Inject a list into SpringData to be used as a kind of virtual database table - spring-boot

I have a database table on which a sorted query needs to be done.
To do the sorting a join on another table is requiered. The problem is that this other table does not exist in the database because we read the required data on the services startup from a CSV file and keep it as an in-memory list.
Is it possible to somehow inject this list as a kind of virtual database into Spring Data? So that it could use this list to make the required join and sorting.
As far as I know, the only other options I have would be to create a real database table from this in-memory list or load the whole table and do the sorting in the service itself.

You can add a special order by expression through e.g. Spring Data Specification, but that is going to be very ugly. In HQL it looks like this:
case rootAlias.attribute when 'value1' then 1 when 'value2' then 2 ... else null end
which will return some integer value by which you can sort ascending or descending, based on the mapping you have.
Even if you have lots of values, I would rather recommend you don't do a join at all, and instead try to make this attribute of your main table sortable, so that you don't need this mapping. You can maybe create a trigger that maintains a column based on the mapping, which can be used for sorting directly. If you do all your changes through JPA/Hibernate, you could also use a #PreUpdate/#PrePersist listener to handle the maintenance of this column.


Sorting Issue After Table Render in Laravel DataTables as a Service Implementation

I have implemented laravel dataTable as a service.
The initial two columns are actual id and names so, I am able to sort it asc/desc after the table renders.
But the next few columns renders after performing few calculations, i.e. these values are not fetched directly from any column rather it is processed.
I am unable to sort these columns where calculations were performed, and I get this error. And I know it is looking for that particular column for eg outstanding_amount which I don't have in the DB, rather it is a calculated amount from two or more columns that are in some other tables.
Any Suggestions on how to overcome this issue?
It looks like you're trying to sort by values that aren't columns, but calculated values.
So the main issue here is to give Eloquent/MySql the data it needs to provide the sorting.
// You might need to do some joins first
->addSelect(DB::raw('your_calc as outstanding_amount'))
->orderBy('outstanding_amount') // asc can be omitted as this is the default
// Anternative: you don't need the value sorted by
// Don't forget any joins you might need
->orderByRaw('your_calc_for_outstanding_amount ASC')
For SQL functions it'll work as follow
->addSelect(DB::raw('COUNT( as product_count'));

Altova Mapforce: Joining XML Input and conditional SQL Join using two tables

I'm trying to get the following done: Using Altova Mapforce, I use an XML file with schema as a source. I want to map it to exactly the same output, but only add data to one field.
The value of the field (it's Tax) is determined using a two table SQL join with a WHERE clause over both tables. The tables are joined using foreign keys, the relation is recognized by Mapforce.
The first field of the WHERE clause comes from the first table (header type table), the second and third field from the second tables (lines type tables).
However, I cannot seem to create the logical and correct equivalent of what I am describing here. I've tried it using complex AND constructions where it then inserts the one field I would need multiple times. I've tried WHERE clauses but they fail as they never supply both tables at the same time and there seems to be no way to use a pre-specified JOINing of two tables as a source. The WHERE clause then recognizes only the fields from the first table, not the second one.
Is there an example for this? Joining two (or more) tables, using WHERE to determine the exact row, then using a value from that row?
Best wishes.

Is it possible to traverse rowtype fields in Oracle?

Say i have something like this:
Is it possible to access the fields of somerecord with out knowing the fields names?
Something like somerecord[i] such that the order of fields would be the same as the column order in the table?
I have seen a few examples using dynamic sql but i was wondering if there is a cleaner way of doing this.
What i am trying to do is generate/get the DML (insert query) for a specific row in my table but i havent been able to find anything on this.
If there is another way of doing this i'd be happy to use but would also be very curious in knowing how to do the former part of this question - it's more versatile.
This doesn't exactly answer the question you asked, but might get you the result you want...
You can query the USER_TAB_COLUMNS view (or the other similar *_TAB_COLUMN views) to get information like the column name (COLUMN_NAME), position (COLUMN_ID), and data type (DATA_TYPE) on the columns in a table (or a view) that you might use to generate DML.
You would still need to use dynamic SQL to execute the generated DML (or at least generate static SQL separately).
However, this approach won't work for identifying the columns in an arbitrary query (unless you create a view of it). If you need that, you might need to resort to DBMS_SQL (or other tools).
Hope this helps.
As far as I know there is no clean way of referencing record fields by their index.
However, if you have a lot of different kinds of updates of the same table each with its own column set to update, you might want to avoid dynamic sql and look in the direction of statically populating your record with values, and then issuing update someTable set row = someTableRecord where =;.
This approach has it's own drawbacks, like, issuing an update to every, even unchanged column, and thus creating additional redo log data, but I believe it should be considered.

What is the best way to integrate Solr as an index with Oracle as a storage DB?

I have an Oracle database with all the "data", and a Solr index where all this data is indexed. Ideally, I want to be able to run queries like this:
select * from data_table where id in ([solr query results for 'search string']);
However, one key issue arises:
Oracle WILL NOT allow more than 1000 items in the array of items in the "in" clause (BIG DEAL, as the list of objects I find is very often > 1000 and will usually be around the 50-200k items)
I have tried to work around this using a "split" function that will take a string of comma-separated values, and break them down into array items, but then I hit the 4000 char limit on the function parameter using SQL (PL/SQL is 32k chars, but it's still WAY too limiting for 80,000+ results in some cases)
I am also hitting performance issues using a WHERE IN (....), I am told that this causes a very slow query, even when the field referenced is an indexed field?
I've tried making recursive "OR"s for the 1000-item limit (aka: id in (1...1000 or (id in (1001....2000) or id in (2001....3000))) - and this works, but is very slow.
I am thinking that I should load the Solr Client JARs into Oracle, and write an Oracle Function in Java that will call solr and pipeline back the results as a list, so that I can do something like:
select * from data_table where id in (select * from table(runSolrQuery('my query text')));
This is proving quite hard, and I am not sure it's even possible.
Things that I can't do:
Store full data in Solr (security +
storage limits)
User Solr as
controller of pagination and ordering
(this is why I am fetching data from
the DB)
So I have to cook up a hybrid approach where Solr really act like the full-text search provider for Oracle. Help! Has anyone faced this?
Check this out:
This product seems to do exactly what you need.
I'm not a Solr expert, but I assume that you can get the Solr query results into a Java collection. Once you have that, you should be able to use that collection with JDBC. That avoids the limit of 1000 literal items because your IN list would be the result of a query, not a list of literal values.
Dominic Brooks has an example of using object collections with JDBC. You would do something like
Create a couple of types in Oracle
CREATE TYPE data_table_id_typ AS OBJECT (
CREATE TYPE data_table_id_arr AS TABLE OF data_table_id_typ;
In Java, you can then create an appropriate STRUCT array, populate this array from Solr, and then bind it to the SQL statement
FROM data_table
WHERE id IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE( CAST (? AS data_table_id_arr)))
Instead of using a long BooleanQuery, you can use TermsFilter (works like RangeFilter, but the items doesn't have to be in sequence).
Like this (first fill your TermsFilter with terms):
TermsFilter termsFilter = new TermsFilter();
// Loop through terms and add them to filter
Term term = new Term("<field-name>", "<query>");
then search the index like this:
DocList parentsList = null;
parentsList = searcher.getDocList(new MatchAllDocsQuery(), searcher.convertFilter(termsFilter), null, 0, 1000);
Where searcher is SolrIndexSearcher (see java doc for more info on getDocList method):
Two solutions come to mind.
First, look into using Oracle specific Java extensions to JDBC. They allow you to pass in an actual array/list as an argument. You may need to create a stored proc (it has a been a while since I had to do this), but if this is a focused use case, it shouldn't be overly burdensome.
Second, if you are still running into a boundary like 1000 object limits, consider using the "rows" setting when querying Solr and leveraging it's inherent pagination feature.
I've used this bulk fetching method with stored procs to fetch large quantities of data which needed to be put into Solr. Involve your DBA. If you have a good one, and use the Oracle specific extensions, I think you should attain very reasonable performance.

Enumerate indexes on a Extensible Storage Engine (ESENT) table

I'm writing an adapter for ESE to .NET and LINQ in a Google Code project called eselinq. One important function I can't seem to figure out is how to get a list of indexes defined for a table. I need to be able to list available indexes so the LINQ part can automatically determine when indexes can be used. This will allow much more efficient plans for user queries if appropriate indexes can be found.
There are two related functions for querying index information:
JetGetTableIndexInfo - get index information by tableID
JetGetIndexInfo - get index information by tableName
These only differ in how the related table is specified (name or tableid). It sounds like these would support the function I want but all the info levels seem to require that I already have a certain index to query information for. The only exception is JET_IdxInfoCount, but that only counts how many indexes are present.
JET_IdxInfo with its JET_INDEXLIST sounds plausible but it only lists the columns on a specific index.
I am aware that I could get the index information another way, like annotations on .NET types corresponding to database tables, or by requiring a index mapping be provided ahead of time. I think there's enough introspection implemented to make everything else work out of the box without the user supplying extra information, except for this one function.
Another option may be to examine the system tables to find related index objects, but this is would mean depending on an undocumented interface.
To satisfy this question, I want a supported method of enumerating the indexes (just the name would be sufficient) on a table.
You are correct about JetGetTableIndexInfo and JetGetIndexInfo and JET_IdxInfo. The twist is that the data is returned in a somewhat complex: a temporary table is returned containing a row for the index and then a row for each column in the table. To just get the index names you will need to skip the column rows (the column count is given by the value of the columnidcColumn column in the first row).
For a .NET example of how to decipher this, look at the ManagedEsent project. In the MetaDataHelpers.cs file there is a method called GetIndexInfoFromIndexlist that extracts all the data from the temporary table.
