salesforce validation across multiple objects - validation

How to write a validation rule so that The Quote Billing Entity , Quote lines Billing Entity, The Opportunity Billing Entity , the Order Billing Entity should be same all the time.


Multiselect lookup field in Dynamics

Can I:
make manipulation with subgrid so I can choose multiple Contacts and save them in the field (or even better choose only the email address from the Contacts) or
make a lookup field to Contact that allows me to choose multiple contacts
Longer description of the problem:
I have made some customization of the Invoice entity in Dynamics Sales, but what I also need is an email failed that is a lookup to Contacts, so I can choose a multiple contacts, so later on I can get the email information and send them an email with power automate. But since I'm new to Dynamics I'm not sure how to manipulate with the subgrid, I researched something about creating N:N relationship, but I'm not sure how can I manipulate with on save/ on load events, cause I need to choose multiple contacts and save them in this field.
Customized Invoice Entity

How display model with four relationships based on date in laravel?

I have these models:
Invoice, Bill, Transaction, and CreditNote belong to Partner.
and Partner has many invoices, bills, transactions, credit_notes.
I want to make SOA reports, which are based on date.
for example:
2021-1-1 partner invoiced us invoice_number..
2021-1-2 us invoiced partner bill_number..
2021-1-3 partner paid us transaction_debit
2021-1-4 us paid partner transaction_credit
2021-1-5 partner paid us credit_note
I use `rappasoft livewire data table to show this information.
I get partner stuff like this:
Partner::where('id', 1)->with('invoices', 'bills', 'transactions', 'credit_notes')->get()
I don't know how to display these information in a table a sort based on date
How to do this?
It sounds to me like your structure is wrong. All of the five things that you're putting in your table are what I'd consider "transactions" (not to be confused with your model "Transactions".
That being the case, then you want either want a Transactions model which is morphable (that's the more complicated solution) or which has a "type" property.
If morphable, each transaction would then be associated to the corresponding partner, and to the corresponding model - invoice, bill, payment, refund, etc. - on a "morphsTo" basis.
If you went down the easier route, each transaction would just have a type, linked to a TransactionType model, which would indicate the type of the transaction.
As things stand, your structure is overcomplicated. Either of the above approaches would simplify it.

Dynamic parameters for views in Dynamics 365

I have a Account Relationship entity with two lookup fields called Recipient Account and Guide Account. I would like to be able to go on an Account and see all records where the Account Relationship's Recipient Account and Guide Account are set to the account I'm viewing.
In CRM, I can definitely create a view to fetch all account relationships on the Account Relationship entity and then inside the Account entity's form I can include the view with the data source set to Related Records Only and the entity set to Account Relationship (Recipient Account). But I can't do both in a single view.
Through what mechanism can I have it all be in one view? One thing I was considering was creating separate grids, one for Recipient Account and another for Guide Account. But I want to know if there is a mechanism where I can combine all records that have "Recipient Account = Current Account or Guide Account = Current Account" that is basically the query I want to run.
You could use connections. It's pretty flexible and will fulfill your needs as long they stay simple. That's the only viable option I see aside from using two views.
Keep only one subgrid of Account Relationship N:N intersect entity (either Guide account or Recipient account relation)
Register RetrieveMultiple pre-operation plugin to intercept the query & pass the custom fetchxml query by incorporating or filter
Fetchxml has to be built something like explained
Try this unrecommended if you wish but two grids are better choice. This alternate solution also you can try.

MS Dynamics CRM : Quote Product to Product Relationship.

We are using crm 2013 on premises.
I am having issues with customising the Quote Product (quote-detail) entity. I have seen a lot of posts about the relationship and mapping of the Quote Product entity to the Opportunity Entity. My problem is the mapping between the Quote Product entity and the Product entity.
A have data that I would like to pull from the product as soon as the quote product is created. This data is crucial for generating quotes for customers (I am currently generating the quotes to be send to customers from reports).
For example:
I want to put the product description on the quote. This I have done by querying the product description directly from the Product entity. The problem is that sometimes a custom description must be added or the default description for the product must be changed for a specific quote. To resolve this I would like to pull the product description from the Product entity and add it to a field in the Quote Product entity. The sales people can then alter the product description as required.
How can I accomplish this?
Unfortunately you would not be able to accomplish your task using mapping. You will have to develop code to do it. To get required fields you can use OData endpoint to get info from Product entity during onchange event of productid lookup field and pull it to opportunity product fields.

Product slug not working in CRM 2013 Email templates

I have a business requirement that execs are really wanting to see. In our lead and email templates we have a few of our products listed. The products themselves are pretty stable but the prices are of course subject to change.
I'm OK with hard coding the product name into email but I was hoping the price could be a slug that get's resolved.
We only have one price list so nothing to worry about there.
I see no way to get access to the product and or price list entities through the data field values dialog.
So my thought was to create the 2-4 fields in the lead and opportunity entities. Then create a background workflow that takes the price from the price list and sets those fields.
Then when an email is generated I can access those hidden fields as they will be available through the lead or opportunity entity.
Any thoughts, concerns, better approaches?
Unfortunately CRM's email template system is not capable of what you describe out of the box. As you have discovered it will only permit you to insert placeholders from, or assocated with, the primary entity. It won't let you insert fields from other entities. What you suggest as a workaround is possible but it's not an ideal solution as you'll have these 2-4 redundant fields on each record type that contain duplicated data from the price list.
If you have any experience with creating custom workflow activities using the SDK then the best solution here is to create a custom activity that accepts either an draft Email or Email template as a input parameter, instantiates the email if required, loads the price list data, and performs your own custom placeholder replacements.
I've done this on a few projects in order to pass multiple entity records into the template, or to insert complex tables into emails by loading data from relationships. See the screenshots below for an example of how I've configured the email template and dialog process to pass both an 'Account' and 'User' record into the email template.
