Microsoft Graph API UnableToDeserializePostBody 400 error - outlook

I'm trying to create recurring events under my outlook calendar and for that, I'm following instructions from here.
My payload looks like this:
"Subject": "Blocked By DEV",
"Body": {},
"Start": {
"DateTime": "2022-08-30T23:30:00",
"TimeZone": "Asia/Calcutta"
"End": {
"DateTime": "2022-08-30T23:45:00",
"TimeZone": "Asia/Calcutta"
"Recurrence": {
"pattern": {
"type": "WEEKLY",
"interval": 1,
"daysOfWeek": [
"range": {
"type": "numbered",
"startDate": "2022-08-30",
"numberOfOccurences": 3
I'm trying to hit the endpoint /me/events from Graph Explorer and getting this 400 error.
"error": {
"code": "UnableToDeserializePostBody",
"message": "were unable to deserialize "
Is there anything wrong with my payload? Is there any way to have more details about the failure?

Just spotted the culprit, numberOfOccurences was supposed to be numberOfOccurrences.
And if someone asks why I ended up doing that mistake, I just referred docs, and seems like official documentation has that typo.


Microsoft Graph API: Why is creating a recurring event in the past returning a 400?

I am running into an issue creating recurring events in the past using Graph API. When I POST this data to /me/calendars/[calendarId]/events I get an ErrorPropertyValidationFailure error:
"isAllDay": true,
"start": {
"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"dateTime": "2000-09-02"
"end": {
"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"dateTime": "2000-09-03"
"subject": "Jimmy's birthday",
"body": { "contentType": "text", "content": "" },
"isCancelled": false,
"recurrence": {
"pattern": {
"type": "absoluteYearly",
"interval": 1,
"dayOfMonth": 2,
"month": 9
"range": { "startDate": "2000-09-02", "type": "noEnd" }
"showAs": "free",
"type": "seriesMaster"
All of the data seems valid to me, and indeed just changing the start and end dateTime values and the recurrence range's startDate to be in 2019 instead of 2000, and it seems to work.
But here's where it gets weird: keep those values in 2000, and change the dayOfMonth in the recurrence pattern to an incorrect value, like 5. Then when submitting to the API, it works! The recurrence will instead appear to begin on Sep 5 of 2000 and there is nothing on Sep 2 (also, the event seems to run "Tue 9/5/2000, 11:00 PM to Wed 9/6/2000, 11:00 PM" on the calendar, which is strange, since it also appears as an all-day event).
So my question is: is this a bug? Or what the heck's happening? It looks like correct data is getting a validation error, but incorrect data creates an event.
Updating to add the error body:
"error": {
"code": "ErrorPropertyValidationFailure",
"message": "At least one property failed validation.",
"innerError": {
"date": "2020-10-15T22:48:50",
"request-id": "c08b1d73-5b6d-46ac-8751-d1f17310f652",
"client-request-id": "c08b1d73-5b6d-46ac-8751-d1f17310f652"

teams - graph api - can't create event with defined organizer / specify channel

I'm trying to create an event for a teams. Using the WEB interface, I can create and specify the channel. through the API, there's no channel field.
Also, When I'm specifying an organizer, it's being over writed to some other values.
What I need to do:
1-) create the event and keep the specified organizer
2-) invite all members of the channel (or specify the channel) when creating the event.
I'm following the official 1.0 API:
"subject": "TESTE - New Event - Sala virtual",
"body": {
"contentType": "HTML",
"content": "Does late morning work for you?"
"start": {
"dateTime": "2020-04-21T11:00:00",
"timeZone": "Pacific Standard Time"
"end": {
"dateTime": "2020-04-21T12:30:00",
"timeZone": "Pacific Standard Time"
"attendees": [
"emailAddress": {
"name": "Test"
"type": "required"
"emailAddress": {
"name": "Teste",
"address": ""
"type": "required"
"isOnlineMeeting": true,

Why my Alexa ReportStatus directive response not working?

I want to enable alexa voice control for my smart home device. I was able to discover device. Now all devices are showing in alexa app. But when I try to turn on the device from my alexa app it is getting stuck. Loader is moving unlimited period of time. It is actually calling ReportStatus directive.
This is the json that I am getting from alexa app for a light. The light has only turn on and turn off capabilities.
"directive": {
"endpoint": {
"cookie": {
"detail1": "For simplicity, this is the only appliance",
"detail2": "that has some values in the additionalApplianceDetails"
"endpointId": "endpoint-001",
"scope": {
"token": "weza|IwEBIGu_tmpSTQaEPvhm0OYy-4ncjve_Au1788TAWR2DC8b7xJlPDiX3HV3rJUtG0qyauIlman4bX4ZCK0-6NvKWagqXNLSdH3bDBLxD_9VtgCQo6wUlEd4DNmL9Yf5sWuUCkV1ALAxxbhqPs3QlTofubxtpSnF05ZWOSjyNUlM3ShryLh7owTywFa_7oXCCaLdLCTiqOm27aPn-yyJEDNG57Sc9iysrZkJHaxVPbdZdcqRmaw9zFGVWOqsgjqiojkKrfztslVL1Ggo6v7Teg8isrZD8osr5HFkWAmZHi8K7UrHmwQnsD9CosgSxSG0avnUoomdsZx3_LPjLJKf5twJrN1vbLolzOgxUbVuAVPVrs8UN40KFEu6eCv_7rYz9AER_61di-4w1K27kjeJvzPMIKlLXLvv6Z-2GyuQq_8M1fUdM0SgiAkqjf92S9SNxezTUiDYdOjB1JrktbQc0WM6OYYXOMjtXcCPx3bqNwWoPZWBk7qptLTurCHcYnnDl27Q0RcJ3u1vFvMaT8l0x87K6wqW2",
"type": "BearerToken"
"header": {
"correlationToken": "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",
"messageId": "dd8670d5-3afa-483a-93a3-f0fff0ab6572",
"name": "ReportState",
"namespace": "Alexa",
"payloadVersion": "3"
"payload": {}
This is the response I am sending from lambda function. It is written in python 3.6.
"event": {
"context": {
"properties": [
"name": "powerState",
"namespace": "Alexa.PowerController",
"timeOfSample": "2018-12-17T18:17:35.00Z",
"uncertaintyInMilliseconds": 500,
"value": "ON"
"endpoint": {
"cookie": {
"detail1": "For simplicity, this is the only appliance",
"detail2": "that has some values in the additionalApplianceDetails"
"endpointId": "endpoint-001",
"scope": {
"token": "weza|IwEBIGu_tmpSTQaEPvhm0OYy-4ncjve_Au1788TAWR2DC8b7xJlPDiX3HV3rJUtG0qyauIlman4bX4ZCK0-6NvKWagqXNLSdH3bDBLxD_9VtgCQo6wUlEd4DNmL9Yf5sWuUCkV1ALAxxbhqPs3QlTofubxtpSnF05ZWOSjyNUlM3ShryLh7owTywFa_7oXCCaLdLCTiqOm27aPn-yyJEDNG57Sc9iysrZkJHaxVPbdZdcqRmaw9zFGVWOqsgjqiojkKrfztslVL1Ggo6v7Teg8isrZD8osr5HFkWAmZHi8K7UrHmwQnsD9CosgSxSG0avnUoomdsZx3_LPjLJKf5twJrN1vbLolzOgxUbVuAVPVrs8UN40KFEu6eCv_7rYz9AER_61di-4w1K27kjeJvzPMIKlLXLvv6Z-2GyuQq_8M1fUdM0SgiAkqjf92S9SNxezTUiDYdOjB1JrktbQc0WM6OYYXOMjtXcCPx3bqNwWoPZWBk7qptLTurCHcYnnDl27Q0RcJ3u1vFvMaT8l0x87K6wqW2",
"type": "BearerToken"
"header": {
"correlationToken": "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",
"messageId": "dd8670d5-3afa-483a-93a3-f0fff0ab6572",
"name": "StateReport",
"namespace": "Alexa",
"payloadVersion": "3"
"payload": {}
Please help me. I am stuck in this for last 2 days.
Not sure if this is related to your problem. In your response, the context element is inside event. But according to the documentation and code sample, context and event should be at the same level.
"context": {
"properties": [...]
"event": {
"header": ...,
"endpoint": ...,
"payload": {}

Bug: findMeetingTimes throws “AttendeesUnavailable” even for optional attendees

I'm trying to use the endpoint documented on the MSDN Outlook Calendar website. When I call the endpoint with the following payload:
"Attendees": [
"Type": "optional",
"EmailAddress": {
"Name": "Studio 3",
"Address": ""
"TimeConstraint": {
"Timeslots": [
"Start": {
"DateTime": "2018-10-30T19:30:00",
"TimeZone": "UTC"
"End": {
"DateTime": "2018-10-30T20:30:00",
"TimeZone": "UTC"
"ReturnSuggestionReasons": "true",
"IsOrganizerOptional": false,
"MaxCandidates": 99
I get an empty meeting time suggestions response with the reason provided as "AttendeesUnavailable". It doesn't seem to matter whether I declare the type of the attendee as "optional", "required", or "resource" as specified in the attendeeBase Resource Type documentation. This seems like a bug with the GraphAPI and I'm unsure as to how to proceed.

Detect the speaker of Google Home or Amazon's Alexa

I would like to detect who is interacting with my agent.
For example I read that Alexa should be able to detect different users. The Google Home advertisement also let me think that it should detect who is talking. So how can I see who is talking?
In slack it seems to be easier since it is well known who is writing. However I cannot see who I get the current user.
I found out how to detect the user in slack: If you implement that hook you will get this example json:
"id": "f7912345-e21c-450f-a8ca-d01e38012345",
"timestamp": "2016-12-20T06:53:51.071Z",
"result": {
"source": "agent",
"resolvedQuery": "echo hallo welt",
"speech": "",
"action": "",
"actionIncomplete": false,
"parameters": {
"myInput": "hallo welt"
"contexts": [{
"name": "generic",
"parameters": {
"slack_user_id": "U0AT12345",
"myInput": "hallo welt",
"slack_channel": "D3DR12345",
"myInput.original": "hallo welt"
"lifespan": 4
"metadata": {
"intentId": "06212345-06a0-40fe-bbeb-9189db412345",
"webhookUsed": "true",
"webhookForSlotFillingUsed": "false",
"intentName": "Response"
"fulfillment": {
"speech": "",
"messages": [{
"type": 0,
"speech": ""
"score": 0.75
"status": {
"code": 200,
"errorType": "success"
"sessionId": "10612345-c681-11e6-af08-875120912345",
"originalRequest": {
"source": "slack_testbot",
"data": {
"channel": "D3DR12345",
"match": ["echo hallo welt"],
"text": "echo hallo welt",
"team": "T04H12345",
"type": "message",
"event": "direct_message",
"user": "U0AT12345",
"ts": "1482216830.000005"
So in case of slack you can access result->contexts[0]->paramaters->slack_user_id.
Google Home does not (at least currently) have a way to handle multiple users on the same device.
Google Home keeps improving (even removing development hurdles I've faced with their recent updates). It can now be trained to know your voice vs someone else's voice.
Tomato, tomahto. Google Home now supports multiple users
