Does ElasticSearch Keep Count The Number Of Times A Record Is Returned In A Given Period Of Time? - elasticsearch

I have an ElasticSearch instance and it does one type of search - it takes a few parameters and returns the companies in its index that match the parameters given.
I'd like to be able to pull some stats that essentially says "This company has been returned from search queries X number of times in the past week".
Does ElasticSearch store metadata that will allow to pull this kind of info from it? If this kind of data isn't stored in ES out of the box, is there a way to enable it?

Elasticsearch (not ElasticSearch ;) ) does not do this natively, no. you can build something using the slow log, where you set the timing to 0 to get it to log everything, but that then logs everything which may not be useful/too noisy
things like, built on top of Elasticsearch, do provide this sort of insight


Elasticsearch count of searches against an index resets to zero after cluster restart

We use Elasticsearch - one cluster is 7.16 and another is 8.4. Behavior is the same in both.
We need to be able to get a count of search queries run against an index since the index's creation.
We retrieve the amount of searches that have been run against a given index by using the _stats endpoint as such:
GET /_stats?
The problem is that this stat resets to zero after a cluster reboot. Does this data persist anywhere for a given index such that I can get the total since inception of the index? If not, is there an action I can take to somehow record that stat before a reboot so I can always access the full total number?
EDIT - this is the only item I was able to find on this subject, and the answer in this discussion does not look promising:
As far as I know, there is no Out of the box solution to achieve your use-case, but its not that hard to build it yourself either, You can simply call the same _stats API periodically and store it in some other index of Elasticsearch or DB so that its not reset. IMHO Its not that big work.

Get last document from index in Elasticsearch

I'm playing around the package; all works fine, but I've a question: is it possible to get the last N inserted documents?
The From statement has 0 as default starting point for the Search action and I didn't understand if is possible to omit it in search.
Although I am not aware of a feature in elasticsearch api to retrieve the latest inserted documents.
There is a way to achieve something alike if you store the ingest time of the documents.
Then you can sort on the ingest time, and retrieve the top N documents.

Implements popular keyword in ElasticSearch

I'm using ElasticSearch on AWS EC2.
And i want to implement today's popular keyword function in ES.
there is 3 indexes(place, genre, name), and i want see today's popular keyword in name index only.
I tried to use ES slowlog and logstash. but slowlog save logs every shard's log.
(ex)number of shards : 5 then 5 query log saved.
Is there any good and easy way to implement popular keyword in ES?
As far as I know, this is not supported by Elasticsearch and you need to build your own custom solution.
Design you mentioned using the slowlog is not good as you mentioned its on per shard basis, even if you do some more computing and able to merge and relate them to a single search at index level, it would not be good, as
you have to change the slow log configuration and for every index there needs to be a different threshold, you can change it to 0ms, to make sure you get all the search queries in slow logs, but that would take a huge disk space and would not be good for Elasticsearch performance.
You have to do some parsing of slow log in your application and if you do it runtime it would be very costly.
I think you can maintain a distributed cache in your application where you store the top searched keyword like the leaderboard of a multi-player gaming app, which is changing very frequently but in your case, you don't even have to update this cache very frequently. I would not go into much implementation details, but simple Hashmap of search term as key and count as value would solve the issue.
Hope this helps. let me know if you have questions.

How can I find the most used query from Elasticsearch?

I have a Elasticsearch cluster running on AWS Elasticsearch instance. It is up running for a few months. I'd like to know the most used query requests over the last few months. Does Elasticsearch save all queries somewhere I can search? Or do I have to programmatically save the requests for analysis?
As far as I'm aware, Elasticsearch doesn't by default save a record or frequency histogram of all queries. However, there's a way you could have it log all queries, and then ship the logs somewhere to be aggregated/searched for the top results (incidentally this is something you could use Elasticsearch for :D). Sadly, you'll only be able to track queries after you configure this, I doubt that you'll be able to find any record of your historical queries the last few months.
To do this, you'd take advantage of Elasticsearch's slow query log. The default thresholds are designed to only log slow queries, but if you set those defaults to 0s then Elasticsearch would log any query as a slow query, giving you a record of all queries. See that link above for detailed instructions how, you could set this for a whole cluster in your yaml configuration file like 0s
or set it dynamically per-index with
PUT /<my-index-name>/_settings
"": "0s"
To be clear the log level you choose doesn't strictly matter, but utilizing debug for this would allow you to keep logging actually slow queries at the more dangerous levels like info and warn, which you might find useful.
I'm not familiar with how to configure an AWS elasticsearch cluster, but as the above are core Elasticsearch settings in all the versions I'm aware of there should be a way to do it.
Happy searching!

How does ElasticSearch handle an index with 230m entries?

I was looking through elasticsearch and was noticing that you can create an index and bulk add items. I currently have a series of flat files with 220 million entries. I am working on Logstash to parse and add them to ElasticSearch, but I feel that it existing under 1 index would be rough to query. The row data is nothing more than 1-3 properties at most.
How does Elasticsearch function in this case? In order to effectively query this index, do you just add additional instances to the cluster and they will work together to crunch the set?
I have been walking through the documentation, and it is explaining what to do, but not necessarily all the time explaining why it does what it does.
In order to effectively query this index, do you just add additional instances to the cluster and they will work together to crunch the set?
That is exactly what you need to do. Typically it's an iterative process:
start by putting a subset of the data in. You can also put in all the data, if time and cost permit.
put some search load on it that is as close as possible to production conditions, e.g. by turning on whatever search integration you're planning to use. If you're planning to only issue queries manually, now's the time to try them and gauge their speed and the relevance of the results.
see if the queries are particularly slow and if their results are relevant enough. You change the index mappings or queries you're using to achieve faster results, and indeed add more nodes to your cluster.
Since you mention Logstash, there are a few things that may help further:
check out Filebeat for indexing the data on an ongoing basis. You may not need to do the work of reading the files and bulk indexing yourself.
if it's log or log-like data and you're mostly interested in more recent results, it could be a lot faster to split up the data by date & time (e.g. index-2019-08-11, index-2019-08-12, index-2019-08-13). See the Index Lifecycle Management feature for automating this.
try using the Keyword field type where appropriate in your mappings. It stops analysis on the field, preventing you from doing full-text searches inside the field and only allowing exact string matches. Useful for fields like a "tags" field or a "status" field with something like ["draft", "review", "published"] values.
Good luck!
