why zabbix 6 send sms to all hosts? - sms

I installed zabbix 6.0 LTS and configure sms mediatype. in "actions>trigger actions" i configured specific host for receive sms but zabbix send sms for all hosts? thanks inadvance


JasminSMS configuration

I successfully installed JasminSMS on Ubuntu, added SMS provider informations such as hostname, port, user and password, but failed to receive test SMS using HTTP API:*********&content=hello
I'm writing my own number, but I don't receive it. What other configuration do I need to do?
In this scenario (you want to terminate an SMS message by using Jasmin's HTTP API) you need:
Jasmin SMS Gateway installed
An HTTP user configured in Jasmin SMS (this can be done in the included CLI)
An SMPP connector configured in Jasmin SMS to connect to an SMS service provider. The credentials will be supplied by your SMS vendor of choice.
A routing rule in Jasmin SMS Gateway to decide which SMPP connector to use
This is all well-documented here https://docs.jasminsms.com/en/latest/installation/index.html#sending-your-first-sms
If your HTTP API call is successful you'll receive an HTTP success code (200) and a GUID. Jasmin SMS then tries to deliver the SMS message via the SMPP connector (according to the routing rule configured). If your SMS message was not received you need to look into the used SMPP-connector to troubleshoot further. If the message has been accepted by the SMPP connector of choice you'll have to contact your SMPP vendor and ask them to look into the possible delivery issues.
An SMS vendor is basically a company with agreements to various operators & aggregators around the world specializing in delivering SMS messages globally (or locally of course depending on their focus) for a price.
make sure u enter the smsc creditntials on the smpp connector and mae sure it is started(smppccm -1 cid) and check its sessision if it is bound smppccm -l

Have a VM send mail to itself

I have a VM with exim4 configured for receiving mail and passing it to a PHP script. I would like to configure it for testing so that the VM could send mail to itself. So if I send a mail with sendmail to a specific domain, it should not leave the VM and be captured by exim as if it was coming from the outside. Is that possible?

IIS SMTP : is it a real SMTP server or does it only relay?

I was trying to understand if the SMTP virtual server in IIS can only relay mails or if it can act as the final SMTP server. All the tutorials I've found on how to configure it always show it acting as a relay.
It can delivery directly mails (SMTP Server) also relay them

Need to send sms alerts for services monitored in xymon monitoring tool

I have a xymon server as a monitoring tool. I want to send sms alerts for any process check fails for eg: if disk utilisation is higher than 90% then it should send a alert in sms to the recipient .
I already have a sms gateway which can send sms alerts.But i need to integrate it with the xymon. To use sms gateway we can use something like:
curl http://url=sms&api_key=key&format=json&to=contact_numsender=sender_name&unicode=1 --data-urlencode message=msg_to_be_sent
so here in message i need to add the message which xymon detects as in color yellow or red and it should send sms after recovery of the alert as well.
Its working fine with the emails. And the server on which xymon server is installed is on the cloud.
To send SMS alerts with your Xymon server, you could use our program PageGate. PageGate allows you to send SMS by TAP, Internet (SMTP, WCTP and SNPP) and cellular hardware (cellular modems, routers and gateways) and can be easily integrated with Xymon Monitor with the following steps:
Our documentation can be found here:
The steps to install PageGate can be found in the 'Installation' section.
Information on how PageGate can be configured to deliver SMS can be found in the 'How PageGate Sends Messages' section.

Mail can't be send: Relay access denied

I have two ruby on rails application on different servers. Both are working fine, but one (server 2) can't send any mails.
I got always the 554 5.7.1 : Relay access denied error.
On server 2 I tested the mail communication with the help of telnet and it works, but it doesn't works with the ruby on rails application.
Other application can send mails, too.
The only difference between both systems are the os (Debian 6 (server 1) and RHEL 6 (server 2)) and the ip ranges (10 network (server 2) and 53 network (server 1)).
I think the best way is to use a simple mail application, but I don't know, how to write something like that.
Thanks for any help.
The IP address of your second server is not in the whitelist for that email server, but the first one is.
Unless you're using authenticated SMTP, you will have to add the IP addresses of all your application servers to the whitelist configuration.
Using telnet will only tell you if the port is accepting connections, not if you can actually send email. For that you'll have to perform an actual SMTP transaction.
There are services like Postmark, SendGrid or even my start-up PostageApp which will act as a mail server for you.
