How can a bot share secure images in Microsoft Teams? - microsoft-teams

I have an MS Teams test app which responds with adaptive cards (e.g. in response to url unfurling - AppBasedLinkQuery in Teams jargon; or in response to search – MessagingExtensionQuery). The cards contain images which may include private information. As far as I can tell, there is no way to include the images securely – the image urls are public.
Is there a recommended way to include images securely in app generated adaptive cards?


validate rewarded ad in google ad manager for web

We have a learning app with free content and subscription content.
We would like to give access to the subscription content to the users using rewarded video ads.
I can try those videos using these codes publisher-tag 1 publisher-tag 1 2.
But the question here is, how can I validate that event server-side? I can't just call a function to reward the user without any validation. I'm trying to find information in google but the SSV is only explained for mobile apps (what in my opinion is less important than the web validation)

TEAMS Connector to Facebook Workplace

I am looking to connect TEAMS channel posting with Facebook Workplace posting. The requirement is to copy over the Facebook posting to a specific TEAMS channel. The copy will include the text write up, links and pictures/videos in the Facebook post.
Is this possible to be done through TEAMS connectors? If copy from Facebook Workplace to TEAMS is not possible, what about the other way round? That is copy from TEAMS posting to Facebook Workplace.
Using Incoming Webhook you can copy the Facebook posting to a specific TEAMS channel.
Using Incoming webhook connector you can send the adaptive card. This card is highly customizable and can contain any combination of text, speech, images, buttons, and input fields.
Reference Doc:

Google OAuth Application Verification without Website

I am using the OAuth Functionality in a local Console Program to request the Videos for my Youtube Channel and upload Videos to Youtube.
For the Example which Google gives OAuth is used to authenticate to be able to retrieve the wanted data. But the Videos I am uploading keep getting put to private because my API Service is not verified.
Now I want to verify my API Service but I dont have a website for it so I can't provide any links for data security information or the main page of it. I mean it is a desktop app which only I am using and which is not meant to be publicly available.
How can I fulfill the verification process without any option to provide this informations?
private videos
If you check the top of the page for Videos: insert you will find that your videos are being uploaded private because your app has not been though a security audit.
app verification
In order to apply for app verification there are a number of urls that you need to supply
You will need to register a domain and claim it in web masters and then you will be able to add them.
If you want to be able to upload public videos via the YouTube Data api your app needs to be verified. In order to verify it you need to be able to show the TOS, privacy policy and the application home page. There is no way around this even if its a desktop app. Even if its single user you still need to do this.
I have a video which shows you what you need to know to verify your app.
What you need to know about Google verification in 2021.

Using azure bot services in Teams : how to send files to bot

I am new to development in teams and bot framework.
I have a botframework bot which is up and running on Teams. I did not use the app studio, I directly exported it from azure bot service.
I want to send an image from the mobile phone (like a selfie). It seems you can do this with any contact you have but not with bots. Right now, sending files to bots seems to be impossible on my version of Teams. You can send an image via bing, that's all.
From the documentation below, it says: "Sending and receiving files to bots on mobile devices is not supported."
On my computer, it seems as well that it is not supported. Anyway, I am looking for a solution to use my phone camera to share a selfie.
I came across this thread that discusses a way to add a button to prompt the user to upload a file on the client-side.
Prompt User to Upload file in Dialog Flow with MS Bot Framwork v4
Is this possible to do this in Teams rather than on Webchat?
I am new to this framework, so any insights on the above would be greatly appreciated!
This is possible and we actually just released a sample for it (Node / C#). Note, however, that I don't believe you can trigger the user's camera...only ask for them to upload an image file.
The important part that you're likely missing is step 7 (you need a manifest.json that contains "supportsFiles": true):
This step is specific to Teams. Edit the manifest.json contained in the teamsAppManifest folder to replace your app id from Bot Framework everywhere you see the place holder string <>. Zip up the contents of the teamsAppManifest folder to create a Upload the to Teams (in the Apps view click "Upload a custom app")

How to get image from SharePoint document library into thumbnail card of messaging extension of bot framework

I'm having a SharePoint document library which contains some icons. And i'm having a azure web app bot used for messaging extension using bot framework. In messaging extension preview thumbnail card i need to load the icons from SharePoint library.
Both SharePoint document library and Azure bot are on different tenant and users are also different.
SO when i'm trying to load icons from SharePoint library its giving me unauthorized error due to different tenant and users.
Is there any way to pass base64 string to thumbnail card in to load the image instead of url.
I have tried to convert image from SharePoint document library to base64 string but didn't got a way to pass that base64 string to messaging extension.
I need to show images from sharepoint document library into thumbnail card of bot framework.
There are 2 approaches you can implement.
Store images to Azure blob storage and use static url from the blob. You can use SAS key for security.
Other approach is storing images to SharePoint doc library as you listed in question then you are getting base64 value of image and store that value to a variable and use it in DataUri as below
