how can I sort the dropdown list in Woocommerce under the orders section?
For example, I want the "mark as paid" before another action - how can I sort them in a specific order? Thanks for any help.
EDIT: We added this as snippet, but it only brings "Delete" from bulk actions to end of dropdown list - how can we bring others to top?
add_filter( 'bulk_actions-woocommerce_page_wc-gzd-shipments', 'sort_bulk_action', PHP_INT_MAX );
function sort_bulk_action( $bulk_actions ) {
$process = $bulk_actions['delete'];
$bulk_actions['delete'] = $process;
return $bulk_actions;
I am working on 2016 on-premise MSCRM, I need to check each record in bulk edit and alert the user if something is wrong, I tried to alert it from my update plugin but only general msg appeared, now I'm trying to get all records selected in bulk edit, I googled and found this code :
var formType = Xrm.Page.ui.getFormType();
if (formType == 6)
//Read ids from dialog arguments
var records = window.dialogArguments;
To use the bulk edit formtype I need to add to event onload or onchange on customizations.xml the attribute : BehaviorInBulkEditForm=“Enabled“ (unfortunately not so safe to edit this file) .
My questions:
which selected rows I'll get in onload and onchange event? ,I'm not sure where to use it in that case and if I'll get all the data I need.
Is there a better way/easy to get the data I need or to get the formtype - bulk edit.
Soon I'll be using MSCRM 365 is there any easier solution to this case in the 9.0 version ?
You can use method window.getDialogArguments(); to get ids.
Here is my example:
I added an onLoad event for my form and enabled the BehaviorInBulkEditForm.
function onLoad(formContext) {
var ids = window.getDialogArguments();
The ids is an array, every element is a selected record id.
['{335A56B7-C717-ED11-B83F-00224856D931}', '{CBBDEBFB-C717-ED11-B83F-00224856D931}', '{3607EFC7-C717-ED11-B83F-00224856D931}', '{325A56B7-C717-ED11-B83F-00224856D931}']
This is my first post here so please be understanding ;)
I have a strage problem with Woocommerce and hidden products (catalog visibility) that are counted in catalog/archive pages but shows as empty spaces:
Probably it is caused by WPML and duplicated products in other languages.
By the way, I have deeply described the problem here, but with no effective help:
Because I’ve lost any hope to eliminate the hidden products, I am trying a solution that may could help a bit.
I would like to sort the hidden products to the end of a catalog list.
But I have already sorted sold products to the end of the catalog list.
I am using such a code:
add_action( 'woocommerce_product_query', 'bbloomer_sort_by_stock_status_then_alpha', 999 );
function bbloomer_sort_by_stock_status_then_alpha( $query ) {
if ( is_admin() ) return;
$query->set( 'meta_key', '_stock_status' );
$query->set( 'orderby', array( 'meta_value' => 'ASC', 'date' => 'DESC' ) );
So, is it possible to rebuild the code and add also hidden products sorting DESC (to the end of the list)?
Thanks in advance for help,
I have an IG region where I disabled the toolbar and created my custom search item.
I want user to be able to type the first three characters of a name on the search item (named P8_SEARCH) and the IG report will only show the name(s) that starts with those 3 characters.
This should happen without clicking any button. The IG report query is shown below:
select member_id, first_name, last_name , address, dob, home_phone, cell_phone,
email_address from member_profile where first_name like '%'||:P8_SEARCH||'%';
I also created dynamic action with key release event and True action Execute JavaScript Code shown below:
var keyPressCount=0;
$("#P8_SEARCH").on("keypress", () => {
if (keyPressCount < 2) {
} else {
$s("P8_SEARCH", apex.item( "P8_SEARCH" ).getValue());
How can I achieve this without submitting the page? I will appreciate any suggestion. Example:
Set an static_id for your IG region, in the dynamic action add apex.region("yourStaticId").refresh();to your JS code, this will refresh only the region.
something like this:
var keyPressCount=0;
$("#P8_SEARCH").on("keypress", () => {
if (keyPressCount < 2) {
} else {
$s("P8_SEARCH", apex.item( "P8_SEARCH" ).getValue());
If the search items are stored in an associated table, my idea is that you could associate a PL/SQL expression to execute using a Process. This process could be executed on a custom action.
Another idea is that you associate the dynamic action with a hidden button press, and make the JavaScript code click on the button. Then, you can 'simulate' the existence of a trigger for your dynamic action with key release event
What do you think?
I'm trying to add multiple simple products to the cart at the same time using a query string as below, however it only adds the last product to the cart instead of both:
Can someone let me know what I'm doing wrong?
I have also tried this:[]=9916&qty[]=4&product[]=15749&qty[]=4
Any help much appreciated!
Add Product To Cart With Querystring
Add simple product in shopping cart with no attribute.
Here PRODUCT_ID = 'Product Id',PRODUCT_QUANTITY = 'product quantity to purchase'.
Add product into shopping cart with single custome option.[OPTION_ID]=OPTION_VALUE
Here OPTION_ID = 'Custom attribute option id',OPTION_VALUE = 'Custom attribute option value'.
Add product into shopping cart with multipal custome option.[OPTION_ID_1]=OPTION_VALUE_1&super_attribute[OPTION_ID_2]=OPTION_VALUE_2
Here OPTION_ID_1 & OPTION_ID_1 = 'Custom attribute option ids',OPTION_VALUE_1 & OPTION_VALUE_2 = 'Custom attribute option values'.Here add more options in `super_attribute` array
Add Extra products with mail product with only 1 quantity.,PRODUCT_ID_2
Here PRODUCT_ID_1 and PRODUCT_ID_2 is other products id. add more product by id using `,` separator. Example:- &related_product=1,2,3,4.
Default magento there is not setting for add related product quantity into if you want to add this code than open app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/controllers/CartController.php find public function addAction().
if (!empty($related)) {
$cart->addProductsByIds(explode(',', $related));
Replace with
$rel_qty = $this->getRequest()->getParam('related_qty');
if (!empty($related)) {
$relatedproducts = explode(',', $related);
$relatedqtys = explode(',',$rel_qty);
$i = 0;
foreach($relatedproducts as $relatedproduct)
$cart->addProduct($relatedproduct, array('qty'=>$relatedqtys[$i]));
Now use query string for add related products with quantity.,PRODUCT_ID_2&related_qty=PRODUCT_ID_1_QUANTITY,PRODUCT_ID_2_QUANTITY
If you don't want to change any code, you can try to utilize related products functionality by adding related_product parameter to your request. So your url will look like this:
If you want to add more products, just list them with comma separator: related_product=1,2,3
The only drawback from that is that you actually can't specify the qty for related products.
To see how it works - Mage_Checkout_Model_Cart::addProductsByIds(array_of_ids)
If qty for subsequent products is a mandatory for you, you'll need to create your own controller, or override the Mage_Checkout_CartController::addAction method.
I found a cheeky way I found of getting around the quantity limitation of the related_products query string field noted above in other answers. If you just put the SAME ID MULTIPLE TIMES in the value of related_products, as many times as the quantity you need, then that will achieve the same effect as if there was an explicit qty field for each related product. So taking himansu's answer above and adapting it we get:,PRODUCT_ID_1,PRODUCT_ID_1,PRODUCT_ID_2,PRODUCT_ID_2
This will add to the cart PRODUCT_QUANTITY of PRODUCT_ID, 3 of PRODUCT_ID_1, and 2 of PRODUCT_ID_2.
So as long as you're happy doing a little work to generate the same ID multiple times this works a treat. And no custom code changes required on your magento server.
I know there is a way to programmatically invoice, ship, and set state on an order (, but I actually need to drill down even deeper to the item level of an order. We have a situation where, depending on item type, two different items can be processed in two different locations (from the same order). I can go into the Magento back-end and "ship" one item without "shipping" the other and append comments to that one item, but I'm looking for a way to do this programmatically. Thank you in advance for your help!
Here is the code I ended up using to accomplish this:
$client = new SoapClient('http://somesite.domain/magento/index.php/api/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('username', 'password');
function extract_item_id($items, $sku ){
foreach($items as $item ){
if ($item["sku"]==$sku) {
return $item["item_id"];
$orderNum = "200000052";
$oderInfo = $client->call($session, "", $orderNum );
$item_id = extract_item_id($oderInfo["items"], "someSKU") ;
$itemsQty = array( $item_id => "1" );
$shipment = array(
"Comment associated with item shipped.",
$nship = $client->call($session, 'sales_order_shipment.create', $shipment);
I've never done it, but it looks like the SOAP API supports creating individual shipment items. That'd be the first thing I'd check.
If that doesn't work, I'd examine the source code the the Magento admin and reverse engineer what its doing with to create a single item shipment. Specifically, start tracing at the saveAction of the admin's Shipment Controller
The order/shipment/invoice section of Magento codebase is one of the most volatile/iterative sections, with the core objects/methods/dependencies changing subtly between versions. Finding one "right" answer for this will prove difficult, if not impossible.