Pagination navigation is not working inside iframe - laravel

In this website everything is working fine,
but when we load the website in a iframe then the everything is working but the pagination is not working.
Main Website:
Inside Iframe:
Recreate the issue: Go to the iframetester url, then go to "Getting started page" then scroll down to bottom, click page no 2. The page will not change.

There seems to be an issue with your URL generation.
The URL in your pagination links uses http instead of https.
Be sure to set your APP_URL .env variable to the correct URL, with the correct scheme:
// .env
If that alone does not work (though it should, after clearing your configuration cache) try adding the following line to your AppServiceProvider:
It may be a good idea to set it inside a conditional so that it only runs on certain environments. Maybe something like this:
if (parse_url(config('app.url', 'http://localhost'), PHP_URL_SCHEME) == 'https') {
On a related note, you should also make your page automatically redirect any http requests to the https version of the same request.


How to fix automatically redirection in netlify page

The url has been refreshed on the netlify page. This will automatically redirect to the api server url, not the netlify url.
In the _redirects file, I changed the http status from 301 to something else, but the results were the same.
Below is my _redirects file.
/* 301
I want to solve the redirection problem quickly. Thanks for reading.
The redirects file must be in thebuild directory. And since it builds as a web page reflecting the build status, it needs to be put into the repository with the built state due to the nature of netlify.

Angular UI-Router (1.x) Change Host Url

I have a requirement from a client to change the web site Url to a subdomain when they enter the checkout section of the site we are developing for them. For example from to We are using UI-Router in HTML5 mode and would like to have the router change the Url to the subdomain instead of going to Does anyone know a way that this can be accomplished? I've also tried using pushState but without success. All of the subdomain suggestions I've tried have not worked. Honestly even if I just put a "fake" url that would work fine too. Changing the Url is more of a visual thing instead of actually redirecting to a subdomain.
After much review I found that this cannot be done because it is a security issue; even switching to a subdomain (which is what I was trying to do) is not allowed.

https on TYPO3 - show via pagetree

I have a TYPO3 site now running under https. All works fine, except for clicking on Show on a page in the Page tree. I then get an invalid URL which starts like 'https://https//www.'
Steps I did:
Domain record 301 redirect to
Domain record
Force SSL backend via $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['lockSSL'] = 2;
Should I set something else to have correct 'Show' links from the pagetree?
Do you use the backend over SSL too? Died you try to set the url schema inside each page settings from http:// to https:// to exclude this as the error?
In tsconfig TCAdefaults.pages.url_scheme = 2 needs to be added (I already had that, but thank you Paul). But a domain record was wrong; the 2nd one needed to be entered without https://

Using a custom domain with a Heroku hosted app

I am trying to point a custom doamin provided by to my Heroku app. Everything works well unless I try to enter a direct URL past the normal landing page.
If I go to I get the right landing page and can navigate throughout the site. However, If I go directly to a URL deeper insite the site such as I get a 404 error. But, if I go to everything works fine.
Another ofdity is that when I go to no matter where I navigate the url is always diaplyed as with nothing ever trailing.
This ended up being an issue with's configuration. No matter what I tried I could not get the domain the redirect properly. I switched to GoDaddy and used the exact same configuration and everything worked great.

Magento Checkout - Unsecure Image

I was having a problem with my Magento checkout whereby the browser was reporting that the page wasn't fully encrypted. I had a look and realised that one of the images was using http://
This is the code I was using to display the image:
getSkinUrl('images/search_button.png') ?>
As a temporary solution I have hard coded the full path to the image ie:
Does anyone how I can call the image dynamically but have it use https on the checkout and other secure pages?
That should be solved by using the '_secure' parameter.
$this->getSkinUrl('images/search_button.png', array('_secure' => true));
Have you set your admin config settings to "use secure" (I can't remember the exact wording) for the frontend? If so, have you set your secure URLs to be HTTPS?
Magento generates image and link URLs via those secure/unsecure URLs you specify. If you haven't properly specified those as https://, you will have this problem. Otherwise, Magento is actually very good about outputting only secure content.
I haven't tested this for skin URLs, but for regular URLs you can do the following to force secure URLs. This is from the deep bowels of the URL code:
// Get the URL for another action on our current controller
// and force it to https
$path = "*/*/submit";
$url = Mage::getUrl($path, array('_forced_secure' => true));
There's probably some way to specify those extra arguments in getSkinUrl...
