Jmeter contains string match - jmeter

Is it possible to use contains instead of == in jmeter?
$.employees[?(#.lastName == 'Smith')].firstName
I would like to use contains 'Smith'

There is =~ operator which returns the node(s) which match the regular expression.
So if you amend your query to be something like:
$.employees[?(#.lastName =~ /.*smith.*?/i)].firstName
it will return first names of the employees where lastName contains smith anywhere and it will be case-insensitive.
More information:
JsonPath Filter Operators
JMeter's JSON Path Extractor Plugin - Advanced Usage Scenarios


How to extract value from serialized json response in Jmeter

I am getting a response in form of serialized json format for an api request as below
I want to extract Key value in Jmeter and I have to use into next request. Can someone help me on extracting the value?
Your JSON seems incorrect. The valid JSON should be like:
Add a JSON Extractor to the request from where you want to extract the Key value.
assign a variable name, i.e key
JSON Path Expression will be : .Data.Tokens.Key
use the extracted value as ${key} into the next request.
If your JSON really looks exactly like you posted the most suitable Post-Processor would be Regular Expression Extractor
The relevant regular expression would be something like:
``?\s*` - arbitrary number of whitespaces (just in case)
\w - matches "word" character (alphanumeric plus underscores)
+ - repetition
() - grouping
More information:
Using RegEx (Regular Expression Extractor) with JMeter
Perl 5 Regex Cheat sheet
JMeter: Regular Expressions

Passing parameter to Match query in Neo4j using Spring

I am trying to compare node name from Neo4j database with given technology name. I am doing using Spring Application.
#Query("MATCH (n) WHERE =~ '(?i){0}' RETURN")
String getTechnology(String technologyname);
Request is like
WHERE =~ '(?i){0}'
with params {0=AVM}.
But it's returning null. However, if I do it actual technology name it's working fine.
Pass the parameter as WHERE =~ {0}. What's happening is that the parameter isn't substituted from within the string, so the parameter has no binding in the query, and instead you're searching for the string literal "{0}" which always fails.
If you want to pass a regex as a parameter, you'll need to put the "(?i)" part in the string getting passed, effectively letting your code decide the regex, not just a string inside of it.
You need to separate the regular expression part from the parameter part like this:
#Query("MATCH (n) WHERE =~ '(?i)' + {0} RETURN")
String getTechnology(String technologyname);
As You'd concatenate in Neo4j.

How to extract value without any condition in Regular Expression Jmeter?

Using Bean Shell Sampler, I am getting response data as
Note: The above response data is not in Json. I need to extract the same data as is ( above mentioned) using Regular expression / any other expression to pass the same to the subsequent request.
Is it Possible?
If you want to extract everything from the parent sampler response you can use the following Regular Expression:
() = grouping
(?s) = single line modifier
^ = line start
. = wild-card character
* = repetition
More information:
JMeter Regular Expressions
Perl 5 Regex Cheat sheet
How to Extract Data From Files With JMeter

Regular expression is fetching 9 values how can we add all 9 value to next request in Jmeter

Regular expression is fetching 9 values
Need to add all these ticked values with comma separation in next request.How can we do this in J meter
How can we pass multiple values extracted via regular expression to next request in JMeter
Can you please share some snippet of the HTML response, I'd like to help you with the answer. Also, at times, using an XPath expression in an XPath Extractor can be easier to work with.
If the reference name for is set to VALUE, then you can access each of the 9 matched values as VALUE_1, VALUE_2, ...... VALUE_9
Given you configure your Regular Expression Extractor as follows:
Reference Name: arg_name
Regular Expression: `arg_names" value="(.+?)"
Template: $1$
Match No.: -1
You will get JMeter Variables like:
Now you should be able to concatenate the values using the following __groovy() function:
${__groovy(def builder = new StringBuilder(); 1.upto(Integer.parseInt(vars.get("arg_name_matchNr"))) { builder.append(vars.get("arg_name_" + it)).append("\,") }; builder.toString(),)}
More information:
vars is a shorthand to JMeterVariables class instance
Groovy For Loop Examples
Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It

JMeter - Using response data as variable

The response I get back from a post is just a plain text guid seen here I'd like to pull this guid and use it in a variable for my following Get statement:
post response data
And I've tried a bunch of configurations in my regular expression extractor.
But it just ends up pulling Null when what I want is that guid.
I'm new to jmeter - so thank you in advance for the help.
If you need the whole response use the following Regular Expression Extractor configuration:
Reference Name: response
Regular Expression: (?s)(^.*)
Template: $1$
As per How to Extract Data From Files With JMeter guide:
() = grouping
(?s) = single line modifier
^ = line start
. = wild-card character
* = repetition
So it will return the whole response.
