googleapi service account create workspace user events - google-api

Is it possible using a service account to add events in the user's calendar ?
For example given a internal email (in our workspace), could we add an event for this user ?
We have a configured service account with Domain-wide Delegation, we are able to list users, create new one etc. But we would like to access their calendar to add new events.
Is it possible to achieve ?
We do not want our user to use a OAuth2 consent screen, we want to do it smoothly without them to need to interact.

If you set up domain wide deligation for the service account to a user on your domain.
Then yes the service account will be able to act on behalf of that user and add an event in their calendar.
Service accounts have their consent preconfigured so no consent screen will be shown.


How to create a Google calendar event for non-workspace-google account, if the event was created through Service Account(Google Calendar API)?

I am able to create an event in Google Calendar using Service account and Google Calendar API, where Project and Service Account is created in Google Workspace admin account and in the same account, I have enabled domain-wide delegation property. I haven't created separate calendar and haven't given access to Service account. If I use my workspace-google account in createDelegated(), with this event is getting created in '' calendar and 'created by' property is also the same for every attendee I have added.
GoogleCredentials googleCredentials = GoogleCredentials
.fromStream(new FileInputStream(CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH)).createScoped(SCOPES)
So my question is what if I need to create event for non-workspace google account(lets say
Can I pass '' into the createDelegated()? If I do, I am getting,
Error getting access token for service account: 400 Bad Request
So how to create event for non-workspace google account?
Note : App type is still 'Internal' in OAuth consent screen.
Could someone explain what am I missing here?
A service account with domain-wide delegation can only be used for domains
A Google Workspace account is a domain, a personal consumer account is not a domain.
Consequently, you can not perform a request on behalf of a consumer account user via a service account.
Instead, you would need to create the event directly as similar to the documentation sample.
No you can only delgate to an account on your domain
You can not delgate to a standard google account as there would be no way for you to configure the permissions
Perform Google Workspace Domain-Wide Delegation of Authority
Note: Only users with access to the Admin APIs can access the Admin SDK Directory API, therefore your service account needs to impersonate one of those users to access the Admin SDK Directory API. Additionally, the user must have logged in at least once and accepted the Google Workspace Terms of Service.
Owner vs attendee.
A service account properly delegated. Will have permission to create an event on behalf of a user in the domain that they have been delegated permission.
Example: I have delegated permission to my service account to user For all intensive purposed the service account now has all permissions of User1. So the service account can create a new event on behalf of user1 and invite anyone to the event they choose.
As there is no way to set up deligation to there is no way for the service account to act like this user as it is a standard gmail user.
The only way for an application to create an event on behalf of would be to use Oauth2 and request consent of to access their private data. Then the application would be able to create a new event on behalf of
Remember this is creating an event. There is nothing stopping the service account delegated as from inviting to the event. will then be notified that they have been invited to the event they can then decide if they want to attend or not if they accept it then it will appear in their google calendar account. Notice how had to manually accept this. did not have to manually accept that the event was created in their google calendar as the service account was acting on their behalf.

Access entire gsuite domain calendar events

I want to access the entire events existing in a calendar of a gsuite domain. I tried using domain deligation with service account and it allows me to assume a user and get all of its events but i want to fetch the entire events in a gsuite account.
In order to achieve your task, you should create a service account which impersonates the admin of the domain.
Afterwards, you can retrieve the users of the domain by making use of the Admin SDK.
Based on the list you get, you can get the events from the calendar of each user.
Where, calendarId is the email of one of the users from the domain.
Admin SDK users.list;
Calendar API events.list.

Google calendar api for organization

I'm working on one school app. I'm able to create events using google calender API with NodeJS. I created the clientID and secretID on the school google account. Every time event is created, only the admin has access to start the meeting. But I want teachers(who are creating the event) to be the organizer. How can I achieve this?
The organizer field of an event is a read-only field. You can use the move action to move the event and change the organizer but this can only be done if the authenticated user has write access to the destination calendar.
A solution would be to use a service account and perform domain wide delegation. In this way you will be able to impersonate the user in question and organize the event wanted.
According to the Service accounts documentation:
A service account is a special kind of account used by an application or a virtual machine (VM) instance, not a person. Applications use service accounts to make authorized API calls.
As for performing domain-wide delegation, you might want to take a look into this:
In enterprise applications you may want to programmatically access users data without any manual authorization on their part. In G Suite domains, the domain administrator can grant to third party applications domain-wide access to its users' data — this is referred as domain-wide delegation of authority. To delegate authority this way, domain administrators can use service accounts with OAuth 2.0.
Calendar API - Events:move;
Service Accounts;
Calendar API - Perform G Suite Domain-Wide Delegation of Authority;
Using OAuth 2.0 for Server to Server Applications.

GSuite API service account - verifying impersonated user credentials through API

We are integrating Google Calendar with our room booking system. Users in GSuite domain should login on our reservation screen and book a room. So far I made use of an service account with domain wide delegation to impersonate the users (the setSubject() method, passing the e-mail address of the impersonated user). Everything works, although this way we cannot verify if the user we want to impersonate is logged in successfully or not, the event will be just created with him as the organizer, because setSubject() only requires the email to work properly.
In IBM Domino, when using an Java XPage I was able to compare passwords of the user, not in plain text but there was a function which compared plain text with user's hashed password and returned true if they were equal.
As I see Google doesn't have such a thing if I'm right. How could I check if the user can successfully log in programmatically?
If you want to perform actions in Google Calendar on behalf of a currently logged-in user from a web browser, you might want to use OAuth2 for Web Server Applications instead of using a service account with impersonation.

s2s google calendar API, sharing calendar to service

I have an app using s2s connection with google calendar api. I need to create an event in different users calendars. To make it possible the user should go to the calendar's settings and share their calendar to the service account.
But I would like to simplify this for the user - so that they don't need to go to their calendar settings. I don't have an interface for the user interaction - it's a bot.
How can I access the user's calendar in another way?
Maybe you can change the role set by the user to the calendar. According to this documentation, the owners of a calendar can share the calendar by giving access to other users. The sharing settings of a given calendar are represented by the ACL collection (access control list) of that calendar. Each resource in the ACL collection grants a specified grantee a certain access role. So the user can make you the writer or owner of their calendar, so that you can access it.
Another way is by using Delegating domain-wide authority to the service account,
If you have a Google Apps domain—if you use Google Apps for Work, for
example—an administrator of the Google Apps domain can authorize an
application to access user data on behalf of users in the Google Apps
domain. For example, an application that uses the Google Calendar API
to add events to the calendars of all users in a Google Apps domain
would use a service account to access the Google Calendar API on
behalf of users. Authorizing a service account to access data on
behalf of users in a domain is sometimes referred to as "delegating
domain-wide authority" to a service account
