Linq query embeds a subquery when I don't think it's necessary -- optimization? - performance

I have a linq query that I'm trying to speed up.
List<WorkloadDTO> workload = _context.vwData.AsNoTracking()
.Join(_context.AppUsers, vis => vis.AssignedToAppUserID, us => us.AppUserId,
(vis, us) => new
.Where(i => i.GroupID == 1 && i.FacilityIsActive && i.ClientIsActive && i.GroupIsActive && !i.IsClosedAccount)
.GroupBy(g => new { g.AssignedToAppUserID, g.AppUserName, g.AppUserDisplayName },
(key, group) => new {
AssignedToAppUserID = key.AssignedToAppUserID,
AssignedTo = key.AppUserName,
AssignedDisplayName = key.AppUserDisplayName,
Count = group.Count()
.Select(s => new WorkloadDTO
AppUserId = s.AssignedToAppUserID,
UserName = s.AssignedTo,
DisplayName = s.AssignedDisplayName,
Count = s.Count
}).Distinct().OrderBy(o => o.UserName).ToList();
It generates the following query:
SELECT [t].[AppUserId], [t].[UserName], [t].[DisplayName], [t].[Count]
SELECT DISTINCT [v].[AssignedToAppUserID] AS [AppUserId], [a].[AppUserName] AS [UserName], [a].[AppUserDisplayName] AS [DisplayName], COUNT(*) AS [Count]
FROM [vwData] AS [v]
INNER JOIN [AppUser] AS [a] ON [v].[AssignedToAppUserID] = [a].[AppUserId]
WHERE (((([v].[GroupID] = 1) AND ([v].[FacilityIsActive] = CAST(1 AS bit))) AND ([v].[ClientIsActive] = CAST(1 AS bit))) AND ([v].[GroupIsActive] = CAST(1 AS bit))) AND ([v].[IsClosedAccount] = CAST(0 AS bit))
GROUP BY [v].[AssignedToAppUserID], [a].[AppUserName], [a].[AppUserDisplayName]
) AS [t]
ORDER BY [t].[UserName]
It seems to me that the nesting selects are not necessary. I'm looking for suggestions on how to write the linq query so that it instead results in:
SELECT DISTINCT [v].[AssignedToAppUserID] AS [AppUserId], [a].[AppUserName] AS [UserName], [a].[AppUserDisplayName] AS [DisplayName], COUNT(*) AS [Count]
FROM [vwData] AS [v]
INNER JOIN [AppUser] AS [a] ON [v].[AssignedToAppUserID] = [a].[AppUserId]
WHERE (((([v].[GroupID] = 1) AND ([v].[FacilityIsActive] = CAST(1 AS bit))) AND ([v].[ClientIsActive] = CAST(1 AS bit))) AND ([v].[GroupIsActive] = CAST(1 AS bit))) AND ([v].[IsClosedAccount] = CAST(0 AS bit))
GROUP BY [v].[AssignedToAppUserID], [a].[AppUserName], [a].[AppUserDisplayName]
ORDER BY [a].[AppUserName]


Linq Join table AND nullable variable

I'm trying to make a LINQ Query on Ef6 using a join on the db.ClincalAssets table where the AssetDisposalID Field is null
i.e. I don't want rows of data from that table where the AssetDisposalID is not null
The following code doesn't appear to work because it returns the same 23 results I had before I modified the code
var today = DateTime.Now.Date;
var tomorrow = today.AddDays(30);
var dateresult = db.ClinicalINSs.GroupBy(d => d.ClinicalAssetID)
.SelectMany(g => g.OrderByDescending(d => d.NextInspectionDate)
var ClinicalIDVM = (from s in dateresult.Where(q => q.NextInspectionDate <= tomorrow)
join co in db.ClinicalAssets.Where (t => t.AssetDisposalID == null) on s.ClinicalAssetID equals co.ClinicalAssetID into AR
let subred = AR.OrderByDescending(subredASS => subredASS.ClinicalAssetID).FirstOrDefault()
join cp in db.ClinicalPATs on s.ClinicalAssetID equals cp.ClinicalAssetID into AP
let subpat = AP.OrderByDescending(SubPATASS => SubPATASS.ClinicalAssetID).FirstOrDefault()
orderby s.NextInspectionDate descending
select new ClinicalIDVM
ClinicalAssetID = s.ClinicalAssetID,
ProductName = subred.ProductName ,
SerialNo = subred.SerialNo == null ? "" : subred.SerialNo,
InspectionDate = subpat.InspectionDate,
NextInspectionDate = s.NextInspectionDate == null ? (DateTime?)null : s.NextInspectionDate,
i have also tried this:
var today = DateTime.Now.Date;
var tomorrow = today.AddDays(30);
var dateresult = db.ClinicalINSs.GroupBy(d => d.ClinicalAssetID)
.SelectMany(g => g.OrderByDescending(d => d.NextInspectionDate)
var ClinicalIDVM = (from s in dateresult from Disp in db.ClinicalAssets where s.NextInspectionDate <= tomorrow && Disp.AssetDisposalID == null
join co in db.ClinicalAssets on s.ClinicalAssetID equals co.ClinicalAssetID into AR
let subred = AR.OrderByDescending(subredASS => subredASS.ClinicalAssetID).FirstOrDefault()
join cp in db.ClinicalPATs on s.ClinicalAssetID equals cp.ClinicalAssetID into AP
let subpat = AP.OrderByDescending(SubPATASS => SubPATASS.ClinicalAssetID).FirstOrDefault()
orderby s.NextInspectionDate descending
select new ClinicalIDVM
ClinicalAssetID = s.ClinicalAssetID,
ProductName = subred.ProductName ,
SerialNo = subred.SerialNo == null ? "" : subred.SerialNo,
InspectionDate = subpat.InspectionDate,
NextInspectionDate = s.NextInspectionDate == null ? (DateTime?)null : s.NextInspectionDate,
but I get al records duplicated.

C#: LINQ not returning the same result as SQL

I'm trying to convert the following SQL query to LINQ, but getting different result count with both,
SQL Query:
SELECT T5.CNTR, T5.BenefitCode,T5.ApprovedFlag,
T5.PaymentFrequencyCode, T5.InstalmentAmt, T5.TotalAmt,
dbo.EmployeeBenefit As T5
LEFT JOIN dbo.Payee ON T5.PayeeCntr = dbo.Payee.CNTR
LEFT JOIN dbo.BankDetails ON dbo.Payee.BankCntr = dbo.BankDetails.BankCntr
Left Join dbo.EmployeeCar As T4 on T5.EmployeeCarCntr=T4.Cntr
Inner Join dbo.EmployeeEntity As T1 On T5.EmployeeEntityCntr=T1.EmployeeEntityCntr
Inner Join dbo.EmployerEntity As T2 On T1.EmployerEntityCntr=T2.EmployerEntityCntr
where T5.EmployeeCntr = 117165
AND ((T5.EndDate is Null) OR (T5.EndDate >= GETDATE()))
var result = (from employeeBenefit in context.EmployeeBenefit
from payee in context.Payee.Where(x => x.Cntr == employeeBenefit.PayeeCntr).DefaultIfEmpty()
from bankDetails in context.BankDetails.Where(x => x.BankCntr == employeeBenefit.PayeeCntr).DefaultIfEmpty()
from employeeCar in context.EmployeeCar.Where(x => x.Cntr == payee.BankCntr).DefaultIfEmpty()
from employeeEntity in context.EmployeeEntity
where employeeEntity.EmployeeEntityCntr == employeeBenefit.EmployeeEntityCntr
from employeeEntity1 in context.EmployeeEntity
where employeeEntity.EmployerEntityCntr == employeeEntity1.EmployerEntityCntr
&& employeeBenefit.EmployeeCntr == iEmployeeID
&& (!employeeBenefit.EndDate.HasValue || employeeBenefit.EndDate >= DateTime.Now)
&& employeeBenefit.EmployeeCntr == 117165
&& employeeBenefit.CarRego == registration
select new
CNTR = employeeBenefit.Cntr,
BenefitCode = employeeBenefit.BenefitCode,
PaymentFrequencyCode = employeeBenefit.PaymentFrequencyCode,
InstalmentAmount = employeeBenefit.InstalmentAmt,
TotalAmount = employeeBenefit.TotalAmt,
CarRego = employeeBenefit.CarRego,
ApprovedFlag = employeeBenefit.ApprovedFlag
Please let me know what i'm missing.
For the data in my database the SQL query is returning 10 records. But, the LINQ is returning 2700 records.
Not a full answer (I'm late for work) but:
var result = (from T5 in context.EmployeeBenefit
join PY in dbo.Payee on T5.PayeeCntr equals PY.CNTR into PY1
where T5.EmployeeCntr = 117165
select new {
CNTR = T5.Cntr,
It was the issue with the condition mismatch that i had done in the LINQ. The below query just worked fine. Thank you for helping me with the issue.
var result = (from employeeBenefit in context.EmployeeBenefit
from payee in context.Payee.Where(x => x.Cntr == employeeBenefit.PayeeCntr).DefaultIfEmpty()
from bankDetails in context.BankDetails.Where(x => x.BankCntr == payee.BankCntr).DefaultIfEmpty()
from employeeCar in context.EmployeeCar.Where(x => x.Cntr == employeeBenefit.EmployeeCarCntr).DefaultIfEmpty()
join employeeEntity in context.EmployeeEntity
on employeeBenefit.EmployeeEntityCntr equals employeeEntity.EmployeeEntityCntr
join employerEntity in context.EmployerEntity
on employeeEntity.EmployerEntityCntr equals employerEntity.EmployerEntityCntr
where employeeBenefit.EmployeeCntr == 117165 && (!employeeBenefit.EndDate.HasValue || employeeBenefit.EndDate >= DateTime.Now)
select new
CNTR = employeeBenefit.Cntr,
BenefitCode = employeeBenefit.BenefitCode,
PaymentFrequencyCode = employeeBenefit.PaymentFrequencyCode,
InstalmentAmount = employeeBenefit.InstalmentAmt,
TotalAmount = employeeBenefit.TotalAmt,
CarRego = employeeBenefit.CarRego,
ApprovedFlag = employeeBenefit.ApprovedFlag

LINQ - Previous Record

Lets say I have the following table:
RevisionID, Project_ID, Count, Changed_Date
1 2 4 01/01/2016: 01:02:01
2 2 7 01/01/2016: 01:03:01
3 2 8 01/01/2016: 01:04:01
4 2 3 01/01/2016: 01:05:01
5 2 15 01/01/2016: 01:06:01
I am ordering the records based on Updated_Date. A user comes into my site and edits record (RevisionID = 3). For various reasons, using LINQ (with entity framework), I need to get the previous record in the table, which would be RevisionID = 2 so I can perform calculations on "Count". If user went to edit record (RevisionID = 4), I would need to select RevisionID = 3.
I currently have the following:
var x = _db.RevisionHistory
.Where(t => t.Project_ID == input.Project_ID)
.OrderBy(t => t.Changed_Date);
This works in finding the records based on the Project_ID, but how then do I select the record before?
I am trying to do the following, but in one LINQ statement, if possible.
var itemList = from t in _db.RevisionHistory
where t.Project_ID == input.Project_ID
orderby t.Changed_Date
select t;
int h = 0;
foreach (var entry in itemList)
if (entry.Revision_ID == input.Revision_ID)
h = entry.Revision_ID;
var previousEntry = _db.RevisionHistory.Find(h);
Here is the correct single query equivalent of your code:
var previousEntry = (
from r1 in db.RevisionHistory
where r1.Project_ID == input.Project_ID && r1.Revision_ID == input.Revision_ID
from r2 in db.RevisionHistory
where r2.Project_ID == r1.Project_ID && r2.Changed_Date < r1.Changed_Date
orderby r2.Changed_Date descending
select r2
which generates the following SQL query:
[Project1].[Revision_ID] AS [Revision_ID],
[Project1].[Project_ID] AS [Project_ID],
[Project1].[Count] AS [Count],
[Project1].[Changed_Date] AS [Changed_Date]
[Extent2].[Revision_ID] AS [Revision_ID],
[Extent2].[Project_ID] AS [Project_ID],
[Extent2].[Count] AS [Count],
[Extent2].[Changed_Date] AS [Changed_Date]
FROM [dbo].[RevisionHistories] AS [Extent1]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[RevisionHistories] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent2].[Project_ID] = [Extent1].[Project_ID]
WHERE ([Extent1].[Project_ID] = #p__linq__0) AND ([Extent1].[Revision_ID] = #p__linq__1) AND ([Extent2].[Changed_Date] < [Extent1].[Changed_Date])
) AS [Project1]
ORDER BY [Project1].[Changed_Date] DESC
hope I understood what you want.
var x = _db.RevisionHistory
.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Project_ID == input.Project_ID && t.Revision_ID == input.Revision_ID -1)
Or, based on what you wrote, but edited:
.Where(t => t.Project_ID == input.Project_ID)
.OrderBy(t => t.Changed_Date)
.TakeWhile(t => t.Revision_ID != input.Revision_ID)

Query performance to compare date with many join and entity framework

I have this database model :
I use this query :
public List<Film> ListFilmsSortiesDes7DerniersJoursDVD()
DateTime dateDans7Jours = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7);
DateTime dateIlYa7Jours = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7);
return Query(f => f.Releases.Where(r => r.Langue.langue_code == "FR" && r.TypeRelease.typerelease_code == "DVD").FirstOrDefault().release_date > dateIlYa7Jours
&& f.Releases.Where(r => r.Langue.langue_code == "FR" && r.TypeRelease.typerelease_code == "DVD").FirstOrDefault().release_date < dateDans7Jours && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.film_image)).ToList();
But the SQL generated have bad performance, about 1.3 seconds to return results (with SQL Server Express 2008 and I already have Index on correct fields):
SELECT [Extent1].[film_id] AS [film_id],
[Extent1].[film_image] AS [film_image],
[Extent1].[film_image_thumb] AS [film_image_thumb],
[Extent1].[film_format] AS [film_format],
[Extent1].[film_motsclefs] AS [film_motsclefs],
[Extent1].[film_nom] AS [film_nom],
[Extent1].[film_nomvf] AS [film_nomvf],
[Extent1].[film_synopsis] AS [film_synopsis],
[Extent1].[film_anneeproduction] AS [film_anneeproduction],
[Extent1].[film_budget] AS [film_budget],
[Extent1].[film_dateajout] AS [film_dateajout],
[Extent1].[film_actif] AS [film_actif],
[Extent1].[utilisateur_id] AS [utilisateur_id],
[Extent1].[film_francais] AS [film_francais],
[Extent1].[film_revenue] AS [film_revenue],
[Extent1].[filmgroupe_id] AS [filmgroupe_id]
FROM [dbo].[Film] AS [Extent1]
OUTER APPLY (SELECT TOP (1) [Filter1].[release_date] AS [release_date]
FROM (SELECT [Extent2].[film_id] AS [film_id],
[Extent3].[release_date] AS [release_date],
[Extent3].[typerelease_id] AS [typerelease_id]
FROM [dbo].[FilmRelease] AS [Extent2]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Release] AS [Extent3]
ON [Extent3].[release_id] = [Extent2].[release_id]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Langue] AS [Extent4]
ON [Extent3].[langue_id] = [Extent4].[langue_id]
WHERE N'FR' = [Extent4].[langue_code]) AS [Filter1]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[TypeRelease] AS [Extent5]
ON [Filter1].[typerelease_id] = [Extent5].[typerelease_id]
WHERE ([Extent1].[film_id] = [Filter1].[film_id])
AND (N'CINEMA' = [Extent5].[typerelease_code])) AS [Limit1]
CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP (1) [Filter3].[release_date] AS [release_date]
FROM (SELECT [Extent6].[film_id] AS [film_id],
[Extent7].[release_date] AS [release_date],
[Extent7].[typerelease_id] AS [typerelease_id]
FROM [dbo].[FilmRelease] AS [Extent6]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Release] AS [Extent7]
ON [Extent7].[release_id] = [Extent6].[release_id]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Langue] AS [Extent8]
ON [Extent7].[langue_id] = [Extent8].[langue_id]
WHERE N'FR' = [Extent8].[langue_code]) AS [Filter3]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[TypeRelease] AS [Extent9]
ON [Filter3].[typerelease_id] = [Extent9].[typerelease_id]
WHERE ([Extent1].[film_id] = [Filter3].[film_id])
AND (N'CINEMA' = [Extent9].[typerelease_code])) AS [Limit2]
WHERE ([Limit1].[release_date] > '2013-02-04T00:07:48' /* #p__linq__0 */)
AND ([Limit2].[release_date] < '2013-02-18T00:07:48' /* #p__linq__1 */)
AND ([Extent1].[film_image] IS NOT NULL)
Do you please have any ideas to improve performance of this query ?
Ok why search complicated when the answer is simple :
public List<Film> ListFilmsSortiesDes7DerniersJoursCinema()
DateTime dateDans7Jours = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7);
DateTime dateIlYa7Jours = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7);
return Query(f => f.Releases.Where(r => r.Langue.langue_code == "FR" && r.TypeRelease.typerelease_code == "CINEMA" && r.release_date > dateIlYa7Jours && r.release_date < dateDans7Jours).Any()).ToList();
I did a join in too

LINQ Join Errors

I'm getting the following error:
The type of one of the expressions in the join clause is incorrect. Type inference failed in the call to 'Join'.
when using the code below
var ccrCodes = (from c in db.CCRCodes
join i in items on
new { c.baan_cat_fam_code, c.baan_cat_code } equals
new { i.baan_cat_family_code, i.baan_cat_code }
where i => i.contact_dt.Value.Year == date.Year && i.contact_dt.Value.Month == date.Month
select c).Distinct().OrderBy(c => c.code_desc);
What I'm trying to do in LINQ is create a multi-condition join and am running into problems. Any ideas?
Try giving names to the properties in your anonymous objects:
var ccrCodes = (from c in db.CCRCodes
join i in items on
new { FamCode = c.baan_cat_fam_code, CatCode = c.baan_cat_code } equals
new { FamCode = i.baan_cat_family_code, CatCode = i.baan_cat_code }
where i => i.contact_dt.Value.Year == date.Year && i.contact_dt.Value.Month == date.Month
select c).Distinct().OrderBy(c => c.code_desc);
EDIT: Alright, I have to confess, I am no expert on query syntax, but you want to filter the 'items' list before doing the join, like the following fluent version of your query:
items.Where(i => i.contact_dt.Value.Year == date.Year && i.contact_dt.Value.Month == date.Month),
x => new { FamCode = x.baan_cat_fam_code, CatCode = x.baan_cat_code },
x => new { FamCode = x.baan_cat_family_code, CatCode = x.baan_cat_code },
(o,i) => o
).Distinct().OrderBy(c => c.code_desc)
ANOTHER EDIT: Per Ahmad's suggestion:
var ccrCodes = (from c in db.CCRCodes
join i in items.Where(x => x.contact_dt.Value.Year == date.Year && x.contact_dt.Value.Month == date.Month) on
new { FamCode = c.baan_cat_fam_code, CatCode = c.baan_cat_code } equals
new { FamCode = i.baan_cat_family_code, CatCode = i.baan_cat_code }
select c).Distinct().OrderBy(c => c.code_desc);
YET ANOTHER EDIT: Per another Ahmad suggestion:
var ccrCodes = (from c in db.CCRCodes
from i in items
where i.contact_dt.Value.Year == date.Year && i.contact_dt.Value.Month == date.Month
&& c.baan_cat_fam_code == i.baan_cat_family_code && c.baan_cat_code == i.baan_cat_code
select c).Distinct().OrderBy(c => c.code_desc);
