Why use <scope>test</scope> for cucumber dependency? - maven

After Selenium, testNG, I just started using Cucumber and Maven. First I created a cucumber project without using <scope>test</scope> for dependency. Like this:
But I had a problem. The changes I made in the step definitions were not being applied without building the project. With some research I added this <scope>test</scope> for cucumber. And the problem was solved. (This is also how I resolved a classpath error I got for testng.)
But how does adding scope test make a difference? Why are we adding it?


How to include kotlin.test properly via Maven?

Our team is making first steps into Kotlin and I'm about to to migrate a test. I tried a first example from mockk (https://github.com/mockk/mockk/blob/master/mockk/common/src/test/kotlin/io/mockk/it/InjectMocksTest.kt). For some reason it seems I'm not able to use kotlin.test although I have added it via maven. Do I have to include any other modules? Or do I have to change something else?
(the mockk example uses Gradle so it doesn't help me).
This is what I'd like to use in my Kotlin test file but it which can't be found (at least not the packages I need):
(Restarting Intellij doesn't help, neither running mvn seperately)
This is my maven dependancy (Intellij shows now error):
<version>${kotlin.version}</version> <!-- kotlin.version == 1.7.0 -->
The solution was (see hotkey's answer) to add the following maven dependency:
You need to add a dependency on one of kotlin-test-junit (for JUnit 4), kotlin-test-junit5 (for JUnit Jupiter), or kotlin-test-testng (for TestNG), depending on what test framework you are using.
The artifact kotlin-test contains only the common code, asserters and other stuff that can be reused across the frameworks.
The kotlin.test annotations like #Test or #BeforeTest are shipped in the test-framework-specific artifacts as typealiases to the actual annotations types of the test frameworks.

Maven Fatal Error because of cucumber-junit dependency

Something very strange is happening.
I have the following dependency in my pom.xml:
The project compiles perfectly.
But as soon as I change the cucumber version in this dependency to 1.2.6 I get an error when compling the progect:
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on project gp-it-test-product: Fatal error compiling
I also attempted to use the most recent cucumber version:
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.cucumber/cucumber-junit -->
But I got the same error. Why is this happening? Version 1.2.5 works OK
It was moved to another group io.cucumber after version 1.2.5 check the maven repository
Okay, I finally solved this. The problem was not in maven, but in cucumber. It appeared that some old packages that I was using in my code disappeared, so I had to change all old imports to new ones and also make some other changes in accordance with the new version to make it work. Nullpointer exception that I posted was due to changed package of Scenario class.

why cucumber test results don't display examples name or steps?

I've ran into some unexpected results running a project with cucumber 2.0+. I discovered when running my tests as Junit, the immediate output doesn't display the "Examples" names or steps, instead it repeats the "Scenario outline" name for each line of "Examples" table. As practice I tried running the demo project for Screenplay pattern "TODOMVC" from https://github.com/serenity-bdd/screenplay-pattern-todomvc, using the following dependencies for cucumber
I've tried executing the runner with (CucumberWithSerenity.class) as well as (Cucumber.class)
And this is how the JUNIT looks in my Ecplise.
Junit report in eclipse
Executing the runner using the old info.cukes dependencies (1.2.5) produce result with example names and steps as expected.
Just wondering if anyone else has ran into this issue, or if I'm missing something?
It looks like its intended behavior in the new cucumber version. Sort of a quick-fix solution is to add junit = "--step-notifications" in the cucumberoptions, which will display the steps, but still no luck with showing the example names.
In that case, you have add the below line of code
stepNotifications=true in your TestRunner file

Maven test dependency not being found

I'm declaring a test dependency on powermock with easymock bundled in.
When I run mvn test, the test src claims to be able to find org.powermock but not org.easymock, despite it being included in the above dependency.
I wondered whether it was a problem due to transitivity of the test scope, so i tried compile scope also (as the documentation http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-dependency-mechanism.html mentions that the compile dependencies are available at test time) without any luck.
I've also tried using a bundled jar instead of pom, to no avail. I realise i could declare the dependencies separately (ie separate dependencies for powermock and easymock) but for my purposes i'm restricted to having just the one dependency including all necessary test libs.
Tracing this back to the powermock parent pom I see that the easymock dependency is marked "provided."
Looks like powermock is expecting its clients (you in this case) to supply the easymock jars.
According to the powermock-easymock-release-full POM, it does not depend on easymock (ie easymock does not appear in the powermock-easymock-release-full dependencies). So you'll have to add another dependency to easymock, dependending on the test engine you're using (JUnit or TestNG): http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22org.powermock%22%20AND%20%22easymock%22

Cannot find SerialAddress class in Apache Mina 2.0.2

I added the below dependencies in my project POM file and the SerialAddress class is no where to be found from the downloaded mina-core.2.0.2.jar.
the package org.apache.mina.transport.serial doesnt even exist. Please advice me on the correct Dependency.
It looks like this class is not part of mina-core. Some exploration lead to the existence of Apache Mina Serial Communication Support.
So I guess you would want to add the dependency for mina-transport-serial.
