Fast calculation of probability distribution in board game Da Vinci Code - algorithm

I'm interested in efficiently calculating the probability distribution over possible secret numbers given what one can observe of the opponents' hand (and your own hand) in the board game Da Vinci Code. A link to the game here:
I have abstracted the problem into the following:
You are given an array A of length N and a finite set of numbers Si for each index i of the array. Now,
we are to place a number from Si at each index i to fill the entire array A;
while ensuring that the number is unique across the entire array A;
and for 3 disjoint subarrays A1, A2, A3 of A such that concat(A1, A2, A3) = A, the numbers in each subarray must follow a strictly increasing order;
given all the possible numbers to form A that satisfy the above constraints, what is the probability ditribution over each number at each index?
Here I provide an example below:
Assuming we have the following array of length 5 with each column representing Si at the index of the column
| 6 6 | 6 6 | 6 |
| 5 | 5 | |
| 4 4 | | 4 |
| | 3 3 | |
| 2 | 2 2 | |
| 1 1 | | |
| ___ | __ | _ |
| A1 | A2 | A3|
The set of all possible arrays are:
Therefore the probability distribution over each number [1-6] at each index is:
6 0 4/14 0 3/14 6/14
5 0 6/14 0 6/14 0
4 1/14 4/14 0 0 8/14
3 0 0 6/14 5/14 0
2 3/14 0 8/14 0 0
1 10/14 0 0 0 0
___________ __________ ______
A1 A2 A3
Brute forcing this problem is obviously doable but I have a gut feeling that there must be some more efficient algorithms for this.
The reason why I think so is due to the fact that one can derive the probability distribution from the set of all possibilities but not the other way around, so the distribution itself must contain less information than the set of all possibilities have. Therefore, I believe that we do not need to generate all possibilites just to obtain the probability distribution.
Hence, I am wondering if there is any smart matrix operation we could use for this problem or even fixed-point iteration/density evolution to approximate the end probability distribution? Some other potentially more efficient approaches to this problem are also appreciated.
Edit: By brute-force, I mean specifically enumerating all possibilities with constraint propagation like in sudoku. My hope is to obtain an accurate solution, or a approximate solution that approximates well (better than plain monte carlo), that works better than CP in terms of running time.
Edit2: The better solution I desire should have the characteristic that it does not need to generate all possibilities to obtain or approximate the probability distribution.

Did you consider Constraint Propagation?
When you assign a number to a position, that number cannot appear in any other position, so exclude that number from the remaining positions
When you assign a number in the first column of a subarray, the second column must contain a larger value, so exclude all values that are lower or equal
With a BF approach in your example the code would generate and check 4 * 4 * 3 * 4 * 2 = 384 possibilities; with the CP approach we only generate 65 possibilities.
Here is a sample Python implementation:
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Dict, List
class DaVinci:
grid : List[List[int]]
top : int
lastcol : int = 0
solved : List = field(default_factory=list)
count : int = 0
distrib : List[Dict[int,int]] = field(init=False)
def __post_init__(self):
self.lastcol = len(self.grid)-1
self.distrib = [{x:0 for x in range(1,} for y in range(len(self.grid))]
self.solve_next(current = 0, even = True, blocked = [], minval = 0, solving = [])
self.count = len(self.solved)
def solve_next(self, current, even, blocked, minval, solving):
found = False
for n in self.grid[current]:
if n not in blocked and n > minval:
if current != self.lastcol:
self.solve_next(current + 1, not even, blocked + [n], n * even, solving + [n])
for col in range(self.lastcol):
self.distrib[col][solving[col]] += 1
self.distrib[self.lastcol][n] += 1
self.solved.append(solving + [n])
def show_solved(self):
for sol in self.solved:
def show_distrib(self):
for i in range(1,
print(i, end = ' ')
for col in range(len(self.grid)):
print(f'{self.distrib[col][i]:2d}/{self.count}', end = ' ')
dv = DaVinci([[1,2,4,6],[1,4,5,6],[2,3,6],[2,3,5,6],[4,6]], 6)
1 10/14 0/14 0/14 0/14 0/14
2 3/14 0/14 8/14 0/14 0/14
3 0/14 0/14 6/14 5/14 0/14
4 1/14 4/14 0/14 0/14 8/14
5 0/14 6/14 0/14 6/14 0/14
6 0/14 4/14 0/14 3/14 6/14

A simple idea to get an approximation for the distribution is to use a Monte Carlo approach.
Set a variable total: = 0 and a matrix M[N][Q] with all entries initially set to zero (Q is the total of numbers allowed).
Fix a positive integer K. Perform K iterations. At each iteration, for each i in [1..N], take a random element from Si and fill the array A. When the array A is all filled, verify in O(N) if it satisfies your conditions. If so, increment by one the variable total and iterate through the array, incrementing the matrix entries M[i][A[i]] by one, for i in [1..N].
In the end, iterate through all the elements of the matrix M in O(N Q) and divide its elements by total to get an approximation for the distribution.
Total time complexity is O(N (K + Q)).
You can also precalculate stuff to make the approximation more precise. For example, you can precalculate all increasing sequences in the groups A1, A2 and A3. Put them in arrays I1, I2, I3. Then, at each iteration, instead of taking random elements from each Si, you take random sequences from I1, I2 and I3 and verify if the concatenation has no repeated elements (in O(N)). If so, proceed as before. The total time complexity (apart from the expensive precalculation) remains O(N (K + Q)).

Start by converting all legal subarray selections into bitvectors.
E.g., for A2 we have [2,3], [2,5], [2,6], [3,5], [3,6]
[2,3] as a bitvector is 000110
[3,5] is 010100
Next, arrange your three subarrays by the number of bitvectors they have.
Next, put these in a hash for each subarray/member combination except the smallest subarray. Use the smallest set bit as the key.
E.g. For [2,3] in A2, we'd have {2 => 000110}
Note that the values of the map to be in an array since there will be multiple bitvectors for each index/element combo.
For every bitvec of subarray_small:
For every non-set bit of that bitvec
Find the list that has that bit as a key in subarray_medium
For every bitvec in this list
Check if the inverse of (bitvec_small | bitvec_medium) is in the hash for subarray_large.
If it is, we have a valid arrangement; update your frequency counts.


Finding all possible combinations of row in a matrix where sum of columns represents a specific row vector

I need to find out all possible combinations of row in a matrix where sum of columns represents a specific row matrix.
Consider the following matrix
| 0 0 2 |
| 1 1 0 |
| 0 1 2 |
| 1 1 2 |
| 0 1 0 |
| 2 1 2 |
I need to get the following row matrix from where sum of columns:
| 2 2 2 |
The possible combination were:
| 1 1 0 |
| 1 1 2 |
| 0 1 0 |
| 2 1 2 |
What is the best way to find out that.
One option is to turn this into the subset sum problem by choosing a base b and treating each row as a number in base b.
For example, with a base of 10 your initial problem turns into:
Consider the list of numbers
Find all subsets that sum to 222
This problem is well known and is solvable via dynamic programming (see the wikipedia page).
If all your entries are nonnegative, then you can use David Psinger's linear time algorithm which has complexity O(nC) where C is the target number and n is the length of your list.
The complexity of the algorithm is determined by the choice of the base b.
For the algorithm to be correct you need to choose the base larger than the sum of all the digits in each column. (This is needed to avoid solving the problem due to an overflow from one digit into the next.)
However, note that if you choose a smaller base you will still get all the correct solutions, plus some incorrect solutions. It may be worth considering using a smaller base (which will make the subset sum algorithm work much faster), followed by a postprocessing stage that checks all the solutions found and discards any incorrect ones.
Too small a base will produce an exponential number of incorrect solutions to discard, so the best size of base will depend on the details of your problem.
Python code to implement this algorithm.
from collections import defaultdict
A=[ [0, 0, 2],
[1, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 2],
[1, 1, 2],
[0, 1, 0],
[2, 1, 2] ]
target = [2,2,2]
def convert2num(a):
for d in a:
return t
B = [convert2num(a) for a in A]
for v,a in zip(B,A):
M[v].append(a) # Store a reverse index to allow us to look up rows
# First build the DP array
# Map from number to set of previous numbers
DP = defaultdict(set)
DP[0] = set()
for v in B:
for old_value in DP.keys():
new_value = old_value+v
if new_value<=target:
# Then search for solutions
def go(goal,sol):
if goal==0:
# Double check
assert map(sum,zip(*sol[:]))==target
print sol
for v in DP[goal]:
for a in M[v]:
This code assumes that b has been chosen large enough to avoid overflow.

Looking for a generic, fast, low-memory algorithm to output N-out-of-M combinations of an array without repetitions

I have an array with players
$players = array('A','B','C','D','E','F');
and i want to get every possible 3 way finishing.
1st 2nd 3rd
I have some permutation algorithm but it must be something else since in permutation there is 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 combination and here is only 6 * 5 * 4
Here's some pseudo-code to print your 3 out of 6 combinations without repetition:
for i = 1 to 6
for j = 1 to 6
if (j != i)
for k = 1 to 6
if (k != i && k != j)
print(A[i], A[j], A[k])
end if
next k
end if
next j
next i
For the general k-of-n case see: Algorithm to return all combinations of k elements from n
Given your permutation algorithm, you can use it in two steps to get the desired permutations.
First, let's consider the following mapping. Given input as A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 ... An, a value b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 ... bn means select Ai if bi is 1 and not if it is 0.
With your input, for example:
0 0 1 1 0 1 -> C D F
0 1 0 0 1 1 -> B E F
Now your algorithm can go as follows:
Take n as the number of elements (in your case 6) and m as the number you want to choose from.
Construct the following sequence:
0 0 0 ... 0 1 1 1 ... 1
\____ ____/ \____ ____/
n - m m
Get all permutations of the above sequence and for each:
Find the m elements that are marked in the sequence
Get all permutations of those m elements and for each:
do whatever you want!
Your problem is not finding all permutations of 6 elements.
Your problem is to choose 3 elements, and than check its permutations.
The number of combinations = C(6,3)*3! = 6! / 3! = 6*5*4.
C(6,3) - for choosing 3 elements out of 6. (No matter the order)
3! - for ordering the 3 chosen elements.
This is the exactly number of combinations you should get. (and you do)
However, you can use your permutation algorithm to get all permutations of the 6 elements.
Than, just ignore the last 3 elements, and remove duplicates from the result.
I may be wrong but I think you have the correct amount of possible permutations here. You choose only 3 players among the 6 players array. So for the first player, you have 6 possibilities, for the second player you have 5 possibilities, and for the third player, you have 4 possibilities.
If you decide to have 4 players at the end instead of having 3, the possible amount of permutations would be 6*5*4*3, and so on.
I hope my math is not too old!

minimum steps required to make array of integers contiguous

given a sorted array of distinct integers, what is the minimum number of steps required to make the integers contiguous? Here the condition is that: in a step , only one element can be changed and can be either increased or decreased by 1 . For example, if we have 2,4,5,6 then '2' can be made '3' thus making the elements contiguous(3,4,5,6) .Hence the minimum steps here is 1 . Similarly for the array: 2,4,5,8:
Step 1: '2' can be made '3'
Step 2: '8' can be made '7'
Step 3: '7' can be made '6'
Thus the sequence now is 3,4,5,6 and the number of steps is 3.
I tried as follows but am not sure if its correct?
//n is the number of elements in array a
int count=a[n-1]-a[0]-1;
The intuitive guess is that the "center" of the optimal sequence will be the arithmetic average, but this is not the case. Let's find the correct solution with some vector math:
Part 1: Assuming the first number is to be left alone (we'll deal with this assumption later), calculate the differences, so 1 12 3 14 5 16-1 2 3 4 5 6 would yield 0 -10 0 -10 0 -10.
sidenote: Notice that a "contiguous" array by your implied definition would be an increasing arithmetic sequence with difference 1. (Note that there are other reasonable interpretations of your question: some people may consider 5 4 3 2 1 to be contiguous, or 5 3 1 to be contiguous, or 1 2 3 2 3 to be contiguous. You also did not specify if negative numbers should be treated any differently.)
theorem: The contiguous numbers must lie between the minimum and maximum number. [proof left to reader]
Part 2: Now returning to our example, assuming we took the 30 steps (sum(abs(0 -10 0 -10 0 -10))=30) required to turn 1 12 3 14 5 16 into 1 2 3 4 5 6. This is one correct answer. But 0 -10 0 -10 0 -10+c is also an answer which yields an arithmetic sequence of difference 1, for any constant c. In order to minimize the number of "steps", we must pick an appropriate c. In this case, each time we increase or decrease c, we increase the number of steps by N=6 (the length of the vector). So for example if we wanted to turn our original sequence 1 12 3 14 5 16 into 3 4 5 6 7 8 (c=2), then the differences would have been 2 -8 2 -8 2 -8, and sum(abs(2 -8 2 -8 2 -8))=30.
Now this is very clear if you could picture it visually, but it's sort of hard to type out in text. First we took our difference vector. Imagine you drew it like so:
3| *
2| * |
1| | | *
-1| |
-2| *
We are free to "shift" this vector up and down by adding or subtracting 1 from everything. (This is equivalent to finding c.) We wish to find the shift which minimizes the number of | you see (the area between the curve and the x-axis). This is NOT the average (that would be minimizing the standard deviation or RMS error, not the absolute error). To find the minimizing c, let's think of this as a function and consider its derivative. If the differences are all far away from the x-axis (we're trying to make 101 112 103 114 105 116), it makes sense to just not add this extra stuff, so we shift the function down towards the x-axis. Each time we decrease c, we improve the solution by 6. Now suppose that one of the *s passes the x axis. Each time we decrease c, we improve the solution by 5-1=4 (we save 5 steps of work, but have to do 1 extra step of work for the * below the x-axis). Eventually when HALF the *s are past the x-axis, we can NO LONGER IMPROVE THE SOLUTION (derivative: 3-3=0). (In fact soon we begin to make the solution worse, and can never make it better again. Not only have we found the minimum of this function, but we can see it is a global minimum.)
Thus the solution is as follows: Pretend the first number is in place. Calculate the vector of differences. Minimize the sum of the absolute value of this vector; do this by finding the median OF THE DIFFERENCES and subtracting that off from the differences to obtain an improved differences-vector. The sum of the absolute value of the "improved" vector is your answer. This is O(N) The solutions of equal optimality will (as per the above) always be "adjacent". A unique solution exists only if there are an odd number of numbers; otherwise if there are an even number of numbers, AND the median-of-differences is not an integer, the equally-optimal solutions will have difference-vectors with corrective factors of any number between the two medians.
So I guess this wouldn't be complete without a final example.
input: 2 3 4 10 14 14 15 100
difference vector: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-2 3 4 10 14 14 15 100 = 0 0 0 -5 -8 -7 -7 -91
note that the medians of the difference-vector are not in the middle anymore, we need to perform an O(N) median-finding algorithm to extract them...
medians of difference-vector are -5 and -7
let us take -5 to be our correction factor (any number between the medians, such as -6 or -7, would also be a valid choice)
thus our new goal is 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+5=7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14, and the new differences are 5 5 5 0 -3 -2 -2 -86*
this means we will need to do 5+5+5+0+3+2+2+86=108 steps
*(we obtain this by repeating step 2 with our new target, or by adding 5 to each number of the previous difference... but since you only care about the sum, we'd just add 8*5 (vector length times correct factor) to the previously calculated sum)
Alternatively, we could have also taken -6 or -7 to be our correction factor. Let's say we took -7...
then the new goal would have been 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+7=9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16, and the new differences would have been 7 7 7 2 1 0 0 -84
this would have meant we'd need to do 7+7+7+2+1+0+0+84=108 steps, the same as above
If you simulate this yourself, can see the number of steps becomes >108 as we take offsets further away from the range [-5,-7].
def minSteps(array A of size N):
A' = [0,1,...,N-1]
diffs = A'-A
medianOfDiffs = leftMedian(diffs)
return sum(abs(diffs-medianOfDiffs))
leftMedian = lambda x:sorted(x)[len(x)//2]
def minSteps(array):
target = range(len(array))
diffs = [t-a for t,a in zip(target,array)]
medianOfDiffs = leftMedian(diffs)
return sum(abs(d-medianOfDiffs) for d in diffs)
It turns out that for arrays of distinct integers, this is equivalent to a simpler solution: picking one of the (up to 2) medians, assuming it doesn't move, and moving other numbers accordingly. This simpler method often gives incorrect answers if you have any duplicates, but the OP didn't ask that, so that would be a simpler and more elegant solution. Additionally we can use the proof I've given in this solution to justify the "assume the median doesn't move" solution as follows: the corrective factor will always be in the center of the array (i.e. the median of the differences will be from the median of the numbers). Thus any restriction which also guarantees this can be used to create variations of this brainteaser.
Get one of the medians of all the numbers. As the numbers are already sorted, this shouldn't be a big deal. Assume that median does not move. Then compute the total cost of moving all the numbers accordingly. This should give the answer.
community edit:
def minSteps(a):
"""INPUT: list of sorted unique integers"""
oneMedian = a[floor(n/2)]
aTarget = [oneMedian + (i-floor(n/2)) for i in range(len(a))]
# aTargets looks roughly like [m-n/2?, ..., m-1, m, m+1, ..., m+n/2]
return sum(abs(aTarget[i]-a[i]) for i in range(len(a)))
This is probably not an ideal solution, but a first idea.
Given a sorted sequence [x1, x2, …, xn]:
Write a function that returns the differences of an element to the previous and to the next element, i.e. (xn – xn–1, xn+1 – xn).
If the difference to the previous element is > 1, you would have to increase all previous elements by xn – xn–1 – 1. That is, the number of necessary steps would increase by the number of previous elements × (xn – xn–1 – 1). Let's call this number a.
If the difference to the next element is >1, you would have to decrease all subsequent elements by xn+1 – xn – 1. That is, the number of necessary steps would increase by the number of subsequent elements × (xn+1 – xn – 1). Let's call this number b.
If a < b, then increase all previous elements until they are contiguous to the current element. If a > b, then decrease all subsequent elements until they are contiguous to the current element. If a = b, it doesn't matter which of these two actions is chosen.
Add up the number of steps taken in the previous step (by increasing the total number of necessary steps by either a or b), and repeat until all elements are contiguous.
First of all, imagine that we pick an arbitrary target of contiguous increasing values and then calculate the cost (number of steps required) for modifying the array the array to match.
Original: 3 5 7 8 10 16
Target: 4 5 6 7 8 9
Difference: +1 0 -1 -1 -2 -7 -> Cost = 12
Sign: + 0 - - - -
Because the input array is already ordered and distinct, it is strictly increasing. Because of this, it can be shown that the differences will always be non-increasing.
If we change the target by increasing it by 1, the cost will change. Each position in which the difference is currently positive or zero will incur an increase in cost by 1. Each position in which the difference is currently negative will yield a decrease in cost by 1:
Original: 3 5 7 8 10 16
New target: 5 6 7 8 9 10
New Difference: +2 +1 0 0 -1 -6 -> Cost = 10 (decrease by 2)
Conversely, if we decrease the target by 1, each position in which the difference is currently positive will yield a decrease in cost by 1, while each position in which the difference is zero or negative will incur an increase in cost by 1:
Original: 3 5 7 8 10 16
New target: 3 4 5 6 7 8
New Difference: 0 -1 -2 -2 -3 -8 -> Cost = 16 (increase by 4)
In order to find the optimal values for the target array, we must find a target such that any change (increment or decrement) will not decrease the cost. Note that an increment of the target can only decrease the cost when there are more positions with negative difference than there are with zero or positive difference. A decrement can only decrease the cost when there are more positions with a positive difference than with a zero or negative difference.
Here are some example distributions of difference signs. Remember that the differences array is non-increasing, so positives always have to be first and negatives last:
+ + + - - - optimal
+ + 0 - - - optimal
0 0 0 - - - optimal
+ 0 - - - - can increment (negatives exceed positives & zeroes)
+ + + 0 0 0 optimal
+ + + + - - can decrement (positives exceed negatives & zeroes)
+ + 0 0 - - optimal
+ 0 0 0 0 0 optimal
Observe that if one of the central elements (marked C) is zero, the target must be optimal. In such a circumstance, at best any increment or decrement will not change the cost, but it may increase it. This result is important, because it gives us a trivial solution. We pick a target such that a[n/2] remains unchanged. There may be other possible targets that yield the same cost, but there are definitely none that are better. Here's the original code modified to calculate this cost:
//n is the number of elements in array a
int targetValue;
int cost = 0;
int middle = n / 2;
int startValue = a[middle] - middle;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
targetValue = startValue + i;
cost += abs(targetValue - a[i]);
You can not do it by iterating once on the array, that's for sure.
You need first to check the difference between each two numbers, for example:
2,7,8,9 can be 2,3,4,5 with 18 steps or 6,7,8,9 with 4 steps.
Create a new array with the difference like so: for 2,7,8,9 it wiil be 4,1,1. Now you can decide whether to increase or decrease the first number.
Lets assume that the contiguous array looks something like this -
c c+1 c+2 c+3 .. and so on
Now lets take an example -
5 7 8 10
The contiguous array in this case will be -
c c+1 c+2 c+3
In order to get the minimum steps, the sum of the modulus of the difference of the integers(before and after) w.r.t the ith index should be the minimum. In which case,
(c-5)^2 + (c-6)^2 + (c-6)^2 + (c-7)^2 should be minimum
Let f(c) = (c-5)^2 + (c-6)^2 + (c-6)^2 + (c-7)^2
= 4c^2 - 48c + 146
Applying differential calculus to get the minima,
f'(c) = 8c - 48 = 0
=> c = 6
So our contiguous array is 6 7 8 9 and the minimum cost here is 2.
To sum it up, just generate f(c), get the first differential and find out c.
This should take O(n).
Brute force approach O(N*M)
If one draws a line through each point in the array a then y0 is a value where each line starts at index 0. Then the answer is the minimum among number of steps reqired to get from a to every line that starts at y0, in Python:
y0s = set((y - i) for i, y in enumerate(a))
nsteps = min(sum(abs(y-(y0+i)) for i, y in enumerate(a))
for y0 in xrange(min(y0s), max(y0s)+1)))

Why does this simple shuffle algorithm produce biased results?

It seems that this simple shuffle algorithm will produce biased results:
# suppose $arr is filled with 1 to 52
for ($i < 0; $i < 52; $i++) {
$j = rand(0, 51);
# swap the items
$tmp = $arr[j];
$arr[j] = $arr[i];
$arr[i] = $tmp;
You can try it... instead of using 52, use 3 (suppose only 3 cards are used), and run it 10,000 times and tally up the results, you will see that the results are skewed towards certain patterns...
The question is... what is a simple explanation for why it will happen?
The correct solution is to use something like
for ($i < 0; $i < 51; $i++) { # last card need not swap
$j = rand($i, 51); # don't touch the cards that already "settled"
# swap the items
$tmp = $arr[j];
$arr[j] = $arr[i];
$arr[i] = $tmp;
But the question is... why does the first method, seemingly also totally random, make the results biased?
Update 1: thanks for folks here pointing out that it needs to be rand($i, 51) for it to shuffle correctly.
See this:
The Danger of Naïveté (Coding Horror)
Let's look at your three card deck as an example. Using a 3 card deck, there are only 6 possible orders for the deck after a shuffle: 123, 132, 213, 231, 312, 321.
With your 1st algorithm there are 27 possible paths (outcomes) for the code, depending on the results of the rand() function at different points. Each of these outcomes are equally likely (unbiased). Each of these outcomes will map to the same single result from the list of 6 possible "real" shuffle results above. We now have 27 items and 6 buckets to put them in. Since 27 is not evenly divisible by 6, some of those 6 combinations must be over-represented.
With the 2nd algorithm there are 6 possible outcomes that map exactly to the 6 possible "real" shuffle results, and they should all be represented equally over time.
This is important because the buckets that are over-represented in the first algorithm are not random. The buckets selected for the bias are repeatable and predictable. So if you're building an online poker game and use the 1st algorithm a hacker could figure out you used the naive sort and from that work out that certain deck arrangements are much more likely to occur than others. Then they can place bets accordingly. They'll lose some, but they'll win much more than they lose and quickly put you out of business.
Here's the complete probability tree for these replacements.
Let's assume that you start with the sequence 123, and then we'll enumerate all the various ways to produce random results with the code in question.
+- 123 - swap 1 and 1 (these are positions,
| +- 213 - swap 2 and 1 not numbers)
| | +- 312 - swap 3 and 1
| | +- 231 - swap 3 and 2
| | +- 213 - swap 3 and 3
| +- 123 - swap 2 and 2
| | +- 321 - swap 3 and 1
| | +- 132 - swap 3 and 2
| | +- 123 - swap 3 and 3
| +- 132 - swap 2 and 3
| +- 231 - swap 3 and 1
| +- 123 - swap 3 and 2
| +- 132 - swap 3 and 3
+- 213 - swap 1 and 2
| +- 123 - swap 2 and 1
| | +- 321 - swap 3 and 1
| | +- 132 - swap 3 and 2
| | +- 123 - swap 3 and 3
| +- 213 - swap 2 and 2
| | +- 312 - swap 3 and 1
| | +- 231 - swap 3 and 2
| | +- 213 - swap 3 and 3
| +- 231 - swap 2 and 3
| +- 132 - swap 3 and 1
| +- 213 - swap 3 and 2
| +- 231 - swap 3 and 3
+- 321 - swap 1 and 3
+- 231 - swap 2 and 1
| +- 132 - swap 3 and 1
| +- 213 - swap 3 and 2
| +- 231 - swap 3 and 3
+- 321 - swap 2 and 2
| +- 123 - swap 3 and 1
| +- 312 - swap 3 and 2
| +- 321 - swap 3 and 3
+- 312 - swap 2 and 3
+- 213 - swap 3 and 1
+- 321 - swap 3 and 2
+- 312 - swap 3 and 3
Now, the fourth column of numbers, the one before the swap information, contains the final outcome, with 27 possible outcomes.
Let's count how many times each pattern occurs:
123 - 4 times
132 - 5 times
213 - 5 times
231 - 5 times
312 - 4 times
321 - 4 times
27 times total
If you run the code that swaps at random for an infinite number of times, the patterns 132, 213 and 231 will occur more often than the patterns 123, 312, and 321, simply because the way the code swaps makes that more likely to occur.
Now, of course, you can say that if you run the code 30 times (27 + 3), you could end up with all the patterns occuring 5 times, but when dealing with statistics you have to look at the long term trend.
Here's C# code that explores the randomness for one of each possible pattern:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Dictionary<String, Int32> occurances = new Dictionary<String, Int32>
{ "123", 0 },
{ "132", 0 },
{ "213", 0 },
{ "231", 0 },
{ "312", 0 },
{ "321", 0 }
Char[] digits = new[] { '1', '2', '3' };
Func<Char[], Int32, Int32, Char[]> swap = delegate(Char[] input, Int32 pos1, Int32 pos2)
Char[] result = new Char[] { input[0], input[1], input[2] };
Char temp = result[pos1];
result[pos1] = result[pos2];
result[pos2] = temp;
return result;
for (Int32 index1 = 0; index1 < 3; index1++)
Char[] level1 = swap(digits, 0, index1);
for (Int32 index2 = 0; index2 < 3; index2++)
Char[] level2 = swap(level1, 1, index2);
for (Int32 index3 = 0; index3 < 3; index3++)
Char[] level3 = swap(level2, 2, index3);
String output = new String(level3);
foreach (var kvp in occurances)
Console.Out.WriteLine(kvp.Key + ": " + kvp.Value);
This outputs:
123: 4
132: 5
213: 5
231: 5
312: 4
321: 4
So while this answer does in fact count, it's not a purely mathematical answer, you just have to evaluate all possible ways the random function can go, and look at the final outputs.
From your comments on the other answers, it seems that you are looking not just for an explanation of why the distribution is not the uniform distribution (for which the divisibility answer is a simple one) but also an "intuitive" explanation of why it is actually far from uniform.
Here's one way of looking at it. Suppose you start with the initial array [1, 2, ..., n] (where n might be 3, or 52, or whatever) and apply one of the two algorithms. If all permutations are uniformly likely, then the probability that 1 remains in the first position should be 1/n. And indeed, in the second (correct) algorithm, it is 1/n, as 1 stays in its place if and only if it is not swapped the first time, i.e. iff the initial call to rand(0,n-1) returns 0.
However, in the first (wrong) algorithm, 1 remains untouched only if it is neither swapped the first time nor any other time — i.e., only if the first rand returns 0 and none of the other rands returns 0, the probability of which is (1/n) * (1-1/n)^(n-1) ≈ 1/(ne) ≈ 0.37/n, not 1/n.
And that's the "intuitive" explanation: in your first algorithm, earlier items are much more likely to be swapped out of place than later items, so the permutations you get are skewed towards patterns in which the early items are not in their original places.
(It's a bit more subtle than that, e.g. 1 can get swapped into a later position and still end up getting swapped back into place through a complicated series of swaps, but those probabilities are relatively less significant.)
The best explanation I've seen for this effect was from Jeff Atwood on his CodingHorror blog (The Danger of Naïveté).
Using this code to simulate a 3-card random shuffle...
for (int i = 0; i < cards.Length; i++)
int n = rand.Next(cards.Length);
Swap(ref cards[i], ref cards[n]);
} get this distribution.
The shuffle code (above) results in 3^3 (27) possible deck combinations. But the mathematics tell us that there are really only 3! or 6 possible combinations of a 3 card deck. So some of the combinations are over-represented.
You would need to use a Fisher-Yates shuffle to properly (randomly) shuffle a deck of cards.
Here's another intuition: the single shuffle swap can't create symmetry in the probability of occupying a position unless at least 2-way symmetry already exists. Call the three positions A, B, and C. Now let a be the probability of card 2 being in position A, b be the probability of card 2 being in position B, and c be the probability of it being in position C, prior to a swap move. Assume that no two probabilities are the same: a!=b, b!=c, c!=a. Now compute the probabilities a', b', and c' of the card being in these three positions following a swap. Let's say that this swap move consists of position C being swapped with one of the three positions at random. Then:
a' = a*2/3 + c*1/3
b' = b*2/3 + c*1/3
c' = 1/3.
That is, the probability that the card winds up in position A is the probability it was already there times the 2/3 of the time position A isn't involved in the swap, plus the probability that it was in position C times the 1/3 probability that C swapped with A, etc. Now subtracting the first two equations, we get:
a' - b' = (a - b)*2/3
which means that because we assumed a!=b, then a'!=b' (though the difference will approach 0 over time, given enough swaps). But since a'+b'+c'=1, if a'!=b', then neither can be equal to c' either, which is 1/3. So if the three probabilities start off all different before a swap, they will also all be different after a swap. And this would hold no matter which position was swapped - we just interchange the roles of the variables in the above.
Now the very first swap started by swapping card 1 in position A with one of the others. In this case, there was two way symmetry before the swap, because the probability of card 1 in position B = probability of card 1 in position C = 0. So in fact, card 1 can wind up with symmetric probabilities and it does end up in each of the three positions with equal probability. This remains true for all subsequent swaps. But card 2 winds up in the three positions after the first swap with probability (1/3, 2/3, 0), and likewise card 3 winds up in the three positions with probability (1/3, 0, 2/3). So no matter how many subsequent swaps we do, we will never wind up with card 2 or 3 having exactly the same probability of occupying all three positions.
See the Coding Horror post The Danger of Naïveté.
Basically (suposing 3 cards):
The naive shuffle results in 33 (27)
possible deck combinations. That's
odd, because the mathematics tell us
that there are really only 3! or 6
possible combinations of a 3 card
deck. In the KFY shuffle, we start
with an initial order, swap from the
third position with any of the three
cards, then swap again from the second
position with the remaining two cards.
The simple answer is that there are 52^52 possible ways for this algorithm to run, but there are only 52! possible arrangements of 52 cards. For the algorithm to be fair, it needs to produce each of these arrangements equally likely. 52^52 is not an integer multiple of 52!. Therefore, some arrangements must be more likely than others.
an illustrative approach might be this:
1) consider only 3 cards.
2) for the algorithm to give evenly distributed results, the chance of "1" ending up as a[0] must be 1/3, and the chance of "2" ending up in a[1] must be 1/3 too, and so forth.
3) so if we look at the second algorithm:
probability that "1" ends up at a[0]:
when 0 is the random number generated,
so 1 case out of (0,1,2), therefore,
is 1 out of 3 = 1/3
probability that "2" ends up at a[1]:
when it didn't get swapped to a[0] the
first time, and it didn't get swapped
to a[2] the second time: 2/3 * 1/2 =
probability that "3" ends up at a[2]:
when it didn't get swapped to a[0] the
first time, and it didn't get swapped
to a[1] the second time: 2/3 * 1/2 =
they are all perfectly 1/3, and we
don't see any error here.
4) if we try to calculate the probability of of "1" ending up as a[0] in the first algorithm, the calculation will be a bit long, but as the illustration in lassevk's answer shows, it is 9/27 = 1/3, but "2" ending up as a[1] has a chance of 8/27, and "3" ending up as a[2] has a chance of 9/27 = 1/3.
as a result, "2" ending up as a[1] is not 1/3 and therefore the algorithm will produce pretty skewed result (about 3.7% error, as opposed to any negligible case such as 3/10000000000000 = 0.00000000003%)
5) the proof that Joel Coehoorn has, actually can prove that some cases will be over-represented. I think the explanation that why it is n^n is this: at each iteration, there are n possibility that the random number can be, so after n iterations, there can be n^n cases = 27. This number doesn't divid the number of permuations (n! = 3! = 6) evenly in the case of n = 3, so some results are over-represented. they are over-represented in a way that instead of showing up 4 times, it shows up 5 times, so if you shuffle the cards millions of times from the initial order of 1 to 52, the over-represented case will show up 5 million times as opposed to 4 million times, which is quite big a difference.
6) i think the over-representation is shown, but "why" will the over-representation happen?
7) an ultimate test for the algorithm to be correct is that any number has a 1/n probability to end up at any slot.
The Naive algorithm picks the values of n like so:
n = rand(3)
n = rand(3)
n = rand(3)
3^3 possible combinations of n
1,1,1, 1,1,2....3,3,2 3,3,3 (27 combinations) lassevk's answer shows the distribution among the cards of these combinations.
the better algorithm does:
n = rand(3)
n = rand(2)
n! possible combinations of n
1,1, 1,2, 2,1 2,2 3,1 3,2 (6 combinations, all of them giving a different result)
As mentioned in the other answers, if you take 27 attempts to get 6 results, you cannot possibly attain the 6 results with even distribution, since 27 is not divisible by 6. Put 27 marbles into 6 buckets and no matter what you do, some buckets will have more marbles than others, the best you can do is 4,4,4,5,5,5 marbles for buckets 1 through 6.
the fundamental problem with the naive shuffle is that swaps too many times, to shuffle 3 cards completely, you need only do 2 swaps, and the second swap need only be among the first two cards, since the 3rd card already had a 1/3 chance of being swapped. to continue to swap cards will impart more chances that a given card will be swapped, and these chances will only even out to 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 if your total swap combinations is divisible by 6.
Not that another answer is needed, but I found it worthwhile to try to work out exactly why Fisher-Yates is uniform.
If we are talking about a deck with N items, then this question is: how can we show that
Pr(Item i ends up in slot j) = 1/N?
Breaking it down with conditional probabilities, Pr(item i ends up at slot j) is equal to
Pr(item i ends up at slot j | item i was not chosen in the first j-1 draws)
* Pr(item i was not chosen in the first j-1 draws).
and from there it expands recursively back to the first draw.
Now, the probability that element i was not drawn on the first draw is N-1 / N. And the probability that it was not drawn on the second draw conditional on the fact that it was not drawn on the first draw is N-2 / N-1 and so on.
So, we get for the probability that element i was not drawn in the first j-1 draws:
(N-1 / N) * (N-2 / N-1) * ... * (N-j / N-j+1)
and of course we know that the probability that it is drawn at round j conditional on not having been drawn earlier is just 1 / N-j.
Notice that in the first term, the numerators all cancel the subsequent denominators (i.e. N-1 cancels, N-2 cancels, all the way to N-j+1 cancels, leaving just N-j / N).
So the overall probability of element i appearing in slot j is:
[(N-1 / N) * (N-2 / N-1) * ... * (N-j / N-j+1)] * (1 / N-j)
= 1/N
as expected.
To get more general about the "simple shuffle", the particular property that it is lacking is called exchangeability. Because of the "path dependence" of the way the shuffle is created (i.e. which of the 27 paths is followed to create the output), you are not able to treat the different component-wise random variables as though they can appear in any order. In fact, this is perhaps the motivating example for why exchangeability matters in random sampling.
The clearest answer to show the first algorithm fails is to view the algorithm in question as a Markov chain of n steps on the graph of n! vertices of all the permutation of n natural numbers. The algorithm hops from one vertex to another with a transition probability. The first algorithm gives the transition probability of 1/n for each hop. There are n^n paths the probability of each of which is 1/n^n. Suppose the final probability of landing on each vertex is 1/n! which is a reduced fraction. To achieve that there must be m paths with the same final vertex such that m/n^n=1/n! or n^n = mn! for some natural number m, or that n^n is divisible by n!. But that is impossible. Otherwise, n has to be divisible by n-1 which is only possible when n=2. We have contradiction.

How to calculate permutations in linear time, with a twist

I have a resource scheduling issue in Java where things need to be sequenced, but there are restrictions on what resources can be next to each other. A good analogy is a string of "digits", where only certain digits can be next to each other. My solution was recursive, and works fine for small strings, but run time is O(X^N), where X is the number of possible digits (the base), and N is the length of the string. It quickly becomes unmanageable.
Using the compatibility matrix below, here are a few examples of allowed strings
Length of 1: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
Length of 2: 02, 03, 14, 20, 30, 41
Length of 3: 020, 030, 141, 202, 203, 302, 303, 414
0 1 2 3 4
0| 0 0 1 1 0
1| 0 0 0 0 1
2| 1 0 0 0 0
3| 1 0 0 0 0
4| 0 1 0 0 0
My solution for counting all strings of length N was start with an empty string, permute the first digit, and make a recursive call for all strings of length N-1. The recursive calls check the last digit that was added and try all permutations that can be next to that digit. There are some optimizations made so that I don't try and permute 00, 01, 04 every time, for example - only 02, 03, but performance is still poor as it scales from base 5 (the example) to base 4000.
Any thoughts on a better way to count the permutations other than trying to enumerate all of them?
If you just want the number of strings of a certain length, you could just multiply the compatibility matrix with itself a few times, and sum it's values.
n = length of string
A = compatibility matrix
number of possible strings = sum of An-1
A few examples:
n = 1
| 1 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 1 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 1 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 1 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 1 |
sum: 5
n = 3
| 2 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 1 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 1 1 0 |
| 0 0 1 1 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 1 |
sum: 8
n = 8
| 0 0 8 8 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 1 |
| 8 0 0 0 0 |
| 8 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 1 0 0 0 |
sum: 34
The original matrix (row i, column j) could be thought of as the number of strings that start with symbol i, and whose next symbol is symbol j. Alternatively, you could see it as number of strings of length 2, which start with symbol i and ends with symbol j.
Matrix multiplication preserves this invariant, so after exponentiation, An-1 would contain the number of strings that start with symbol i, has length n, and ends in symbol j.
See Wikipedia: Exponentiation by squaring for an algorithm for faster calculation of matrix powers.
(Thanks stefan.ciobaca)
This specific case reduces to the formula:
number of possible strings = f(n) = 4 + Σk=1..n 2⌊k-1⁄2⌋ = f(n-1) + 2⌊n-1⁄2⌋
n f(n)
---- ----
1 5
2 6
3 8
4 10
5 14
6 18
7 26
8 34
9 50
10 66
Do you just want to know how many strings of a given length you can build with the rules in the given matrix? If so, that an approach like this should work:
n = 5
maxlen = 100
combine = [
[0, 0, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
# counts of strings starting with 0,1,...,4, initially for strings of length one:
counts = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
for size in range(2, maxlen+1):
# calculate counts for size from count for (size-1)
newcount = []
for next in range(n):
total = 0
for head in range(n):
if combine[next][head]:
# |next| can be before |head|, so add the counts for |head|
total += counts[head]
# append, so that newcount[next] == total
counts = newcount
print "length %i: %i items" % (size, sum(counts))
Your algorithm seems to be optimal.
How are you using these permutations? Are you accumulating them in one list, or using it one by one? Since there are a huge number of such permutations, so the poor performance maybe due to large memory usage (if you are collecting all of them) or it just takes so much time. You just can't do billions of loops in trivial time.
Reply to comment:
If you just want to count them, then you can using dynamic programming:
Let count[n][m] be an array, where count[l][j] is the number of such permutations whose length is l and end with j,
then count[l][i] = count[l-1][i1]+count[l-1][i2]+..., where i1, i2, ... are the digits that can precede i (this can be saved in an pre-calculated array).
Every cell of count can be filled by summing K numbers (K depends on the compatible matrix), so the complexity is O(KMN), M is the length of the permutation, and N is the total number of digits.
Maybe I don't understand this, but wouldn't this be served by having a table of lists that for each digit has a list of valid digits that could follow it.
Then your routine to generate will take an accumulated result, the digit number, and the current digit. Something like:
// not really Java - and you probably don't want chars, but you'll fix it
void GenerateDigits(char[] result, int currIndex, char currDigit)
if (currIndex == kMaxIndex) {
char[] validFollows = GetValidFollows(currDigit); // table lookup
foreach (char c in validFollows) {
result[currIndex] = c;
GenerateDigits(result, currIndex+1, c);
The complexity increases as a function of the number of digits to generate, but that function depends on the total number of valid follows for any one digit. If the total number of follows is the same for every digit, let's say, k, then the time to generate all possible permutations is going to be O(k^n) where n is the number of digits. Sorry, I can't change math. The time to generate n digits in base 10 is 10^n.
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, but since there are potentially n! permutations of a string of n digits, you're not going to be able to list them faster than n!. I'm not exactly sure how you think you got a runtime of O(n^2).
