Sphinx- how to remove folder names/sub directories and file extensions from URL? - python-sphinx

I do my best to read and understand sphinx documentation but unfortunately I can't at this point :/. Also read many questions and answers on stackoverflow.
I want to remove all folder and sub folder names when a user clicks on a section on my page. How can I achieve this?
As an example I want to turn the URL's from these:
To these:
...I am new to sphinx, Read the Docs and web development. I will host my website on Read the Docs after that.
So I appreciate if you could explain your suggestions in a way that I can digest


How to publish a sitemap.xml to my website?

I did not have programming background and I learned to code completely by Google search so please excuse me if the question is not totally clear. I tried to search a this issue but could not find an answer.
I have built a website with React + Golang (Beego framework). Now I am trying to add a sitemap.xml to my website so that when people go to mywebsite.com/sitemap.xml, they will see the sitemap. I already generated the xml file but I am not sure where to put it.
I tried to set a URL in Golang as /sitemap.xml but Golang (Beego) does not render xml file and shows an error. I can put that file into folder static and access that file at mywebsite.com/static/sitemap.xml but I want it to be mywebsite.com/sitemap.xml.
I think I am trying to do it the wrong way. Really appreciate any advice.

Custom URL for Component Search Results

I am writing to seek help to display custom results in a SEF URL on Joomla CMS.
Example: This is a page with a customized search, https://jobwalkins.in/search.html?search=IT&exf_5=1&exf_4=-1&option=com_jomclassifieds&view=search&Itemid=147
I would like to display this link as https://jobwalkins.in/today-walkins-in-hyderabad.html
I am using https://extensions.joomla.org/extension/jom-classifieds/ as the extensions.
Any helpful inputs will be greatly appreciated. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Regards,
Syed H
I was able to get the desired output using https://extensions.joomla.org/extension/sh404sef/. The website in question https://jobwalkins.in/ now shows the predefined search results in custom URLs.
Here are a few of them which I was able to achieve:
https://jobwalkins.in/jobs-in-bangalore.html where the actual link was https://jobwalkins.in/search.html?search=&exf_5=2&exf_4=-1&option=com_jomclassifieds&view=search&Itemid=147
https://jobwalkins.in/today-walkins-in-hyderabad.html where the actual link was https://jobwalkins.in/search.html?search=&exf_5=1&exf_4=-1&option=com_jomclassifieds&view=search&Itemid=147
It works even for the links where the keywords are searched ex:
I searched for a keyword "fresher" and have set the page to render on custom URL https://jobwalkins.in/fresher-jobs.html where the actual link was https://jobwalkins.in/search.html?search=fresher&exf_5=-1&exf_4=-1&option=com_jomclassifieds&view=search&Itemid=147
The sh404SEF https://extensions.joomla.org/extension/sh404sef/ worked great and helped me address my concern very well.
Hope this post is useful for someone who may have a similar issue.

Octopress has a pasword protected plugin?

There are no signs of questions in stackexchange regarding this one and I have done the reasearch. Having said that, I have to protect blog posts which are personal related but always wanted to let it stay online without me having to worry about access - the soultion is password protection as I used to do in Wordpress. e.g: https://pwntoken.wordpress.com/2015/02/17/real-world-penetration-testing-a-gh0st-from-offensive-security/
My question is something similar among those solutions which wordpress plugins provided are possible over the octopress framework? how do one accomplish this?
Ben Balter has really nice way to go. See https://github.com/benbalter/jekyll-auth

Subdomain should access all the main domain files, except config database

I am looking for the solution, as I am creating an application using CodeIgniter. I just want to create the user of that application having their own DB. I just want the way how to access the main directory application using subdomain.
Please provide solution I am totally lost and can't find the proper path.
It's multifaceted and theres a lot to do. Luckily for you there's a great tutorial here: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/basecamp-style-subdomains-with-codeigniter/ Explains everything you need to do. Once you get going you can ask more specific questions.

Displaying correct joomla website information when posting website link

I was hoping someone can help me fix an issue. When someone posts a link to my joomla created website, they get the heading "Whats New?", which is my default article page for the site. It is the current blog articles written.
For example, if someone posted my link on facebook, it would look like this:
Whats New?
Description of website goes here...
Everything looks great except for the "Whats New?". Is there a way to put My webpage name instead of the name of the default page? How about showing an image? When posted on facebook, there is just text and no image used.
Thanks, any help would be greatly appreciated
Facebook uses Opengraph data to build those posts. If facebook isn't offered OpenGraph data, then it will use its own methods to try and find the information it needs. Sometimes with useless results. There are a lot of options to fix this. Joomla extensions has a few opengraph extensions for you to install, some of those should work fine. You can always write something yourself or add the data in your template. But don't expect results right away, because facebook caches those media objects for some time.
Open graph: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/
Joomla Extensions: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/site-management/seo-a-metadata/open-graph
There are more ways to fix this, but this is probably the easiest for you. Hope it helps.
Good Luck.
In the Joomla backend, do the following:
Open the menu item the the article is assigned to.
On the right hand side, open the Page Display Options panel
Add whatever you like to the Browser Page Title parameter.
Hope this helps
