How to avoid Spring Repository<T, ID> to leak persistence information into service tier - spring

I'm using spring-data-mongodb at the moment so this question is primarily in context of MongoDB but I suspect my question applies to repository code in general.
Out of the box when using a MongoRepository<T, ID> interface (or any other Repository<T, ID> descendent) the entity type T is expected to be the document type (the type that defines the document schema).
As a result injecting such a repository into service component means this repository is leaking database schema information into the service tier (highly pseudo) :
class MyModel {
UUID id;
class MyDocument {
String id;
interface MyRepository extends MongoRepository<MyDocument, String> {
class MyService {
MyRepository repository;
MyModel getById(UUID id) {
var documentId = convert(id, ...);
var matchingDocument = repository.findById(documentId).orElse(...);
var model = convert(matchignDocument, ...);
return model;
Whilst ideally I'd want to do this :
class MyModel {
UUID id;
class MyDocument {
String id;
class MyMagicConversionConfig {
class MyDocumentToModelConverter implements Converter<MyModel, MyDocument> {
class MyModelToDocumentConverter implements Converter<MyDocument, MyModel> {
// Note that the model and the model's ID type are used in the repository declaration
interface MyRepository extends MongoRepository<MyModel, UUID> {
class MyService {
MyRepository repository;
MyModel getById(UUID id) {
// Repository now returns the model because it was converted upstream
// by the mongo persistence layer.
var matchingModel = repository.findById(documentId).orElse(...);
return matchingModel ;
Defining this conversion once seems significantly more practical than having to consistently do it throughout your service code so I suspect I'm just missing something.
But of course this requires some way to inform the mongo mapping layer to be aware of what conversion has to be applied to move between MyModel and MyDocument and to use the latter for it's actual source of mapping metadata (e.g. #Document, #Id, etc.).
I've been fiddling with custom converters but I just can't seem to make the MongoDB mapping component do the above.
My two questions are :
Is it currently possible to define custom converters or implement callbacks that allow me to define and implement this model <-> document conversion once and abstract it away from my service tier.
If not, what is the idiomatic way to approach cleaning this up such that the service layer can stay blissfully unaware of how or with what schema an entity is persisted? A lot of Spring Boot codebases appear to be fine with using the type that defines the database schema as their model but that seems supoptimal. Suggestions welcome!

I think you're blowing things a bit out of proportion. The service layer is not aware of the schema. It is aware of the types returned by the repository. How the properties of those are mapped onto the schema, depends on the object-document mapping. This, by default, uses the property name, as that's the most straightforward thing to do. That translation can either be customized using annotations on the document type or by registering a FieldNamingStrategy with Spring Data MongoDB.
Spring Data MongoDB's object-document mapping subsystem provides a lot of customization hooks that allows transforming arbitrary MongoDB documents into entities. The types which the repositories return are your domain objects that - again, only by default - are mapped onto a MongoDB document 1:1, simply because that's the most reasonable thing to do in the first place.
If really in doubt, you can manually implement repository methods individually that allow you to use the MongoTemplate API that allows you to explicitly define the type, the data should be projected into.

You can use something like MapStruct or write your own Singleton Mapper.
Then create default methods in your repository:
interface DogRepository extends MongoRepository<DogDocument, String> {
DogDocument findById(String id);
default DogModel dogById(String id) {
return DogMapper.INSTANCE.toModel(


Spring Mongo - set custom collection on entity implementing interfaces

Given a mongo entity class :
#Document(collection = "#{ T( }_allgarchiv")
public class AllgArchivReference implements Kleinsparte {
My aim is to store this entity in an collection "xxx_allgarchiv" whereby "xxx" is based on the runtime environment.
I have one Crud repository:
public interface ReferenceRepository extends MongoRepository<Kleinsparte, String> {
and the simple implementation....
result =;
No I want to store the AllgArchivReference in the collection above ("xxx_allgarchiv").
Unfortunately the entity is stored in a new created collection "kleinsparte" but this is not what i want.
How could I enforce spring data to store allgarchivReference in eponymous collection without creating a new own crud repository?
By the way, there more than 20 other Reference-Entities which are also implementing the interface "Kleinsparte" and i don't want to create for each entity an own crud repository interface.
Is this possible? Any help are really appreciate.
Kind regards,

How to use #Autowired in an class annotated with #Entity?

I have an entity called TimeBooking. When I request this entity and return to the client I want to get a list of ActivityTimeBookings from a repository. But when the function get called the repo is null.
So I tried to #Autowired the repo and marked it as transient and also said Spring that there is a dependency which should be injected.
#Configurable(preConstruction = true)
public class TimeBooking extends BaseEntity{
private transient ActivityTimeBookingRepository activityTimeBookingRepository;
private List<ActivityTimeBooking> activityTimeBookings() {
return this.activityTimeBookingRepository.findByDate(this.timeFrom);
Any suggestions?
Using #Autowired in a class annotated with #Entity is a bad practice.
The solution is given below :
1. Create a service interface :
public interface TimeBookingService {
public List<ActivityTimeBooking> activityTimeBookings();
2. Create an implementation of the service interface :
public class TimeBookingServiceImpl implements TimeBookingService {
private ActivityTimeBookingRepository activityTimeBookingRepository;
public List<ActivityTimeBooking> activityTimeBookings() {
return this.activityTimeBookingRepository.findByDate(this.timeFrom);
Usually its indeed a bad practice to inject something into JPA entities.
These are usually created by JPA implementation (like Hibernate) and spring as a DI framework doesn't really participate in this process.
Note, that there can be many instances of this class created as a result of query, so if you later use this for serialization of the list of this object you might end up running N queries to the database given N entities like this were retrieved.
Answering your question about "getting access to the repo" I believe you should consider refactoring:
In the service class (assuming you have a "regular" contoller, service and dao):
you can:
class MyService {
SomeResult.. doSomething() {
List<TimeBooking> allTimeBookings = dao.getAllTimeBooking();
LocalDateTime timeFrom = calculateTimeFrom(allTimeBookings);
List<ActivityTimeBooking> allActivityTimeBookings = dao.findByDate(timeFrom);
return calculateResults(allTimeBookings, allActivityTimeBooking);
class MyDao {
List<ActivityTimeBooking> findByDate(LocalDateTime timeFrom) {...}
List<TimeBooking> getAllTimeBookings() {...}
Regarding the service implementation, I've assumed this use case can't be covered by usual "JOIN between two tables" so that that creating an association between TimeBooking and ActivityTimeBooking is not an option.
Note 2, I've used one repository (dao) for brevity, in real application you might want to inject two different repositories into the service.

how to retrieve objects when using inheritance in spring Data

Say I have a class structure as follows, it is pretty basic inheritance:
Manager extends Person {
private String name;
Manager() {
Clerk extends Person {
private String salary;
In spring Data if I store these in Mongo, is it possible to configure it to map the correct class when I do a getById. I assume i will have to store some class info?
What i dont want to do is the need to create seperate repository classes if i can avoid it, also i dont know what the object will be when i do a getById
If you are using spring-data-mongodb MongoRepository to write data in your database according to your entity model, a _class field will be added to document roots and to complex property types (see this section). This fields store the fully qualified name of the Java class and it allows disambiguation when mapping from MongoDb Document to Spring data model.
However, if you only use MongoRepository to read from your database, you need to tell Spring-data how to map your entities explicitly. You will need to Override Mapping with Explicit Converters.
public class PersonReadConverter implements Converter<Document, Person> {
public Contact convert(Document source) {
if (source.get("attribute_specific_to_Clerk") != null) {
Clerk clerk = new Clerk();
//Set attributes using setters or defined constructor
return clerk;
else {
Manager manager = new Manager()
//Set attribute using setters or defined constructor
return manager;
Then, you have to Register Spring Converters with the MongoConverter.
You can find an example of my own at: Spring Data Mongo - How to map inherited POJO entities?

Repository pattern in MVC: controller code explanation

What is the purpose of SudentRepository in this example? Why do I need one?
public class StudentController : Controller
private IStudentRepository _repository;
public StudentController() : this(new StudentRepository())
public StudentController(IStudentRepository repository)
_repository = repository;
I updated to actually include a specific question that I think you're getting at. The purpose of StudentRepository is to encapsulate interactions with persisted data. The Controller need not know if its stored in a db, flat file, in memory, etc.
The reason you're injecting it in via an interface is because you may eventually have multiple implementations of that repository, and the interface is just a contract to ensure basic functionality across all implementations. This is called constructor injection (a type of dependency injection) in case you want to learn more.

Why is this method in a Spring Data repository considered a query method?

We have implemented an application that should be able to use either JPA, Couchbase or MongoDB. (for now, may increase in the future). We successfully implemented JPA and Couchbase by separating repositories for each e.g. JPA will come from while couchbase will come from All repository interfaces extends a common repository found in We are now targeting MongoDB by creating a new package However we are encountering this error:
No property updateLastUsedDate found for type TokenHistory!
Here are our codes:
public class TokenHistory extends BaseEntity {
private String subject;
private Date lastUpdate;
// Getters and setters here...
public interface TokenHistoryRepository<ID extends Serializable> extends TokenHistoryRepositoryCustom, BaseEntityRepository<TokenHistory, ID> {
// No problem here. Handled by Spring Data
TokenHistory findBySubject(#Param("subject") String subject);
// The custom method
interface TokenHistoryRepositoryCustom {
void updateLastUsedDate(#Param("subject") String subject);
#RepositoryRestResource(path = "/token-history")
public interface TokenHistoryMongoRepository extends TokenHistoryRepository<String> {
TokenHistory findBySubject(#Param("subject") String subject);
class TokenHistoryMongoRepositoryCustomImpl {
public void updateLastUsedDate(String subject) {
//TODO implement this
And for Mongo Configuration
#EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages = {
}, repositoryImplementationPostfix = "CustomImpl",
repositoryBaseClass = BaseEntityRepositoryMongoImpl.class
public class MongoConfig {
Setup is the same for both JPA and Couchbase but we didn't encountered that error. It was able to use the inner class with "CustomImpl" prefix, which should be the case base on the documentations.
Is there a problem in my setup or configuration for MongoDB?
Your TokenHistoryMongoRepositoryCustomImpl doesn't actually implement the TokenHistoryRepositoryCustom interface, which means that there's no way for us to find out that updateLastUsedDate(…) in the class found is considered to be an implementation of the interface method. Hence, it's considered a query method and then triggers the query derivation.
I highly doubt that this works for the other stores as claimed as the code inspecting query methods is shared in DefaultRepositoryInformation.
