how to get performance index in JMeter programmatically - jmeter

we have the application performance index available in the JMeter dashboard.
how can we programmatically get the performance index values to analyze this data further?

I am not sure to understand your question.
But if you want to get the data from HTML in a usable way, you should know that JMeter also generates in the output folder a JSON file called statistics.json that you can parse easily to automate.


Is there a way to extract data from web engage?

We are working with webengage and defined some events and funnels. to analyze this data we have to manual go to each event and export some data.
Is there a way to get all webengage data in a way so we can automatically analyze it?

Data integration for Magento to Quick Book

I'm currently new to Talend and I'm learning through videos and documentation, so I'm just not sure how to approach/implement this with best practices.
Integrate Magento and Quick Book using Talend.
My thoughts
Initially my first thought was I will setup direct DB connection for Magento and will take relevant data which I need and will process it and will send to QuickBook using REST API's(specifically bulk API's in batch)
But then again I thought it would be little hectic for me to query Magento database(multiple joins) so I've another option to use Magento's REST API.
But as I'm not much familiar with the tool I'm struggling little to find best suitable approach, so any help is appreciated.
What I've done till now?
I've saved my auth(for QB) and db(Magento) credentials data in file and using tFileInputDelimited and tContextLoad, I'm storing them in context variables so they can be accessible globally.
I've successfully configured database connection and dbinput but I've not used metadata for connection(should I use that and if Yes how can I pass dynamic values there?). I've used my context variables data in db connection settings.
I've taken relevant fields for now but if I want multiple fields simple query is not enough as Magento stores data in multiple tables for Customer etc but it's not big deal I know but I think it might increase my work.
For now that's what I've built and my next step is send the data to QB using REST while getting access_token and saving it to context variable and again storing the QB reference into Magento DB.
Also I've decided to use QB bulk API's but I'm not sure how I can process data in chunks in Talend(I tried to check multiple resources but no luck) i.e. if the Magento is returning 500 rows I want to process them in chunks of 30 as QB batch max limit is 30, so I will be sending it using REST to QB and as I said I also want to store back QB reference ID in magento(so I can update it later).
Also this all will be on local, then how can I do same in production? how I can maintain development and production environment?
Resources I'm referring
For REST and Auth best practices -
Nice example for batch processing here:
Redirect your input to a tFileOutputDelimited.
Enter the output filename, tick the option "Split output in several files" from the "Advanced settings" and enter the value of 1000 into the field "Rows in each output file". This will create n files based on the filename with 1000 in each.
On the next subjob, use a tFileList to iterate over this file list to get records from each file.

Exporting time series response data for VS2013 load tests

I am trying to figure out how to export and then analyze the results of a load test, but after the test is over it seems I cannot find the data for each individual request by url. This data shows during the load test itself, but after it is over it seems as if that data is no longer accessible and all I can find are totals. The data that I want is under the "Page response time" graph on the graphs window during the test. I know this is not the response time for every single request and is probably averaged, but that would suffice for the calculations I want to make.
I have looked in the database on my local machine (LoadTest2010, where all of the summary data is stored) and I cannot find the data I'm looking for. I am load testing a single page application, fyi.
My goal is to plot (probably in excel) each request url against the user load and analyze the slope of the response time averages to determine which requests scale the worst (and best). During the load test I can see this data and get a visual idea but when it ends I cannot seem to find it to export.
A) Can this data be exported from within visual studio? Is there a setting required to make VS persist this data to the database? I have, from under Run Settings, the "Results" section "Timing Details Storage" set to "All individual details" and the Storage Type set to "Database".
B) Is this data in any of the tables in the LoadTest2010 database where all of the summary data is stored? It might be easier to query manually if its not spread out overly, but all I was able to find was summary data.
I was able to find the data in the database that I wanted. The tables I needed were the WebLoadTestRequestMap (which has the request URI's in it) and the LoadTestPageDetail (which has the individual response times themselves). They can be joined on webloadtestrequestmap.requestId and loadtestpagedetail.pageId (unintuitively).
I do have the "Results" section "Timing Details Storage" set to "All individual details" and the Storage Type set to "Database", it did not seem like every load tests results were available, maybe because of this setting.
More data on the layout of the load test database here:

BIRT Scripted Data Source using existing JDBC DataSource

I know that my overall problem is generally approached using two of the more common solutions such as a join data set or a sub-table, sub-report. I have looked at those and I am not sure this will work effectively.
JDBC data source has local data which includes a series of id's that reference a record in a master data repository interfaced via a web service. This is where the need for a scripted data source arises. The data can be filtered on either attributes within the local JDBC data and/or the extended data from the web service. The complication is that my only interface is the id argument to the webservice.
Ideal Solution:
Aside from creating a reporting table or other truly desirable scenarios I am looking to creating a unified data source through a single scripting data source that will handle all the complexities. This leaves the report generation and parameter creation a bit cleaner, hopefully. The idea is to leverage the JDBC query as well as the web service queries in the scripted data source do the filtering and joins and create that singular unified view.
I tried using the following code as a reference to use the existing JDBC connection in the BIRT report definition to execute the query. However if I think my breakdown on what should be in open vs fetch given this came from beforeFactory for a completely different purpose may be giving me errors...truth is I see no errors it just returns 0 records.
a link
I have also found a code snippet to dynamically load a JDBC connection but that seems a bit obtuse and a ton of overhead for what I am needing to do. a link
In short: How in all-that-is-holy do you simply run a query against a database within a scripted data source if you wanted to do. The merit of doing that is another issue, but technically how?
Thanks in Advance!

How can I limit memory usage when generating a CSV from a large resultset?

I have a web application in Spring that has a functional requirement for generating a CSV/Excel spreadsheet from a result set coming from a large Oracle database. The expected rows are in the 300,000 - 1,000,000 range. Time to process is not as large of an issue as keeping the application stable -- and right now, very large result sets cause it to run out of memory and crash.
In a normal situation like this, I would use pagination and have the UI display a limited number of results at a time. However, in this case I need to be able to produce the entire set in a single file, no matter how big it might be, for offline use.
I have isolated the issue to the ParameterizedRowMapper being used to convert the result set into objects, which is where I'm stuck.
What techniques might I be able to use to get this operation under control? Is pagination still an option?
A simple answer:
Use a JDBC recordset (or something similar, with an appropriate array/fetch size) and write the data back a LOB, either temporary or back into the database.
Another choice:
Use PL/SQL in the database to write a file using UTL_FILE for your recordset in CSV format. As the file will be on the database server, not on the client, Use UTL_SMTP or JavaMail using Java Stored Procedures to mail the file. After all, I'd be surprised if someone was going to watch the hourglass turn over repeatedly waiting for a 1 million row recordset to be generated.
Instead of loading an entire file in memory you can process each row individually and use output stream to send the output directly to the web browser. E.g. in servlets API, you can get the output stream from ServletResponse.getOutputStream() and then simply write result CSV lines to that stream.
I would push back on those requirements- they sound pretty artificial.
What happens if your application fails, or the power goes out before the user looks at that data?
From your comment above, sounds like you know the answer- you need filesystem or oracle access, in order to do your job.
You are being asked to generate some data- something that is not repeatable by sql?
If it were repeatable, you would just send pages of data back to the user at a time.
Since this report, I'm guessing, has something to do with the current state of your data, you need to store that result somewhere, if you can't stream it out to the user. I'd write a stored procedure in oracle- it's much faster not to send data back and forth across the network. If you have special tools or its just easier, sounds like there's nothing wrong with doing it on the java side instead.
Can you schedule this report to run once a week?
Have you considered the performance of an Excel spreadsheet with 1,000,000 rows?
