I am adding a random text to input using lorem-ipsum in cypress. Does anyone know how to handle this in cypress?
I am using following method and going to call addComment() method in the test
import { loremIpsum } from "lorem-ipsum";
addcomment() {
count: 1, // Number of "words", "sentences", or "paragraphs"
format: "plain", // "plain" or "html"
paragraphLowerBound: 3, // Min. number of sentences per paragraph.
paragraphUpperBound: 7, // Max. number of sentences per paragarph.
random: Math.random, // A PRNG function
sentenceLowerBound: 5, // Min. number of words per sentence.
sentenceUpperBound: 15, // Max. number of words per sentence.
suffix: "\n", // Line ending, defaults to "\n" or "\r\n" (win32)
units: "sentences", // paragraph(s), "sentence(s)", or "word(s)"
cy.get('.input > textarea').loremIpsum()
Assuming you have already installed the plugin. Then your test should look like this:
import {LoremIpsum} from 'lorem-ipsum'
const lorem = new LoremIpsum({
sentencesPerParagraph: {
max: 8,
min: 4,
wordsPerSentence: {
max: 16,
min: 4,
describe('test suite', () => {
it('Test case', () => {
//Types 5 Sentences
cy.get('.input > textarea').type(lorem.generateSentences(5))
//Types 7 Paragraphs
cy.get('.input > textarea').type(lorem.generateParagraphs(7))
Install the plugin
npm i lorem-ipsum
Then use the above code mentioned by Alapan Das.
My code
import {LoremIpsum} from 'lorem-ipsum'
addcomment2() {
const lorem = new LoremIpsum({
sentencesPerParagraph: {
max: 8,
min: 4
wordsPerSentence: {
max: 16,
min: 4
let txtComment = lorem.generateSentences(3);
cy.get(".input > textarea").type(txtComment);
I am using three.js lib on my backend to calculate AABB (axis aligned bounding box).
getAABB: function (position, scale, orientation) {
const cube = new Mesh(new BoxGeometry(0, 0, 0));
const bb = new Box3().setFromObject(cube);
const { min, max } = bb;
return {
x: {
min: min.x,
max: max.x,
y: {
min: min.y,
max: max.y,
z: {
min: min.z,
max: max.z,
For three#0.118 the results are looking good:
x: { min: 0.5391231359521602, max: 3.46087686404784 },
y: { min: 0.32046946879189564, max: 3.6795305312081044 },
z: { min: 0.4349899537033477, max: 3.5650100462966523 },
But once I do update to three#0.119 it is starting to return wrong results:
x: { min: 2, max: 2 },
y: { min: 2, max: 2 },
z: { min: 2, max: 2 },
In this example you can see the wrong results for 0.119 https://jsfiddle.net/yura_syedin/zwm3jkdL/
Here is the correct result for 0.118 https://jsfiddle.net/yura_syedin/5801pLaw/34/
According to release notes there are not too many changes
It looks like the BoxGeometry constructor had a bug fixed in r119.
In r118 when you constructed a box with 0, 0, 0 width/height/depth parameters, the constructor thought they weren't being defined, and it would default to 1, 1, 1. Here's the implementation for r118.
In r119 when you construct a box with 0, 0, 0, it respects those dimensions, and gives you a box with min: 2, max: 2, since it's respecting that the dimensions are 0 units. Here's the implementation for r119.
Just make sure you're initializing the box with some non-zero value, and you'll get equal results across versions.
Suppose I have record like this:
id: 1,
statistics: {
stat1: 1,
global: {
stat2: 3
stat111: 99
I want to make update on record with object:
statistics: {
stat1: 8,
global: {
stat2: 6
stat4: 3
And it should be added to current record as delta. So, the result record should looks like this:
id: 1,
statistics: {
stat1: 9,
global: {
stat2: 9
stat4: 3,
stat111: 99
Is it possible to make this with one query?
Do you want something generic or something specific?
Specific is easy, this is the generic case:
const updateValExpr = r.expr(updateVal);
const updateStats = (stats, val) => val
.map(key => r.branch(
[key, stats(key).add(val(key))],
[key, val(key)]
.update(stats =>
updateStats(stats.without('global'), updateValExpr.without('global'))
.merge({ global: updateStats(stats('global'), updateValExpr('global'))
There might be some bugs here sincce it's untested but the solution key point is the updateStats function, the fact that you can get all the keys with .keys() and that coerceTo('object') transforms this array: [['a',1],['b',2]] to this object: { a: 1, b: 2 },
You can do it recursively, although with limited stack (since you can't send recursive stacks directly, they resolve when the query is actually built:
function updateStats(stats, val, stack = 10) {
return stack === 0
? {}
: val
.map(key => r.branch(
[key, val(key)],
[key, updateStats(stats(key), val(key), stack - 1)],
[key, stats(key).add(val(key))]
r.table(...).update(row => updateStats(row, r(updateVal)).run(conn)
// test in admin panel
id: 1,
statistics: {
stat1: 1,
global: {
stat2: 3
stat111: 99
}), r({
statistics: {
stat1: 8,
global: {
stat2: 6
stat4: 3
For example, assume that we have stream like following
Stream 1 | -1-2-3-1-2-3--4-----------
after debounce, I would like to have the emitted stream looks like as follows:
Stream 2 | ---------------1-2-3--4------
There are lots of examples how to debounce the stream, but they take all value as the same trigger.
The following is the example code I found in reactitve-extension website,
var Rx = require('rxjs/Rx');
var times = [
{ value: 1, time: 100 },
{ value: 2, time: 200 },
{ value: 3, time: 300 },
{ value: 1, time: 400 },
{ value: 2, time: 500 },
{ value: 3, time: 600 },
{ value: 4, time: 800 }
// Delay each item by time and project value;
var source = Rx.Observable.from(times)
.flatMap(function (item) {
return Rx.Observable
.debounceTime(500 /* ms */);
var subscription = source.subscribe(
function (x) {
console.log('Next: %s', x);
function (err) {
console.log('Error: %s', err);
function () {
The console output would be
Next: 4
But I would like to get the following output
Next: 1
Next: 2
Next: 3
Next: 4
Maxime give good answer.
I also try myself. Hope help someone who have the same question.
var Rx = require('rxjs/Rx');
var times = [
{ value: 1, time: 100 },
{ value: 2, time: 200 },
{ value: 3, time: 300 },
{ value: 1, time: 400 },
{ value: 2, time: 500 },
{ value: 3, time: 600 },
{ value: 4, time: 800 },
{ value: 5, time: 1500 }
// Delay each item by time and project value;
var source = Rx.Observable.from(times)
.flatMap(function (item) {
return Rx.Observable
.do(obj => console.log('stream 1:', obj, 'at', Date.now() - startTime, `ms`))
.groupBy(obj => obj)
.flatMap(group => group.debounceTime(500))
let startTime = Date.now();
var subscription = source.subscribe(
function (x) {
console.log('stream 2: %s', x, 'at', Date.now() - startTime, 'ms');
function (err) {
console.log('Error: %s', err);
function () {
The console will output
stream 1: 1 at 135 ms
stream 1: 2 at 206 ms
stream 1: 3 at 309 ms
stream 1: 1 at 409 ms
stream 1: 2 at 509 ms
stream 1: 3 at 607 ms
stream 1: 4 at 809 ms
stream 2: 1 at 911 ms
stream 2: 2 at 1015 ms
stream 2: 3 at 1109 ms
stream 2: 4 at 1310 ms
stream 1: 5 at 1510 ms
stream 2: 5 at 1512 ms
Here's the code I propose :
const { Observable } = Rx
const objs = [
{ value: 1, time: 100 },
{ value: 2, time: 200 },
{ value: 3, time: 300 },
{ value: 1, time: 400 },
{ value: 2, time: 500 },
{ value: 3, time: 600 },
{ value: 4, time: 800 }
const tick$ = Observable.interval(100)
const objs$ = Observable.from(objs).zip(tick$).map(x => x[0])
.groupBy(obj => obj.value)
.mergeMap(group$ =>
.do(obj => console.log(obj))
And the output is just as expected :
Here's a working Plunkr with demo
Explanation :
I tried to make a small schema :
The thing is, you cannot use the debounceTime directly on the main observable (that's why you only had one value). You've got to group every values in their own stream with the groupBy operator and apply the debounceTime to the splitted group of values (as I tried to show in the image). Then use flatMap or mergeMap to get one final stream.
Doc :
Here are some pages that might help you understand :
- groupBy
- debounceTime
- mergeMap
I'm trying to recreate RxMarbles for RxJS 5, but I'm having feedback problems when I change the collection's data (specifically the length of the data source).
I added console.logs for debugging
Note for those who are familiar with RxMarbles, I renamed "Diagram" to "Timeline".
import { svg } from '#cycle/dom';
import isolate from '#cycle/isolate';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { apply, flip, map, max, merge, path, prop, sortBy, zip } from 'ramda';
import { Collection } from '../collection';
import { Marble } from './marble';
import { EndMarker } from './end-marker';
function sortMarbleDoms$(marbles$) {
const doms$ = Collection.pluck(marbles$, prop('DOM'));
const dataList$ = Collection.pluck(marbles$, prop('data'));
return Observable.combineLatest(doms$, dataList$, zip)
.map(sortBy(path([1, 'time'])))
function OriginalTimeline({ DOM, marbles: marblesState$, end: end$ }) {
const marblesProps$ = end$.map(({ time }) => ({
minTime: 0,
maxTime: time,
const endMarkerProps$ = marblesState$.map(marbles => ({
minTime: marbles.map(prop('time')).reduce(max, 0),
maxTime: 100,
const marblesSources = { DOM, props: marblesProps$ };
const endMarkerSources = {
props: endMarkerProps$,
time: end$.pluck('time'),
const marbles$ = Collection.gather(
Marble, marblesSources, marblesState$
.do(a=>console.log('marblesState', a)), '_itemId');
const marbleDOMs$ = sortMarbleDoms$(marbles$);
const endMarker = EndMarker(endMarkerSources);
const vtree$ = Observable.combineLatest(marbleDOMs$, endMarker.DOM)
.map(([marbleDOMs, endMarkerDOM]) =>
attrs: { viewBox: '0 0 100 10' },
style: { width: 500, height: 50, overflow: 'visible' },
}, [
attrs: { x1: 0, x2: 100, y1: 5, y2: 5 },
style: { stroke: 'black', strokeWidth: 0.4 },
const marbleData$ = Collection.pluck(marbles$, prop('data'))
.withLatestFrom(marblesState$, zip)
const data$ = Observable.combineLatest(marbleData$, endMarker.time)
.map(([marbles, endMarkerTime]) => ({
end: { time: endMarkerTime },
return { DOM: vtree$, data: data$.do(a=>console.log('tdata', a)) };
export function Timeline(sources) {
return isolate(OriginalTimeline)(sources);
The basic structure of the app is that all necessary data is fed into a global sink to a dummy driver that just takes the data and re-emits it as is (so in theory, all outputs should be new inputs).
Because of this, the problem might be in other parts of my code so I'm happy to post a codepen/plunkr of the code if it helps. This is indeed working sometimes, but not all the time.
Here's the console outputs (abridged)
store Object {route: "merge", inputs: undefined}
timeline.js:39 marblesState [Object, Object, Object, Object]
timeline.js:69 tdata Object {marbles: Array[3], end: Object}
sandbox.js:48 data [Object, Object]
app.js:26 store Object {route: "merge", inputs: Array[2]}
Notice the marblesState has 4 objects, but the tdata returns marbles with an array of 3 objects. For some reason, the Collection is only returning 3 items.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
I have no idea why this makes sense but moving up the debounceTime(1) made it work
const marbleData$ = Collection.pluck(marbles$, prop('data'))
.withLatestFrom(marblesState$, zip)
const data$ = Observable.combineLatest(marbleData$, endMarker.time)
.map(([marbles, endMarkerTime]) => ({
end: { time: endMarkerTime },
The Collection.pluck was sending once for each piece of new and old data.
I want a stacked area chart of several datasets. possibly unusually I want to use the y axis to clarify what each set represents and its starting value.
i.e. The Y-axis doesn't need to be a regular tick over the range of the data.
for the sets:
{key: 'the first set', values: [x: 0, y: 4]},
{key: 'the second set', values: [x: 0, y: 10]},
the y-axis should have a tick at 4 labelled: 'the first set: 4', and another at 10 labelled: 'the second set: 10'
nv.addGraph(function() {
var chart = nv.models.stackedAreaChart()
var data = [
key: 'first',
values: [
{ x: 0, y: 2 },
{ x: 2, y: 4 },
{ x: 4, y: 6 },
{ x: 6, y: 8 }
key: 'second',
values: [
{ x: 0, y: 4 },
{ x: 2, y: 6 },
{ x: 4, y: 8 },
{ x: 6, y: 10 }
var firstItemsLabels = ['', 'first', 'second', ''];
var firstItemsValues = [0, 2, 4, 10];
//the below doesn't seem to make any difference
//var firstItemsLabels = ['first', 'second'];
//var firstItemsValues = [2, 4];
chart.yAxis.tickFormat(function(d, i) {
console.log('getting tick format for d: "' + d + '" at i ' + i);
console.log('for i: ' + i + ' = ' + firstItemsValues[i]);
var result = firstItemsValues[i];
return result;
d3.select('#chart svg')
return chart;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.3.13/d3.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/nvd3/1.8.1/nv.d3.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/3.10.1/lodash.js"></script>
<link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/nvd3/1.8.1/nv.d3.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div id="chart">
I thought that the code in this snippet should achieve that but it doesn't
The console log output from that snippet...
getting tick format for d: "" at i 0
for i: 0 = 0
getting tick format for d: "first" at i 1
for i: 1 = 2
Error: Invalid value for <g> attribute transform="translate(0,NaN)
getting tick format for d: "0" at i undefined
for i: undefined = undefined
getting tick format for d: "18" at i undefined
for i: undefined = undefined
...confuses me because tickformat is looking for a value of 18 at one point which isn't in the dataset.
Am I trying to achieve something impossible? If not, since I'm clearly doing it wrong, how can it be done?
If I understand your goal correctly, you can use:
chart.yAxis.tickFormat(function(d, i) {
if (d === 4 || d == 10) {
return "the first set: " + d
See this Plunk for a working example: