Laravel Breeze + Astrojs Session - laravel

I am learning astrojs and want to build sample project connectingn to laravel session auth using breeze + api. How can we establish and maintain a session between laravel and astrojs SSR?


laravel back-end scaffolding for rest api

I want to create a new Laravel project with Laravel Passport.
I was looking for the controller and the APIs for auth (login/ logout/ register/ forgot password)
if I wanted to use normal auth I would go with Laravel Breeeze but I just need apis.
does any body know any package?

Shared session between laravel and vue apps

I have 3 apps and those 2 are laravel apps and 1 is vuejs
I've tried setting up session to store session data in to the database so that I can have a shared sessions between my apps.
Things work between laravel apps, however, I have trouble when it comes to my vuejs app.
Btw, in order to proceed to any of my vue routes, I have to check first if token exists and is correct.
But since I am using laravel sessions now, I guess I need to check for cookie session id now?
and if so, where do I set the cookie session id?
Better use Laravel passport (OAuth) as a token generation for you Vue application.

Generate api token for users in database laravel

I have a database of users that work with web login based on laravel sessions. Now I want to generate an api token for each of these users for an api login, how can I generate it? I have already migrated to the database for this new column but I need each user to have their api token.
I'd recomment you to use Laravel Passport. APIs typically use tokens to authenticate users and do not maintain session state between requests. Laravel makes API authentication a breeze using Laravel Passport, which provides a full OAuth2 server implementation for your Laravel application in a matter of minutes.
If You need session mechanism then You should use Laravel Passport.
But if You are building traditonal stateless REST Api then you can use API Authentication

Connect backend and frontend

How to connect frontend to backend?
The site was Laravel 5.7 + VUE. Now was completely written from scratch in JS frontend (self-written).
I. e. it is necessary to leave the old backend (Laravel 5.7) + API and connect the new frontend to it.
As I understand it, you need to rewrite the old backend for a new frontend or not?
New frontend only. The task is to connect the old backend and API to the new frontend.
It's not necessary to rewrite your backend, in fact a would try to leave it as it is, and just try to connect new frontend with existing backend API (endpoints). Or is there any specific reason for changing the backenend codebase?
VUE is a Javascript frontend framework and Laravel is a framework for PHP so you do not need to rewrite the backend. What you need to do is configure your frontend to match the
Laravel codebase in the backend.

Laravel 5.2 stateless authentication with guard ['admin','client' ] for multi auth in api

please help me,
I want the stateless authentication for Rest api for login api to to get the token from it by using guard in it.
You might consider using Laravel Lumen because laravel by default uses session state.
In lumen you can be able to authenticate a user by using the new Auth::viaRequest() method. Docs here:
