planning to use a method different from POST you should take a look at Laravel's #method here
Mind that if you can and want to use JavaScript to perform your request you totally can, dropping the requirement to have use form (docs and docs).

How to get ETag value from a list of objects in an Amazon S3 bucket

To get ETag of an object in a ruby code, I can simply use list_objects_v2 method. But in my use case, I want to get ETags for a list of files.
The problem is there are more than 7000 objects in the bucket. I only want to get the ETag for ~ 1000 of them. One of the ways is to use filename as the prefix and query each one of them individually. Probably the last resort.
Is there a way I can pass multiple values for prefix? Or any other way in which I can specify to get the ETags for which all objects??
EDIT: While I was looking for a possible way, I ran into https://stackoverflow.com/a/11421066/6200672. I know this is not directly commenting on how the ruby client will work, but according to me, it's gonna use the same API under the hood. (CMIIW)

Standart/common/right way to send data in API request

I'm trying to learn how to create an API (I use Laravel in the backend and Postman to send requests), but I have a basic doubt when sending data to be processed in the backend.
I see that there are several ways to send data to the backend, but I'm not sure which is the right way to do it.
For example, with Postman I have seen that the sending can be done as parameters through the URI:
I can also do it in the body of the request through the tags
form data
other ...
I understand that I can make the request along with sending data in several ways. I would like to know what should be the correct, standard or optimal way to do it for usual requests such as getting a series of records with a filtering, an order or a pagination.
I would also like to know if the way of sending data should depend on the verb to be used in the request.
My main question/problem is that I would like the way users use the API to be as simple or suitable as possible for them. I'm clear that I want to always return the data (when necessary) in JSON format but I'm not clear on how it should be sent.
Please, could someone clarify these doubts (maybe a link to a page where this kind of doubts are dealt with).
Thank you very much in advance.
It depends:
GET, HEAD and DELETE don't have a request body so all parameters have to be send via URL
POST can be easily sent via form data in Laravel
For PUT/PATCH I prefer application/json because PHP sends it via php://input stream which can have some problems in Laravel sometimes
You can also combine URL parameters and the request body. Compound types (for example models) can only be send as one via request body while it might suffice to send an id via URL parameter.
I guess, nearly more important is the overall format and documentation. The format should be consistent, easy to understand and maybe standardized (for example: https://jsonapi.org/format/#crud).
Keep in mind that forms do two things by default:
Only having methods GET and POST
Only having ectypes application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data and text/plain
If you want to enforce something else, you have to use scripts/libraries to do this.
Nowadays, it appears that JSON content (for POST, PUT, and PATCH) is the most popular and readable. It is well recognizable and clean. Examples in the documentation are easy to read.
I would go for JSON for both, incoming parameters and the outgoing response. This regards parameters related to the business logic of your application.
At the same time, for GET, HEAD, and DELETE methods, you don't have a payload at all. For parameters related to controlling the API (i.e. not strictly related to the business logic of the application, but to the API itself) I'd go for query parameters. This applies to parameters like limit, offset, order_by, etc.
P.S. There is only one caveat related to the JSON format. If your API happens to have file parameters you may face the problem. You can still use JSON format, but in such a case, you should encode your files (e.g. using base64) and put it as string parameters of your JSON. This may be demanding for the consumers of your API ;) This will also enlarge your files and will probably force you to process these files in memory. The alternative is to use multipart/form-data as a request Content-Type - this way you can have both, the form and separate "space" for files. It's worth keeping this case in mind when you decide.

What method is used to Get multiple Ids from postman using golang

Here I want to fetch the multiple IDs from the postman and I'm confuse which method (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE) should I have to use for this. From these IDs I have to retrieve the data from database.
Can I use Get method and using query string then the url will be
Can anyone please tell me that I'm thinking is right or not and If not, then What should I have to used for this.
Surely you can do it GET method. And it depends on how you are dealing with the ids, the best way to do it would be sending the values as an array. Something like this
Then you can retrieve that ids with something like this:
ids := r.URL.Query().Get("ids")
And you will get the data like this [1,2,3,3], but again it depends on how you are dealing with the data.

Filter the form choices visible in the browseable API

I am using a filter to apply object level permissions to a collection. Resources in a second collection have a many-to-many relationship with the first. On the browsable API, when creating resources in the second collection, the user is presented with a list of resources from the first to link it to. However, this list is not filtered, so the user can see values that they should not be able to see.
I've poked around the documentation and source a bit and I cannot see a way to add filtering to the queryset that generates the choices without overloading or modifying a bunch of code to pass the request data down (probably removing some of the collection specific data on the way) and then apply the filters.
Is there a better way to achieve this?
Currently there's nothing to support this out of the box. Pull requests are always welcome. If it's something you want to work on you may want to either open a ticket on GitHub or hit up the mailing list to discuss it first.
