vs code terminal doesn't show anything and can't edit - terminal

[Terminal doesn't show anything][1]https://i.stack.imgur.com/7ew4Q.png
When I use vs code, the window prompts to crash, check the cpu, the vscode usage is very high, and a bash.exe.stachmap file will be generated in the project, I uninstall and reinstall, and that's it.


Visual Code Integrated Terminal messed up

I clicked something which I have absolutely no clue of and now every-time I click on 'New Terminal', I am being presented with an external PowerShell window rather than the integrated terminal. Any clue how to set it correctly (or should I say more aesthetically)?
Current Situation:
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program, no change.
The issue is resolved by unchecking Use Legacy console in PowerShell
Current State:

Integrated terminal in visual studio code is opening externally and not internally

I have reinstalled Visual Studio Code and for some reason, when I do the Ctrl+Shift+` shortcut, instead of opening a terminal window inside VS Code, it's opening an external command window, which is very annoying.
Anyone knows what setting it is to get it back internally?
I tried File->Preferences->Settings->Terminal and then set the first option "Customizes what kind of terminal to launch." to integrated.
Is there any other setting I need to set?
Happened the same with me. It was because I was using Legacy Console. To disable that, open any of your terminal (cmd or powershell) and right click to go to properties.
Properties -> Options -> Use Legacy console (tick it off).
Turn off ConPTY integration in the
File->Preferences->Settings->conPTY->Uncheck it
This is worked for me as mentioned here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/56267064/2462531
Found this:
Which is listed as a duplicate but someone was also kind enough to link to this:
How do I get around the verified bug in Windows 1903 and launch the VSCode integrated terminal?
Which has a workaround as an answer, yay!
Here's some things you can check:
Make sure you've set integrated on both the User and the Workspace settings, because the Workspace settings can override the User settings.
Make sure you are using the correct keyboard shortcut. VS Code actually has a shortcut for opening the system's native console, which will open an external window:
Make sure that your Ctrl+Shift+` is actually the shortcut for Create New Integrated Terminal:

Is there a PLUGIN to do CMD+click to go to the error showed in debug console (VS)

When an error appears (at compile or runtime), the error shows in the debug console in VS, but I cannot clic the file or the line in the console in order to open the file directly. Imagine the 5 seconds, I would save thousands of time, (and saving eyes effort), to always open the file, CTRL+G to go to line, SHIFT+NUMBER to write the line etc...
Is there a plugin, that doing CMD+click, I would go to the line were the error appear. It would be a dream. Here is a screenshot to explain (the path of the file is knew, why not just click it and open it ?:
To provide a user voice to Visual Studio for mac developing team:

Visual Studio always closes Output window when build starts

I have a weird problem with Visual Studio Premium 2013. VS has taken to closing the Output window after my build starts. If the window is unpinned, it briefly opens at the start of the build, and then auto-hides. If it's pinned, it briefly gets selected, and then moves to another pinned window (it usually opens the Error List window and switches to that). The one thing it always makes sure of is that it switches away from the Output window. This is a behaviour that has started recently and I have no idea why - it didn't used to, and I don't remember changing anything related to this behaviour. Here's my settings, which should cause the Output window to stay open:
I've even tried deleting the solution's .suo file, but this problem persists.
Can anyone tell me how to get the Output window to stay open during a build again?
Well, I think this has something to do with the fact that the solution I'm building does a bunch of automated stuff, including the building of some .tt files. It's not a configuration issue in my Visual Studio because the Output window doesn't disappear when I'm building a new simple project I create from scratch, so I guess there's probably nothing I can do to stop the Output window disappearing for this project.

Visual Studio executable run twice

I have a problem with my computer : windows 7-64, freshly and cleanly reinstalled.
When I develop on Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate SP1, once the application is built, it runs twice.
Let me explain.
If I double clic on it in the folder, the console application runs, block for a few seconds (depending of the complexity of the program), then closes, the re-opens, runs and is stable.
If I launch it in a console, another console opens (like a pop up), runs the program, closes, then the program is executed in the first console.
If I launch it in debut with a break point, the application opens in a first console, executes without stopping, then closes, the relaunch in another console, et stop at the break point.
However, if I try other command non related to Visual Studio built (as firefox ...) I don't have this problem.
I've tried with a simple "Hello World" or with much more complex program, and I always get the same result.
Does anyone have already seen this kind of thing or now where to dig ?
Thank you.
I've had this same problem recently, mine was solved by disabling Avast DeepScreen (if you use avast go into settings -> antivirus -> un-check DeepScreen). Hope that helps.
They updated the settings page, you now have to uncheck CyperCapture under the 'General' tab.
Alternative you can add your program to 'Exclusions'.
Updating Neller's answer. In my case it was also Avast, but today the option you need to disable is called "Cyber Capture"
Press the Hamburger to open the menu => Settings => Protection tab => Core Shields => uncheck "Enable CyberCapture"
To expnad Neller's answer, this behaviour is common in various Antivirus Systems. More precisely I have come across it both on AVG and Avast.
To avoid this behaviour you can simply add a folder scan exception regarding Visual Studio Folder.
e.g for AVG:
Mennu -> Settings -> Exceptions -> Add:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0*
