opening Sublime text from Git Bash but getting comamand not found - bash

i messed up a little bit in my GIt Bash, I added an alias and can't get rid of it. whenever l launce Git Bash I get this error right away:
bash: alias: alias: not found
and when I'm trying to run subl I am getting this error message:
bash: C:Program: command not found
even though it is added in my environment variables, however, I am able to open it in CMD. could be the alias is causing the issue? if that's the case how can I get rid of it?

That error looks like you have the alias path defined incorrectly.
Your alias for subl also looks like it is using a Windows path. The examples below are from my dev machine for my GitExtension and Powershell aliases on a Windows machine.
Take note how it is using a unix style path wrapped in single quotes and without a space between the equal sign and the first single quote mark.
alias ps='"/c/windows/system32/windowspowershell/v1.0/powershell.exe"'
alias gite='"/c/Program Files (x86)/GitExtensions/GitExtensions.exe"'
Comment out the alias that you are having problems with to troubleshoot this alias issue. The aliases are typically defined in the .gitconfig file. Mine is located at c:\Users\nbstrat\.gitconfig.
From the path you specified in the comments above, updated your subl alias path to this:
alias subl='"/C/Program Files/Sublime Text 3/sublime_text.exe"'
Close your current git bash shell and then restart git bash so it will reload the updated aliases.


Windows PATH seems broken in Git Bash

I installed MySQL and wanted to see if it worked well, testing it on Git Bash (the course told me to do so). The code I had to write was the following one: export PATH=/c/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 8.0/bin/:$PATH.
The main issue is that every time I open again Git Bash there are several lines saying not a valid identifier. I can't provide an image as I'm new, but one of the examples might be:
bash: export: `Corporation/NVIDIA': not a valid identifier
Although I deleted Git Bash and reinstalled again, the problem persists. Does anyone know how to fix that on Windows?
Thanks in advance!
Because the path contains spaces, it needs to be quoted:
export PATH="/c/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 8.0/bin/:$PATH"
You need to change this in whatever file you originally wrote this line in; it's probably named .bashrc or .bash_profile and can be found in your home directory (typically c:\Users\YourUsername).

How do I run ESLint from a saved Bash variable?

I am setting up a project initialization script and a git pre-commit hook for work on a project. We have the scripts I want to run for linting not in the root directory but in a sub-directory and I would like to keep it that way.
What I want to be able to do is to set the full relative path to the binary executables for eslint and phpcs to bash variables then be able to run them. I also want to be able to execute the composer.phar binary from the bash variables.
So here is what I did.
# Set tool paths
I was trying to test these paths locally from the project root directory and I keep getting errors.
I copy and paste one of those lines into my terminal, hit enter, then do one of the following:
${ESLINT_PATH} and command ${ESLINT_PATH} and "${ESLINT_PATH}" and $ESLINT_PATH all yield me...
zsh: command too long: eslint [options] file.js [file.js] [dir]\n\nBasic configuration...
eval "${ESLINT_PATH}" and eval $ESLINT_PATH and eval "$ESLINT_PATH" all yield me...
zsh: no matches found: [options]
zsh: command not found: Basic
zsh: command not found: --no-eslintrc
zsh: command not found: -c,
zsh: no matches found: [String]
Am I losing my mind? How in the world do I make the path executable? If I take the contents of the path and run it, it works just fine.
Example: ./wp-content/themes/swmaster/node_modules/.bin/eslint actually tells me to specify a path.
What am I doing wrong here?
Looks like your issue is in these assignments:
# Set tool paths
Those back-ticks are command substitutions. An easier to read way of writing this is would be:
I don't think that is what you really want. A command substitution actually executes what is inside and is substituted by whatever goes to stdout. I think you were actually trying to do string assignments. This can be accomplished by simply removing the back-ticks because there are no spaces in the paths. But it is a good habit to get into to just double quote them anyway. Try this:
# Set tool paths
Another method to solve your issue would be to add these directories to your PATH variable. For example, if you set your PATH to include the bin directory for phpcs and phpcbf, you would be able to execute those programs without specifying a full (or relative in this situation) path:
export PATH=$PATH:./wp-content/themes/our-theme/vendor/bin
# or export PATH=$PATH:/full/path/to/wp-content/themes/our-theme/vendor/bin
# Now you can just run the line below without a path...
This morning I found what I was looking for in this gist:
My solution is now:
# Set tool paths
PHPCS="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/wp-content/themes/our-theme/vendor/bin/phpcs"
PHPCBF="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/wp-content/themes/our-theme/vendor/bin/phpcbf"
ESLINT="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/wp-content/themes/our-theme/node_modules/.bin/eslint"
SASSLINT="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/wp-content/themes/our-theme/node_modules/.bin/sass-lint"
This works from any directory in the repo because it ties to the repo base path. It is dynamic in that way.

Bash alias causing error "bash: cd: too many arguments" only when set in .bashrc

I have several bash aliases set in my .bashrc but they generate errors every time I open a new terminal. Each time a new terminal opens, two bash: cd: too many arguments will appear. The aliases work as intended, but I would like to solve the errors anyway. Here are the aliases in question:
alias .1="cd .."
alias .2="cd ../.."
alias .3="cd ../../.."
alias .4="cd ../../../.."
alias .5="cd ../../../../.."
alias .=".1" #Trouble maker
alias ..=".2"
alias ...=".3"
alias ....=".4"
alias .....=".5"
I have narrowed it down to alias .=".1" as the culprit creating the errors. I understand the . is its own command and I am slapping an alias on top of it. I am not sure this is the issue or not, but I have noticed when I remove this line the errors disappear. Furthermore, running the alias on the CLI itself does not generate the same errors... only when in the .bashrc does it generate the errors.
Things I have tried:
Quotations on both sides of =
Changing alias .=".1" to alias .="cd .."
Adding a space before alias command in an attempt to suppress output
Aliasing . means you are changing how subsequent shell commands include other shell scripts. Since . and source do the same thing in bash you might be able to fix this by making sure that they're only using source. Look in .bash_profile for instance. Bash looks at a variety of files while it is starting and .bashrc is probably getting read by .bash_profile and something in there is trying to . some other file.
But really, why? Can you just add a dot to each of these and be ok with it? The .. directory is one level up so that could make it easier to remember. Changing things like this that are fundamental to how the shell operates and glues together multiple scripts is going to keep tripping you up.
The alias that is causing the error is: alias .=".1". The single period is a synonym for the source command, which reads in and executes commands from the file you pass as its argument.
What you're essentially doing (unintentionally), is trying to change the behavior of the source command using an alias.

Terminal commands can not be found OSX

A majority of terminal commands don't work, for example .
with the error -bash: ls: command not found my path is echo $PATH
“/Users/username/usr/local/bin I get the feeling that “ should not be there but not sure how edit it.
What should the path be and how do I get the path to stay the same?
You need to add more paths to your $PATH variable. Try running whereis ls and check where is the binary of the command.
You can add more paths like this: export PATH=$PATH:NEW_PATH
I had a similar experience recently where a lot of my terminal commands were not being found despite being clearly saved in my bash_profile. After lengthy process of elimination I realised that the issue was caused when I tried to export a new path. The error that I had made was putting a space in the command. So I had to change
export SOMETHING = /path/to/something.apk to
export SOMETHING=/path/to/something.apk
So I would recommend you check all your path declarations to ensure you don't have any white spaces. Also don't forget to source your bash_profile or what ever type of command line shell you use.

ZSH aliases not found

When I open my ~/.zshrc file and add alias homestead=“cd ~/Homestead”, I expect to be able to type homestead and be taken to the Homestead folder.
Instead I get the following error:
zsh: command not found: “cd
Even when I use single quotes, i.e. alias homestead='cd ~/Homestead' and run source ~/.zshrc I get the same error.
UPDATE: Also, when I run which homestead I get homestead: aliased to "cd
How can I fix this?
The answer was to open ~/.zshrc in Sublime Text as opposed to TextEdit and to check that the " were coming up as 042 in an octal dump.
You don't need to define this alias at all in zsh. Add the following to your .zshrc:
setopt autocd
The first allows you to treat a directory name as a command, which implicitly sets the working directory of the current shell to the named directory. The second specifies that if the current directory doesn't have a directory whose name is used with cd (or by itself with autocd set), then try to find it in a directory named in the cdpath parameter.
With these two, simply typing Homestead will first try to run a command named Homestead; failing that, it tries to cd to ./Homestead, and failing that, will finally succeed in cding to ~/Homestead.
The double quotes must be ASCII, not Unicode outside the ASCII range. Load the file in your editor, disable any automatic mangling of single quotes and double quotes. Then replace the funny quotes with ASCII quotes " (code decimal 34, hex 22, octal 042). Or type the command at a prompt, then cut & paste it in your editor. If all else fails, add the alias at the end of your .zshrc with
printf 'alias homestead="cd ~/homestead"' >> ~/.zshrc
Verify the result with octal dump,
od -bc .zshrc
The number above the quotes should appear as 042.
Maybe your locale settings is auto correcting a double quote " into a localized double quote “ as you posted. Since this is not recognized as a valid quote in shell, a simple white-space would break the string. So the actual alias is “cd.
As to why alias homestead='cd ~/Homestead' does not work, it seems you changed the alias in ~/.zshrc. From the which homestead result, it can be seen that alias homestead='cd ~/Homestead' does not really work. Maybe there is another line of alias homestead=“cd ~/Homestead” hidden in .zshrc after it.
Just saying that for me what fixed it was an error in the first alias in my list that had a question mark in it.
Just switched to Mac OS Catalina and ~/.bashrc to ~/.zshrc and I guess zsh doesn't support question marks.
Maybe it'll help someone coming here from Google search like I did.
