I know that spring boot works with jasypt, by supplying jvm argument -Djasypt.encryptor.password=password , the framework will use it to decrypt. However, in my use case, we cannot supply jvm argument, how do i do this programtically in code instead?
You can set the argument manullay in your code.
System.setProperty("jasypt.encryptor.password", "password");
You see more details here
I am having a use case to read some specific env variable which are set at system level based on the queried to database and want to refer into another spring boot app
I am able to set it through System.setProperty("XYZ", "123") but when I refer it into another spring boot app it is returning null with System.getProperty call..
And both application is running into same container or JVM or instance...
Please, help...
You can't use System.setProperty because this is only visible in current Java process
You can't use System.setEnv because this is also only visible in the current process
You could write a file that the other process is reading or you could provide a REST endpoint so that one app can call the app.
I have been looking for an explanation of how Spring Framework will look for #AutoWired properties. I have noticed that when using the hikariCP library that setting either of the properties below will result in a correct max pool size.
Does Spring use both camel case and hyphen separated to lookup autowired properties? Where might I find an explanation in the spring docs?
That isn't a feature of the core Spring Framework but rather a feature of Spring Boot.
Spring Boot has a feature called relaxed binding which is used for properties mapped to a class annotated/used with #ConfigurationProperties. Each property that is being bound can be used with camel-case, dashes or even uppercase with dashes (generally used for environment variables!).
So all of these will work in the same way (the latter is often used to pass it as an environment or system variable).
There are valid and invalid properties, but Spring's #ConfigurationProperties, which used mostly for loading configurations, works with both forms of properties.
The issue can be if any framework, library, etc. use property separately, without #ConfigurationProperties. In this case, you will have runtime exception (or null value).
Most default, base, popular properties are here: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/appendix-application-properties.html
Currently spring boot seems to support only classpath based logging configuration.
It also ignores any configuration passed as vm argument as follows.
How can we have different log4j2 configuration based on different environment, considering classpath for all environment remains same.
What about set the properties: logging.config=classpath:log4j2-dev-spring.xml in each application-{profile}.properties that you have. Can use like this too: logging.config=${ENV_VAR}
You should use the following param
I am using application.properties file for some static properties like username and password but I want to change those parameters without stopping my application I was trying this with actuators but I failed.
I would also suggest to use Spring Cloud Config.
Here is a pretty good article about how this works:
I'm using Spring Boot 1.3.6 and Spring Session and Redis as the Session store. I need to be able to set the redisNamespace for the application a runtime, and not hard-code it in the code. That means I cannot use #EnableRedisHttpSession since that is not something I can set via the applaction.yml file.
I've updated Spring Session to 1.2.1.RELEASE to get the support I need, but I cannot seem to get the system to configure the namespace via configuration. I tried using a SPEL in the #EnableRedisHttpSession(redisNamespace) call, but that doesn't work. I tried to have the RedisHttpSessionConfiguration injected via Autowired to set it as well, and that seemed to have been ignored. There was also another reference in another SO post about using spring.session.redis.namespace as a property in application.yml but that doesn't work.
Any suggestions/tips would be greatly appreciated!
Declaring spring.redis.namespace per the documentation is not enough.
After setting #EnableRedisHttpSession() to #EnableRedisHttpSession(redisNamespace = "${spring.redis.namespace}") it worked.
Per the normal functionality to externalise configuration you can use system environment variables as well, instead of spring.redis.namespace.
Note: In this case spring.redis.namespace corresponds to the application.yaml file that looks like:
namespace: ${REDIS_NAMESPACE:foobar}
I simply put a -Dspring.session.redis.namespace=myKeyName to VM arguments.
and it is working fine.
and I'm using spring boot v1.3.5.RELEASE and spring session 1.2.0.RELEASE.