Google Calendar API: Cannot get Google Meet link while creating calendar event - google-api

I am using google calendar API to add events in google calendar,but there is no google meet URL getting response from api but meeting url is missing .what is I am doing wrong here?
this is POST API I am using to create events:
Request body:
Response Body:

Issue with my conferenceData i am passing request id out createRequest object.
"conferenceData": {
"createRequest": {
"conferenceSolutionKey": {
"type": "hangoutsMeet"
`requestId`: `JksKJJSK1KJSK`


Zoho desk invalid oauth

I am testing out Zoho desk API. I have set up a dummy client in zoho console dashboard and using the self client option to generate a oauth_token. However when I try to use it, it always return an error code 401 with error code "INVALID_OAUTH".
I have checked for characters, and using it before even one minute of generation. Can somebody please help me with this?
url = ""
payload = ""
headers = {
'Authorization': "Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.XXXXXabdbd925112
"errorCode": "INVALID_OAUTH",
"message": "The OAuth Token you provided is invalid."

Use token received from JavaScript client to create a social connection on the server

I have a webpage using PHP/JavaScript that can successfully do the Google Signin process on the client side. I would like to then forward the obtained token to the backend which uses Spring-Social to create a social connection and be able to call on the APIs to which the app has been authorized.
I managed to do exactly this with both Facebook (OAUTH2) and Twitter (OAUTH1) both working flawlessly but for Google I always get a 401 response when trying to create the connection.
The code in the server is like this:
AccessGrant accessGrant = new AccessGrant(accessToken);
connection = ((OAuth2ConnectionFactory<?>) connectionFactory).createConnection(accessGrant);
The code in the client something like this:
function onSignIn(googleUser) {
var profile = googleUser.getBasicProfile();
console.log('ID: ' + profile.getId());
console.log('Name: ' + profile.getName());
console.log('Email: ' + profile.getEmail());
var access_token = googleUser.getAuthResponse().id_token;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', 'http://localhost/signin/google');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
xhr.onload = function() {
console.log('Signed in as: ' + xhr.responseText);
console.log('access_token=' + access_token);
xhr.send('access_token=' + access_token);
Most of the latter is copied from the Google documentation on how to authenticate with a backend server found here:
I've traced the calls inside spring-social-google and they lead to a REST call to which is the one that replies 401 and the following JSON:
"error": {
"errors": [{
"domain": "global",
"reason": "authError",
"message": "Invalid Credentials",
"locationType": "header",
"location": "Authorization"
"code": 401,
"message": "Invalid Credentials"
I've tried to call on this same REST API myself and I also get the same response, so it does not seem to be an issue of spring-social-google not sending the token properly as I've read on some other posts.
I believe that the issue is somehow related to the fact that the JavaScript API is giving me an "id_token" and the REST API is expecting an "access_token". However, I am not finding a way to obtain the access token as something separate from the id_token and the Google documentation does send the id_token to the backend. There is an "access_token" property alongside the used "id_token" property in googleUser.getAuthResponse() but it is coming back undefined.
This doc is of course not aimed at spring-social so I am not saying it is incorrect, I am just left wondering what is the proper way to achieve this.
Is spring-social at fault by not being able to deal with the id_token?
Am I at fault not seeing some clear way to get the access_token?
Anyway, I feel like I am somehow close but still the solution seems well out of grasp.
Thank you!
Well, I found it. It seems that writing the whole thing down really tripped something in my brain...
The issue is in fact that the id_token cannot take the place of the access_token. To my taste, Google documentation could be a little more explicit about this in the example they show but they do end up explaining it in the actual client reference at
The key is the boolean parameter to getAuthResponse() which is optional and defaults to false. From the doc:
includeAuthorizationData Optional: A boolean that specifies whether
to always return an access token and scopes. By default, the access
token and requested scopes are not returned when fetch_basic_profile
is true (the default value) and no additional scopes are requested.
By setting this to true in my JS the access_token field which was previously undefined was populated and with this token one can access the /oauth2/v2/userinfo endpoint and spring-social-google can correctly create a connection just like the other providers.
I hope this helps someone else at least.

Post a message to slack using

I want to post a message to slack on x channel
I need to send the following x parameters
how do I send the following parameters to a website
"channel": "XXXXX",
"token": "token",
"text": "text"
Add your parameters to the end of Slack's chat.postMessage endpoint like this:
Then make a GET request to that URL to post your message. Personally I'd suggest doing this as a Node application and using the request package obtained via npm. Makes it very easy.
Post message to Slack in a Node App
Create a new node project and then change to that folder on the command line
On the command line type npm install -g request to install the request module for your project
Inside the index.js file (or wherever you plan on calling the API) do as follows:
//Import request module
var request = require('request');
//Replace your token, channelID and text here
var path_to_call = '';
request(path_to_call, function(error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
} else {
If you just want to post messages I would recommend to use an Incoming Webhook. They are specifically designed for that purpose and easier to use than API calls.
An Incoming webhook is a custom URL that you can create for your Slack team and then use to send messages into any channel. For sending a message you only need to submit your message in JSON format along with some parameters as POST request to your webhook URL.
If you are using PHP scripting on your website then you best use CURL for the call.
Check out the documentation for details on how to use it.
var url = "";
var auth_token = auth_token; //Your Bot's auth token
var headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + auth_token,
"Content-Type" : "application/json"
var body = {
channel: userSlackId, // Slack user or channel, where you want to send the message
text: "Your text goes here."
"url": url,
"headers": headers,
"body": JSON.stringify(body)
}, (err, response, body) => {
if (err) {
console.log("response: ", JSON.stringify(response));
console.log("body: ",body);
You have to set headers as Authorization, and add Bearer before your token as it is mentioned in slack docs. Also, send user/channel in body. Here I'm providing the link for the same for your reference . Hope this helps.
Not sure which language you're using, but if using Postman to test, you can try the following format.
raw Postman request
POST /api/chat.postMessage HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
"text": "This is a line of text.\nAnd this is another one.",
"token": "XXXX",
"channel": "XXXX",

Make requests to third-party api from

I need to do some requests every x period of time to YouTube v3 Api and then process this data and store it in database.
Can i do this with Cloud Code (Jobs) ?
Yes, you can do this with the Parse.Cloud.httpRequest method (documentation).
Here is an example from the Parse documentation. This itself is failry simple but the mentioned documentation has more info about how to set parameters, request headers etc.
url: ''
}).then(function(httpResponse) {
// success
},function(httpResponse) {
// error
console.error('Request failed with response code ' + httpResponse.status);

YouTube Retrieve a Refresh Token?

I am sending a delete request to the youtube api but I am receiving a 401 error (unauthorized). I'm not sure why. My key is set properly, I am able to access the analytics of the youtube channel. This is my code that fires on a button click
type: 'DELETE',
// must set api key
url: ''+ thisUniqueID + '&key={<?php echo $oAuth2Key; ?>}',
I've used alert to check that my auth key is set properly (shown below).
alert('<?php echo $oAuth2Key; ?>');
and I can see in the returned address with the error that the url is proper. What could be the issue?
It looks like I need a refresh token. This is straight out of the docs: The API will return an HTTP 401 response code (Unauthorized) if you submit a request to access a protected resource with an expired access token. The following section explains how to refresh an access token.
Is there an easy way to retrieve a refresh token at the same time that I send a delete request? If not is there an easy way to retrieve one with out the need for the client id/client secret etc.
I somehow have gotten a key for analytics, but when I go to delete a video the key is not valid.
I would suggest you to use Data API v3 instead.
Yes, you can do AJAX calls. Here's the videos->delete call.
You find the documentation for using authorization at:
You use the API key for access to public data !
Since you want to delete a video, you must use the access_token. An access_token is valid for a short time (1 hour). You can get a new one by using your refresh_token to request another one.
Store a refresh_token since it is valid until it gets revoked.
Maybe use client.js, to handle the authorization for your requests ?
For JS, by adding:
<script src=""></script>
The general documentation is at:
An code example for YouTube is at:
For reference of the video delete method see:
The listed methods are: insert, list, delete, update , rate and getRating.
The delete method might be (This is NOT tested with a valid videoID):
var requestOptions = {
id: '012345678901', // replace VIDEOID
part: 'id'
var request = (requestOptions);
request.execute(function(response) {
console.log("RESPONSE: " + response);
The response using a non-existing videoId is:
"error": {
"code": -32500,
"message": "Video not found",
"data": [
"domain": "",
"reason": "videoNotFound",
"message": "Video not found",
"locationType": "parameter",
"location": "id"
"id": "gapiRpc"
