RxJs: Observable that emits x times every t seconds with initial delay - rxjs

I want to replace a setTimeout & setInterval + counter solution with an Observable to hopefully improve the readability.
How to define a RxJs Observable that that emits x times every t seconds after an initial delay?
I got this so far:

Starts after initDelayMs then emitts n times, every intervalMs and completes.
see: https://www.learnrxjs.io/learn-rxjs/operators/creation/timer
see: https://www.learnrxjs.io/learn-rxjs/operators/filtering/take


PromQl: alert on first value of a counter

I have a prometheus counter (spring_batch_job_seconds_count{status=~'FAILED'}) that counts job failures. I want to graph job failures over time and alert on job failures. The increase function gives me what I want except for the first occurrence. The counter is not published until a failure occurs, so there is no increase (or delta or rate) on the first failure event since there is no previous counter value of 0 to compare the first non-zero counter value to. How can I create a graph that will show the first failure occurrence (as well as subsequent failure occurrences) and a corresponding alert that will trigger on the first failure occurrence (as well as future failure occurrences)? I might be willing to settle for two alerts: one that triggers when the counter increments, and one that triggers on the first occurrence, but I would not want to have to manually shut off the alert that triggers on the first occurrence after it triggers for the first time.
I managed to do this with falco metrics.
I want to alert on any change, even the first time a metric appears.
(sum(falco_events{k8s_pod_name="runner"} or falco_events{} * 0) by (k8s_pod_name, rule) - sum(falco_events{k8s_pod_name="runner"} offset 5m or falco_events{} * 0) by (k8s_pod_name, rule))
Workaround from here: https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/issues/1673

Firing Alerts for an activity which is supposed to happen during a particular time interval(using Prometheus Metrics and AlertManager)

I am fairly new to Prometheus alertmanager and had a doubt regarding firing alerts only during a particular period
I have a microservice which receives a file and does some processing on it, which is only invoked when it gets a message through a Kafka queue. The aforementioned is supposed to come every day between 5 am and 6 am(UTC time). The microservice has a metric which is incremented by 1 every time it receives a file. I want to raise an alert if it does not receive a file in the interval. I have created a query like this :
expr : sum(increase(metric_name[1m]) and on() hour(vector(time()))==5) < 1
for: 1h
My questions:-
1) Is it correct or is there a better way to do it
2) In case of no update, will it return 0 or "datapoints not found"
3) Is increase the correct function as it tends to give results in decimals due to extrapolation, but I understand if increase is 0, it will show 0
I can't really play around with scrape_intervals, which is set at 30s.
I have not run this expression but I expect it will cause an alert to fire at 06:00 only and then go off at 06:01. It is the only time the expression would hold true for one hour.
Answering your questions
It is correct if what you want is a single fire of alert (sending a mail by example) but then no longer firing. Even with that, the schedule is a bit tight and may get hurt by alertmanager delay causing the alert to be lost.
In case of no increase, you will get the expression will evaluate to 0. It will be empty when there is an update
Increase is the right function. It even takes into account reset of the counter.
Answering if there is a better way to do it.
Regarding your expression, you can have the same result, without for clause, with:
expr: increase(metric_name[1h])==0 and on() hour()==6 and on() minute()<1
It reads a : starting at 6am and for 1 minutes, if there was no increase of metric over the lasthour.
Alerting longer
If you want the alert to last longer (say for the day and you silence it when it is solved), you can use sub-queries;
expr: increase((metric and on() hour()==5)[18h:])==0 and on() hour()>5
It reads as : starting at 6am (hour()>5), compute the increase over 5-6am for the next 18 hours. If you like having a pending, you can drop the trailing on() hour()>5 and use a for: 1h clause.
If you want to alert until a file is submitted and thus detect a resolution, simply transform the expression to evaluate the increase until now:
expr: increase((metric and on() hour()>5)[18h:])==0 and on() hour()>5

Spring 5 Reactor - Emitting item every 1 second

I am trying to emit value every second as
Flux.just(User("A"), User("B"), User("C")).delayElements(Duration.ofSeconds(1))
but it is emitting everything at once with starting delay of 1 second. How can I introduce the delay for each element emitting?
Flux.just(User("A"), User("B"), User("C")) is just one collection of items, you probably want something like
Flux.fromIterable(listOf(User("A"), User("B"), User("C"))

Excel Power Query - Sleep or Wait Command to Wait on API Rate Limit

In Excel Power Query (PQ) 2016, is there such a function that can insert a "SLEEP 15 seconds" before proceeding? Not a pause, but a sleep function.
I wrote a function in PQ to query: https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/text/analytics/v2.0. That function works fine, as designed.
I have a worksheet with 10K tweets that I want to pass to that function. When I do, it gets to ~60 or so complete and I get an ERROR line in PQ. A look at Fiddler says this:
message=Rate limit is exceeded. Try again in 11 seconds. statusCode=429
I think if I insert a SLEEP 5 second (equivalent) command into the PQ function, it won't do this.
Help & thanks.
You want Function.InvokeAfter
Function.InvokeAfter(function as function, delay as duration) as any
Here's an example:
= Function.InvokeAfter( () => 2 + 2, #duration(0,0,0,5))
Returns 4 after waiting 5 seconds.
To answer a question you didn't ask yet, if you're going to execute the exact same Web.Contents call a second time, you may need to use the
[IsRetry = true]
option of Web.Contents to indicate you actually want to run the web request again..

ns3 execute function during simulation at regular time interval

How can I execute a function every 20us for example?
I aim to log the busy/free state on a CSMA channel using ns3::CsmaChannel::IsBusy (is that the best way to do it?) I have to call it at regular time interval to log each returned value and time.
You can use
simulator:: schedule function
to schedule function on a regular time interval
Simulator:: Schedule (Seconds(20.0), &function name, parameter1, parameter 2)
This is the syntax for scheduling an event for every 20 seconds
