Build gradle dependency tree without downloading jars - gradle

A jar has been removed from organization's repository for being unsafe, but we can download its pom. We are trying to figure which dependencies of a project are dependent on it. Tried running gradle dependencies but that doesn't complete due to the same missing jar.
Is there any gradle command or something similar to create dependency tree for the project without trying to download jars? As far as I understand, creating dependency tree should only require POMs. Please correct me if I am wrong. I am somewhat new with gradle.


IntelliJ - Resolve Maven dependency from a source project

I have two Maven Modules loaded in the same IntelliJ project. One module has a dependency on the other one. If I change the version of it, then my second module can't resolve the dependency anymore, except I explicitly run a mvn install first.
Can IntelliJ not resolve Maven dependencies from source modules when modules are loaded within the same project?
Sorry, I'm stupid, with correctly group and artifact ids .... works much better !

Gradle refers jars but they are not in POM nor in the code links

We migrated our maven code to gradle. When we build, we are getting error as Could not resolve all files for configuration ':***-war:compileClasspath'.
Could not find mockito-core.jar (org.mockito:mockito-core:2.8.9).
We are not referring to this jar itself.. neither we are able to locate in our code nor in pom...
How to figure out?
how to configure gradle to compile code if jar doesn't exist and pom exists in the repository or locally ?
If you can't work out where it's coming from and you don't use it at all, then you can exclude the dependency from all the configurations:
configurations.all*.exclude group: "org.mockito", module: "mockito-core"
If the dependency isn't appearing in the dependency report, then I'm somewhat at a loss as to why Gradle is complaining about it. The only other option I can think of is that some plugin is adding it in a non-standard way.

gral-examples Maven dependency

I added gral-core Maven dependency to my project as it is explained here
Problem is that I also need to add gral-examples.jar in Maven dependencies, but I cannot find the code for it. I need this to work because I share this project with few other people via EGit plugin for Eclipse, so I can't just add this library to build path, I need it to be Maven dependency.

maven - how does it work? Missing some some jars

I am trying to move my MyEclipes projects to maven. But of course there are problems. After creating a web priject I get missing jar files - about 5 jar files e.g.
show as missing in the jar build path. They are not in the corresponding .m2 directory. I un-installed ME4S, and deleted .m2, which force .me to be rebuilt on re-install, but it has the same problem.
How do I fix this?
It would be very helpful to understand how the .m2 process works - where is this coming from and how is it controlled?
I am not sure about the MyEclipse part, but this seems to be a pure maven question.
Maven (2/3) uses the pom.xml. This file describe your project. In that file you should define a list of dependencies (which can have their own dependencies and so on).
Maven read the pom.xml and build the classpath accordingly using direct and transitive dependencies.
You can use the mvn dependency:tree command to see how your classpath is built.
More on the plugin page

Why does maven recognize dependencies on only installed POM files?

I've got a project with Maven in which one subproject (A) wants to depend on another subproject (B) which uses "pom" packaging.
If I do this the straightforward way, where A specifies a dependency on B with <type>pom</type>, things work perfectly if I do "mvn install", but if I run any phase earlier than install, such as mvn compile or mvn package, then it fails while trying to build A: it goes looking for B's pom in the repository, and doesn't find it.
I don't really want this pom in the repository, because it's part of our active source code and changes frequently.
For all the jar-packaged projects we build, it seems to work fine to keep them out of the repository, build with mvn package, and Maven knows how to find all the dependencies in the source and build trees it manages without resorting to the repository; however for the pom-packaged project it always wants to go to the repository.
A couple things I learned while trying to understand this:
Maven best practices encourage you to use pom-packaged projects to group dependencies, but with the added step of "mvn install" on the POM project
Maven lifecycle documentation says "a project that is purely metadata (packaging value is pom) only binds goals to the install and deploy phases"; maybe this is why the POM project is invisible as a dependency target unless I invoke the install phase? I tried binding the compiler plugin to the compile phase and this didn't seem to help.
Is there a way that I can specify the POM subproject as a dependency of another subproject in the same parent project, without installing the POM project to the repository?
It isn't purely a question of which goals are bound to which lifecycle phases for POM projects. If it were, then binding the "package" goal would solve the problem.
When building a multi-module project, Maven reads the POMs of all modules to determine dependencies between modules, so that it can build the depended-upon modules before the depending modules. It's able to achieve this even when running the "package" goal (such that the depended-upon modules are not yet in the local repository).
Therefore, the code that constructs the classpath for builds must be managing several cases, notably:
extra-project jar dependency, where it looks for the POM in the local repository, handles its dependencies, and adds the POM's jar to the classpath
extra-project pom dependency, where it looks for the POM in the local repository and handles its dependencies
intra-project jar dependency, where it looks for the POM within the project tree, handles its dependencies, and adds that module's target/classes folder to the classpath
intra-project pom dependency, where for some reason it doesn't look for the POM within the project tree, and therefore doesn't handle it's dependencies.
Notice the asymmetry in the last two cases, as compared to the first two.
I can see two solutions to your problem. One is to file a bug report, or rather a request to change the behaviour (since it's obviously intentional), perhaps only for the case of intra-project dependencies on multi-module projects. Or indeed propose a patch. But since the behaviour is intentional, you might meet a refusal. In the best of cases, you're in for a long wait. (I'd vote for your bug report though - I've been stung by that same behaviour, in a different context.)
The other solution is simply to run an install on your project. I don't really understand why you don't want the POM project in your repository: if needs be, you can use a snapshot repository, where it doesn't matter if things change frequently, to avoid polluting your main repository.
Configuring maven-install-plugin to run during the compile phase, and copy the relevant pom.xml to the repository, seems to accomplish what I wanted as far as Maven itself is concerned, though m2eclipse still is not happy (it throws "failed to read artifact descriptor" errors with no additional description for the pom.xml that has a dependency on the other POM project).
