User attaches files to a list, files are not uploaded to server, and files are zipped and served back to user. How can I attach zip to email and SMS? - sms

I am working on a web application that user "uploads" attachments to in a list. The attachments go into their cache and do not get uploaded to the server.
I don't want to store their attachments, but rather want to organize them and collate them into an organized zip file.
We have figured out how to get the zip file to download; but I want to take it a step further and allow them to automatically attach the zip file to an email or SMS message.
So, instead of just a "download" link, they can also choose to "send via email" and "send via SMS"
Those links will download the collated zip file to the user cache, and attach from the cache to their email client in an email link, or attach to a SMS/iMessage.
I've looked here: zip a list of files and attach in email - python
We've also tried this but it does not work with ZIP files:
Would appreciate any thoughts on how to tackle this use case.


How to share a particular excel from Sharepoint location to a user using Power Automate

In the current scenario, when the user submits the form , I am copying a basic excel template self service file to a sharepoint folder location. I want to share this copied file with the user who submitted the form. I am unable to share the file using flow and I am not sure, how to do it.
You can use the SharePoint's "Get file content" and then use Outlooks "Send an email" and attach the File Content where it says Attachments Content - 1 and give it a name with the file type at the end.
You can use SharePoint’s “Create sharing link for a file or folder”
I used a OneDrive Share link in my example below, you just need to use the SharePoint one as I mentioned above.

DjangoCMS ImageField - browsing from uploaded media?

I have written a plugin for my DjangoCMS site, part of which is displaying a picture uploaded during configuration.
I can see the pictures stored in the servers Media folder. I want for the user to be able to browse from the already uploaded images in addition to being able to select their own for upload.
I have no idea where to start with this!
There's a plugin that does exactly that:

Hide and Secure files on server in Code igniter

I am developing a web application for my client using Code Igniter and i need to hide and secure some ZIP, JPG and PDF files on server so that they are not accessible by non users. Only people who are logged in and are the owners of Files can access the files. This is very similar to secure file sharing websites.
it is very similar to any paid file sharing site like only people who paid for files can download files. In my case only those who have uploaded and who shared the files with other can download files.
Please tell me how can i do this..
One method is to keep the files above the web root (so not publicly accessible) and have the link to them point to a function that will check if logged in (or other parameters you want) and if everything is OK, then serve the file(s).

how to get list of files in dropbox shared folder

I want to update my app's database with dropbox.
It should download some files and db file located in specific folder in my Dropbox account.
The algorithm is something like this:
1. App makes request to shared folder and downloads db by specified name(like myapp.db)
2. App reads db, get list of file to download and looking for them in shared folder
3. App downloads this files from shared folder
Is it possible? I don't want to show any authentication requests to user, and actually user can't be authenticated since he just get access to shared folder in my account.
Can I do this with Dropbox API?
platform is os x
You don't need to use the Dropbox API to do this. Just put the public URL for myapp.db into the app, and in myapp.db put all the URLs of the files. Then you're not even tied to Dropbox, since all you need is public URLs. Note that Dropbox has bandwidth limits, so if this is a heavily-used app, you might want to put these on a more appropriate host like S3. Using direct URLs gives you the flexibility to change hosts in the future.

Preventing file upload by submitting a form which has file tag

My client has millions of users driver website. I had to implement a custom file upload using AJAX/jQuery.
The file upload field is just needed to create a clickable and drop-downable file upload mechanism. Everything is working fine except when I submit the form it uploads the file again which has already been uploaded using ajax.
How can I prevent this uploading?
Move the file input to outside the form or replace the file input with a new one when you upload the file.
