I need help i keep geting this unity error? Assets\ScoreTextScript.cs(10,10): error CS0426: The type name 'Text' does not exist in the type 'Text' - visual-studio

So this is my code. Im trying to make it so the coins collected add to the score in the UI.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class ScoreTextScript : MonoBehaviour
//Use this for initialization
void Start ()
text = GetComponent<Text>();
//Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
text.Text = coinAmount;
The Text is the error but I don't know how to fix it.
I need help immediately

I think you don't understand how variables work in unity.
First you are declaring a Text.text called coinAmount
In Unity when you are declaring a variable you first have to set the access modifier.
The 2 main are: private and public.
private means your variable will only be accessible in the class you declared it.
public means you can access it from any other class if you make a reference to that script.
Then you need to put the type of your variable.
Here you used Text.text and that's not a type for a variable.
You can set to int, string, etc... If you want to use a Text component in unity do like this:
private Text coinAmount;
Since it's a private variable you can't drag it in the editor. If you want to be able to place a Text component by hand in the editor you can either do:
public Text coinAmount;
[SerializeField] private Text coinAmount; //I'll let you search about SerializeField
In your Start method you are assigning text variable to the Text component this object hold. But text does not exist. If you declare a variable in a method it will only be accessible in this method.
So, what you want is:
private void Start(){
coinAmount = GetComponent<Text>();
And lastly i see you want to assign your text to the variable we created earlier. That's useless. You need to create a new variable of type int and assign it to the text value of coinAmount.
To do so:
We will create a new variable right under coinAmount.
public int coinNumber;
And in update we can use it:
private void Update(){
coinAmount.text = coinNumber.ToString(); //.ToString() is used when you want to convert something to a string (which is a type of variable).
And there we go everything should work correctly !
The whole code:
private Text coinAmount;
public int coinNumber;
private void Start(){
coinAmount = GetComponent<Text>();
private void Update(){
coinAmount.text = coinNumber.ToString(); //.ToString() is used when you want to convert something to a string (which is a type of variable).
Hope it helped ! Have a nice day !


How to write data back to storage?

I have a method called changePlaceName and i know it is working but after i call getPlaces to see the changes, i don't see the new place name instead i see the name when i created a new place.
this is changePlaceName
export function changePlaceName(placeId: u32, placeName: PlaceName): void {
assert(placeId >= 0, 'Place ID must be >= 0');
const place = Place.find(placeId);
logging.log(place.name); //gives "Galata Tower"
place.name = placeName;
logging.log(place.name); // gives "New Galata Tower"
I need to save it somehow but I don't know how to do it.
I also tried this way;
export function changePlaceName(placeId: u32, placeName: string): void {
assert(placeId >= 0, 'Place ID must be >= 0');
const place = Place.find(placeId);
place.name = placeName;
let newPlace = storage.get<string>(placeName, 'new galata tower');
storage.set<string>(placeName, newPlace);
logging.log('New place is now: ' + newPlace);
Now my visual code is complaining about the newPlace inside the storage.set
How do I fix it?
What is the code of Place.find? I assume you are using a persistent map under the hood.
Is there a Place.set? You need to store the Place back to the same key used to find it.
because you're using some kind of class to manage the concept of "Place", why not add an instance method to that class to save() the place once you've changed it's name?
would help if you also posted your code for Place here, by the way
my guess is that it looks something like this?
!note: this is untested code
class Place {
private id: number | null
private name: string
static find (placeId: number): Place {
// todo: add some validation for placeId here
const place = places[placeId]
place.id = placeId
return place
// here is the instance method that can save this class
save(): bool {
places[this.id] = this
// a collection of places where placeId is the index
const places = new PersistentVector<Place>("p")

Shared_ptr seems to work on copy, not on original object

I got 2 classes that represent Player and I want to keep in one of them pointer to another one.
So inside my view::Player I create pointer to logic::Player
namespace view {
class Player {
std::shared_ptr<logic::Player> m_player;
//logic::Player* m_player;
void create(logic::Player& player) {
m_player = std::make_shared<logic::Player>(player);
//m_player = &player;
view::Player is created in view::GameState and simply initialised like this
m_game is logic::Game object
logic::Game has std::vector<logic::Player>, and public method that returns active one
logic::Player& logic::Game::getActivePlayer() {
return m_players[m_activePlayer];
And finnaly
namespace logic {
class Player {
std::string m_name;
int position;
Now I need original object of logic::Player pointed by std::shared_ptr in my view::Player class. I could simply do that by changing that to raw pointer and it works then (2 commented lines do what I want to achieve basicly). But when I try to do this on std::shared_ptr, I seem to work on copy of logic::Player, because when I update his position for example, it changes everywhere in the game but not in view::Player. How to do that using std::shared_ptr then?

Why do Static Methods & Enumerations have unexpected behavior in Xamarin Forms? Objects Passed to Static Methods become null & enums are stored as int

I have been using C#/.NET/Visual Studio since 2000, but I just started working with Xamarin Forms recently. It's a pretty great platform, however I have run across a couple of issues that I cannot figure out. (I'm using Visual Studio 2017 Community). I have been researching this behavior extensively, but have had absolutely no luck in obtaining a resolution. I have created a small application which easily reproduces both of these behaviors and would greatly appreciate any expertise that would help me fix my code so it works as expected. The two issues are these:
1) After creating a custom object using new in Xamarin Forms, the object is not null. However, if that object is passed via the parameter list into a static method, it becomes null inside the method. (Note: In my sample applications I placed the static method inside the Form1 and MainPage classes. I did this only to simplify the samples. The behavior is the same when I put the static method into a separate utility class, either static class or normal class.)
2) Custom enumerations are treated as integers instead of the actual enumerated type. For example, if an instance of an enumerated type is given a value of the first item in the enumeration, its value is 0, an integer. Whereas in a Windows application, the value would be the actual enumeration value (e.g., EnumValue1), and its type would be the enumerated type. This can be a problem if one is trying to do comparisons with strings. For example, aEnum.ToString() == "EnumValue1" will return true in a Windows application, but will return false in Xamarin Forms, because aEnum.ToString() will evaluate to "0". This behavior also breaks the tenet of encapsulation in object-oriented programming, in that you aren't supposed to have to know the underlying implementation of a data type in order to properly use it.
Below is the code that reproduces the issues. There are 2 separate projects, one Windows Forms, the other Xamarin Forms. (The Xamarin Forms project was created with .NET Standard code sharing strategy). Both projects use 2 utility classes Enumerations and CustObj, where the only differences are the namespace definitions (namespace WinFormApp.Utilities and namespace XamarinFormsApp.Utilities, respectively). They both reside in a Utilities folder under their respective projects.
Windows Forms "Form1.cs"
using System.Windows.Forms;
using WinFormApp.Utilities;
namespace WinFormApp
partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
ACustomEnumeration aCE = ACustomEnumeration.EnumValue1;
string aceStr = aCE.ToString();
CustObj aCustObj = new CustObj();
int ii = aCustObj.i;
string ss = aCustObj.s;
public static void Foo(CustObj custObj)
Xamarin Forms "MainPage.xaml.cs"
using Xamarin.Forms;
using XamarinFormsApp.Utilities;
namespace XamarinFormsApp
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
public MainPage()
ACustomEnumeration aCE = ACustomEnumeration.EnumValue1;
string aceStr = aCE.ToString();
CustObj aCustObj = new CustObj();
int ii = aCustObj.i;
string ss = aCustObj.s;
public static void Foo(CustObj custObj)
Utility class "Enumerations.cs"
namespace WinFormApp.Utilities (or XamarinFormsApp.Utilities)
public enum ACustomEnumeration
class Enumerations
Utility class "CustObj.cs"
namespace WinFormApp.Utilities (or XamarinFormsApp.Utilities)
public class CustObj
public ACustomEnumeration _aCEMember;
public int i;
public string s;
public CustObj()
this.i = 99;
this.s = "Hello!";
When stepping through the WinFormApp in Visual Studio, one observes the following variables before the call to static method Foo:
aCE with value of EnumValue1 and Type ACustomEnumeration
aceStr with Value of "EnumValue1" and Type string
aCustObj with Type CustObj and data members:
_aCEMember with Value of EnumValue1 and Type ACustomEnumeration
i with Value of 99 and Type int
s with Value of "Hello!" and Type string
ii with Value of 99
ss with Value of Hello!
After stepping into Foo, the parameter is as expected:
custObj with Type CustObj and data members:
_aCEMember with Value of EnumValue1 and Type ACustomEnumeration
i with Value of 99 and Type int
s with Value of "Hello!" and Type string
All variables evaluate as expected. Enumerations evaluate as the actual enumerated value. The custom object is instantiated and its data members are given their appropriate initial values. When the object is passed into the static method, it is passed correctly as a reference type, and retains all of its data inside the method.
Conversely, when stepping through the XamarinFormsApp in Visual Studio, one observes the following variables before the call to static method Foo:
aCE with Value of 0 and Type int (violates encapsulation)
aceStr with Value of "0" and Type string (this demonstrates the problem with how enumerations are evaluated)
aCustObj with Type CustObj and data members:
_aCEMember with no Value or Type at all
i with no Value or Type at all
s with no Value or Type at all
ii with Value of 99
ss with Value of Hello!
After stepping into Foo, the parameter is NOT as expected:
custObj with Value of null and Type CustObj
The problems with enumerations are fairly obvious. But I am very confused as to what is really going on with the custom object. It makes no sense that when I examine an object after its instantiation, that it doesn't show its data members as being initialized. Although it is strange how variables ii and ss are actually given the correct values.
More importantly, the fact that when I pass the object into the static method, it becomes null, is really mind-boggling.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what is happenning, and how to fix it?

Public enum with Internal raw value in Swift

I want to create a class with a public enum (to be used by other modules) with an internal String raw value (I don't want other modules to read the raw Value, but I do want to read it internally inside the same module).
I know I can just create another private function that receives the enum and returns a String but I want to avoid that.
I think it's not possible, I tried doing like this first:
public enum Emotion {
case Hate = EmotionInner.Hate, Love = EmotionInner.Love
internal enum EmotionInner: String {
case Hate = "hate", Love = "love"
But it won't compile.
Your enums at least should be the same type - so if you want to has rawValue() it will has it in both enum. And you can't make rawValue() smth like final or static.
By the way, maybe it's not bad way to make a function for it?

Convert String into Class for TitleWindow

I don't know if this is possible, I am pulling the names for TitleWindows from my database as strings.
Then from my main application I have to launch the TitleWindow. So in my function I need to convert the name of the TitleWindow which is a String to a Class, because the PopUpManager accepts a Class. Below is my code.
When launching my application and trying to launch the TitleWindow I am getting the error:
Implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated type Class.
I don't want to hard code the name of my popUp in the PopUpManager, that is why I am doing it like this. Any way to work around this?
public function getScreen(screenName:String):void
var screen_Name:Class = new Class();
screen_Name = screenName;
var popUpWindow:TitleWindow = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, screen_Name, false) as TitleWindow;
I have had to do something very similar recently. Here is the function I wrote to do it:
//You have to provice the package signature
private var viewPackage:String = "org.bishop";
//In my case, event.type is the name of a class
var className: String = viewPackage + "." + event.type;
var classRef:Class = getDefinitionByName(className) as Class;
Note: for the class to be created correctly, you will need to include both an import statement:
import org.bishop.Login;
and also declare a variable of the class in the code as follows:
otherwise the classes will not be available to be created.
