How to configure multiple repositories in Maven rightly - maven

I need to add fast-md5 to dependencies which lays at, so I configure settings.xml like
<name>Central Repository</name>
But now all dependencies are missing. The error message is
Missing artifact commons-io:commons-io:jar:2.5
So How to configure multiple repositories?


How to use Spring Snapshots with Nexus Repository

We have no problem building Spring Boot RELEASE projects with our Nexus repository which proxies maven-central and use a maven-public group. A Spring Boot SNAPSHOT project won't build, because Maven cannot resolve the SNAPSHOT dependencies. Spring SNAPSHOTS get downloaded, but then we get this error message.
Failure to find
in http://[host]:8081/repository/[snapshots] was cached in the local
repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update
interval of [snapshots] has elapsed or updates are forced
Here are the settings:
<name>Spring Milestone Repository</name>
The pom looks like this:
<name>Spring Snapshot Repository</name>
<name>Spring Milestone Repository</name>
I've trying building with and without a Nexus proxy for Spring Snapshots, but it didn't help.
The problem is that 2.2.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT is not publically available at at this time. The highest version available is 2.1.2.BUILD-SNAPSHOT. I was working with a Pivotal employee who must have access to higher build numbers earlier than the public. I backed my pom.xml down to 2.1.1.RELEASE and it worked.

How to properly specify jcenter repository in maven config?

In Gradle, I need simply add:
repositories {
What is the simplest and proper way to do the same in maven pom.xml or where can I get right url for jcenter repository.
You have to define settings.xml like the following. If you define it in ~/.m2/settings.xml it will be global to your maven. If you define it as a resource of your project you can bind it with the -s parameter:
mvn -s settings.xml compile
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<settings xsi:schemaLocation=''
xmlns='' xmlns:xsi=''>
Just add a repositories section in your pom:
The official documentation from JFrog JCenter is in:
Hit the SET ME UP! button on the upper right corner.

Maven FTP repository

I have setup a maven repository on my webserver using FTP.
The deployment works as expected, but when I wnat to install a submodule it does not find the files on the webserver, because it is trying to download from a wrong location.
I have setup the maven repo with a folder for snapshots and one for releases:
The root pom file has fllowing distributionManagement:
If I run mvn deploy with a -SNAPSHOT version it deploys the files into the snapshots directory as expected.
But when I delete my local repository and try to install a submodule maven cannot find the artifact. My settings.xml looks like this:
<name>my repository</name>
aven tries to download from and not from as expected.
What is my problem?
I had to change my repositories definition to two seperate repositories (1 for snapshot, 1 for release):
<name>my release repository</name>
<name>my snapshot repository</name>

maven repositories order

I have a maven repo which stores all the artifacts under
I have a second repo which stores different artifacts under
By default for all the builds I want to get the artifacts from "content/public"
But for one specific usecase when a flag is switched on I want to get artifacts from "content/type1"
If an artifact is not present then I want to look for it in "content/public"
My apache-maven/3.04./conf/settings.xml looks like this
<!-- This sends everything else to /public -->
<!-- Enable snapshots for the built in central repo to direct -->
<!-- all requests to nexus via the mirror -->
<!-- Default this property so we can create references easily. -->
<!-- make the profile active all the time -->
My profile in the pom.xml looks like this
<name>Type1 Repo</name>
<!-- Enforce strict checksums and always update releases and snapshots -->
<!-- Enforce strict checksums and always update releases and snapshots -->
Even after doing this when i run a goal like mvn goal1 -Dtype1=true it still looks for artifacts in "content/public"
Can someone please tell me what is that I am doing wrong
Just change the order of your repositories content/type1 first and then content/public

Instruct Maven to download third party plugin from

There is a plugin I want to use on
I know the maven command to run the plugin but how do I instruct Maven where the plugin should be downloaded from ?
I think I need to update my settings file to something like :
Is this correct ?
You should add a repository to your pom, that way the build will remain portable and other developers who build your code will not need to update their settings.xml.
This should do the job:
The best solution is to use the configuration in your current for only testing like this:
or change your settings appropriately like this:
<name>Maven Plugin Snapshots</name>
of course with activation of the profile. Or change the configuration of your repository manager.
