LabVIEW 2022 Offline Help Window? - window

How can I get Offline Help Window for LabVIEW 2022 Q3 Version, just like in LabVIEW 2021 and other previous versions?
Currently, when I click on Help > LabVIEW Help..., it shows a webpage like this:
Online Help Window
But I want it to show the older Help Window like this: Offline Help Window
Is there any way to obtain the older Help Window for 2022 Version?

No. LabVIEW 2022 shipped without offline help. The only way to have offline help would be to do a web crawl of NI's website and download the webpages to your local machine and then amend the URLs that you get when clicking help links in LV 2022 and redirect them to your local copy.

Looks like should be possible to get the offline help by checking a checkbox in the help preferences, but it's the online help by default:
See the discussion here:


Clear visual studio debugger's saved connections in attach to process dialog

I need to clear some old entries saved for Connection target dropdown list in Attach to Process dialog.
Some remote servers have been decommissioned. But their names are still listed on the top of Connection target list.
When I start the Debug menu command "Attach to process", it takes awhile trying to connect to an old server that is not connectable.
Google search doesn't return the answer of where the list is saved.
Hopefully someone can provide the answer.
After quite some digging I've found the answer you might be after (if you still need it), the web page you'll need is at Microsoft Learn.
If you want to dive straight in have a look in the Tools Menu under Options and then find Cross Platform and Connection Manager:
I'm using Visual Studio 2022 17.4.3 (current version as of Jan 2023) just in case other versions have a different layout.

not able to navigate between events of a object with dropdown box like visual studio 2019 in VS 2022 >

I am not sure did they change it the way we can do it or is there any simpler way or they actually removed the option and limited us to use code instead
in vs 2019 if we double click the button we directly went to click event of a button and then from the upper right dropdown box we can easily move to any other event of a current object like double click or mouse over etc which automatically created the event handling SUB
but I am not able to do it in the VS 2022 so what happened with it?
as you can see in the attached images
I'm truly hoping that it's a bug in VS2022 because I'm really missing this function too. I've found a lot of topics in the official discussions and feeds and it seems that different older versions have the same issue, but they have already patched them. No info about 17.0.x version. :( I'll investigate further. Please report if somebody find a working solution.
Go to Options->Text Editor->(your language) and enable "Navigation Bar".
Previously answered here:
Visual Studio window which shows list of methods
This bug has been fixed in the latest version of the VS 2022 as per below post. Just tested and seems to be working as it used to!
well finally I found the answer to my question with thanks to mrtn
Microsoft finally found the bug and fixed the Asked Issue in question, so New update will solve this problem that was a bug from VS 2022
Additionally, I want to mention there is another way to create/edit Object's Events from Design view
Go to the design view and then click the Button with Lightning icon, a list of Events will Appear, and then go for the desired event and double click to add the event or edit it

VS 2019 - What does "Run selected code locally" do?

I am using Visual Studio Community 2019 ver 16.1.6 and see the first menu item in the right click menu that says "Run selected code locally".
Highlighting code and choosing this feature does not seem to do anything. My guess is that it is to do with the new Live Share Session (?). Googling the phrase surprisingly does not return any meaningful results or documentation (at least at this time).
Any ideas?
Looks like it is associated with "Azure Data Lake and Stream Analytics" extension being installed.
There is still no further information about what it does to warrant being the first item on the project text editor right click drop-down.
Here is a link to a closed bug story.
It should be only associated with "Azure Data Lake and Stream Analytics" extension and when you are opening a Stream Analytics script file (*.asaql). This issue has been fixed in the latest extension version 2.4.2000.0. Can you update the extension and have a try?

Live Server closes when I click anywhere in VS Code

Hi All: I'm very new to VS Code and know no coding. I'm trying to teach myself HTML and CSS by watching videos and reading tutorials. I mention this so that perhaps will give me some understanding if my nomenclature is incorrect.
To make a long story short through my learning's so far it sounds like VS Code is the premier code editor.
So I've downloaded and installed it. So far so good. The video I was watching introduced me to the "Live Server" extension, so I installed it. The problem is once opened, the Live Server window closes any time I left click on anything else in VS Code or if I open another Google tab. Is there a solution? Please keep in mind here my newness to coding and the VS Code editor. Thanks for any help you can provide!
Very nice extension. I installed and works fine. Maybe you need to uninstall it and install it again. But when a page in Visual Studio Code is open to install the extension you need to check the instruction how to use it.
After you open the project and your html file down in blue line in VS Code need to click the Go live button.

Creating Help Files - Applescript Studio

I would like to know how to generate help files for an applescript studio application I am currently creating. I have tried many different options of creating help, and googled it for quite some time and cannot find an answer.
When I click on the menu item "Application Help" in my application it opens Help Viewer with an empty window when I attempt to create the help.
I am currently running Tiger with Xcode 2.4.1
I've used HelpLogic by Electric Butterfly for several projects and have never had a problem.
Mac Help Writer
Simple Help Editor
The applications listed first are the more recently updated.
I personally use Mac Help Writer, and I find it helpful.
Unfortunately these ways haven't worked for me, but thank you for the replies. I have switched my programming languages and don't use applescript studio anymore.
