Magento 2: Fetch availability date using dynamic variable - magento

i am using 3rd party module that allow to use the Dynamic Variable to fetch data from magento to push into feed.
This is the code i am working on to get availability date from magento products but it is not returning any date.
$availability_dates = [];
foreach ($product->getAvailabilityDate() ?: [] as $availability_date) {
$availability_dates[] = $availability_date->getDate();
echo implode(', ', $availability_dates);
here is another working code that does fetch the categories associated with products
$categories = [];
foreach ($product->getCategoryCollection()->addNameToResult() as $category) {
$categories[] = $category->getName();
echo implode('|', $categories);


Access the cart session - Laravel 5.8

Hi i am using sopping cart in laravel 5.8. I want to access the array to be able to store the order in the database. I was able to access the data in the session cart. But to the part of options -> marca y medida. Also I do not know how to bring the total cart.
My controller is as follows
public function transferencia(Request $request)
$cart = Session::get('cart');
foreach ($cart as $key => $order) {
$data = json_decode($order, true);
foreach($data as $item){
$opt = new Order;
$opt->id_cliente = $request->input('idusuario');
$opt->fecha = date('j/n/Y');
$opt->cliente = $request->input('persona');
$opt->dni = $request->input('dni');
$opt->producto = $item['name'];
$opt->medida = 'medida'; //how to access this data
$opt->marca = $item['marca']; //how to access this data
$opt->precio = $item['price'];
$opt->cantidad = $item['qty'];
$opt->total = 'total';
$opt->factura = 'factura';
$opt->idpedido = 'idpedido';

How to hide no image items from Magento configurable options?

I want to hide configurable options that doesn't have any image associated. I tried to rewrite the configurable product block but it doesn't work. anyone has any idea about this ?
I think a good solution is to set all simple products that don't have any pictures as out of stock and set the config system->catalog->inventory->stock options->Display Out of Stock Products to no.
If you have an product import logic you can integrate that code into that.
I got solution.
What I noticed, the configurable product options are coming from function $this->getJsonConfig(); located at Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Type_Configurable block. what I did is, I rewrite this block in my module and alter the function by putting the below code in it.
public function getJsonConfig()
$attributes = array();
$options = array();
$store = $this->getCurrentStore();
$taxHelper = Mage::helper('tax');
$currentProduct = $this->getProduct();
$preconfiguredFlag = $currentProduct->hasPreconfiguredValues();
if ($preconfiguredFlag) {
$preconfiguredValues = $currentProduct->getPreconfiguredValues();
$defaultValues = array();
foreach ($this->getAllowProducts() as $product) {
if($product->getImage() && $product->getImage() != 'no_selection'){
$productId = $product->getId();
foreach ($this->getAllowAttributes() as $attribute) {
$productAttribute = $attribute->getProductAttribute();
$productAttributeId = $productAttribute->getId();
$attributeValue = $product->getData($productAttribute->getAttributeCode());
if (!isset($options[$productAttributeId])) {
$options[$productAttributeId] = array();
if (!isset($options[$productAttributeId][$attributeValue])) {
$options[$productAttributeId][$attributeValue] = array();
$options[$productAttributeId][$attributeValue][] = $productId;
I just added if($product->getImage() && $product->getImage() != 'no_selection'){ in allowed products foreach loop. This will only filter image items to configurable options json object array.

How to get Product listing filters through custom module of magento?

I want to create product filters in listing pages of category using our own custom apis i have tried many things like
$layer = Mage::getModel("catalog/layer");
$category = Mage::getModel("catalog/category")->load($categoryid);
$attributes = $layer->getFilterableAttributes();
But this only loads the Filterable atrribute code for the category But we want the Filters values and count for the product collection available in that category.
Below code will load all the available options of that attribute but I want it for product collection specific
foreach($attributes as $attribute){
$options = $attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions(false);
Like we have Mobiles category having 1000s of mobiles and having filterable attribute Brand so i need
Brand A (100 products)
Brand B (500 products)
Brand C (400 products)
How can this be achived if i don't want to load whole product collection as loading 1000s of product will take too much time to response.
This code works for me :
public function ws_getfiter($store_id,$categoryid){
$layer = Mage::getModel("catalog/layer");
$category = Mage::getModel("catalog/category")->load($categoryid);
$attributes = $layer->getFilterableAttributes();
$filter = array();
$count = 0;
foreach ($attributes as $attribute)
if ($attribute->getAttributeCode() == 'price') {
$filterBlockName = 'catalog/layer_filter_price';
} elseif ($attribute->getBackendType() == 'decimal') {
$filterBlockName = 'catalog/layer_filter_decimal';
} else {
$filterBlockName = 'catalog/layer_filter_attribute';
$filter[$count]["code"] = $attribute->attribute_code;
$filter[$count]["type"] = $attribute->frontend_input;
$filter[$count]["label"] = $attribute->frontend_label;
$result = Mage::app()->getLayout()->createBlock($filterBlockName)->setLayer($layer)->setAttributeModel($attribute)->init();
$innercount = 0;
$filter_data = array();
foreach($result->getItems() as $option) {
$filter_data[$innercount]["count"] = $option->getCount();
$filter_data[$innercount]["label"] = $option->getLabel();
$filter_data[$innercount]["id"] = $option->getValue();
$filter[$count]["values"] = $filter_data;
return $filter;
But using this we are only getting single level of filter but i want it for multiple level.

Magento Collection get clients by payment method

I would like to know if anyone already coded a Magento Collection to get the customer name by the payment method? I used the code bellow and now I have the payment method that I need, now I just have to get the client's first and last name. Thank you all for the help.
$collection = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_payment_collection')
foreach ($collection as $method) {
if ($method->getMethod() == "mundipagg_boleto") {
print $method->getMethod()."<br>";
$collection = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_payment_collection')
->addFieldToFilter('method', "mundipagg_boleto");
foreach ($collection as $orderPayment) {
$orderId = $orderPayment->getParentId();
$order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($orderId);
$customerId = $order->getCustomerId();
After that you can load customer's model by customerId

Magento Multiple Wishlist creation programmatically

I know how to add products to a customer's wishlist programmatically however it only adds to one wishlist. I have the multiple wishlist option set to enabled however I do not know how to create a new wishlist instead of merging products into the existing wishlist.
public function submitQuote(Mage_Adminhtml_Model_Session_Quote $quote)
$currentQuote = $quote->getQuote();
$customer = $currentQuote->getCustomer();
$items = $currentQuote->getAllVisibleItems();
//$wishlist = Mage::helper('wishlist')->getWishlist();
//Mage::register('wishlist', $wishlist);
$wishlist = Mage::getModel('wishlist/wishlist');
$curretDate = date('m/d/Y', time());
$wishlist->setName('Quote ' . $curretDate)
foreach ($items as $item)
$productId = $item->getProductId();
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId);
$buyRequest = $item->getBuyRequest();
$result = $wishlist->addNewItem($product, $buyRequest);
I've had this problem before. To add a product to a customer's wishlist you need to start a wishlist model and call the addNewItem method passing the product object. Here is how I do it.
$customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer');
$wishlist = Mage::getModel('wishlist/wishlist');
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
$customer_id = 1;
$product_id = 1;
Hope this helps!
$customerid= "YOUR CUSTOMER ID "; // Modify This
Check for reference this: app/code/core/Mage/Wishlist/Model/Wishlist.php
I see that your problem is here:
$result = $wishlist->addNewItem($product, $buyRequest);
Then create another function and add the items and wishlist you want to add it to (as parameters). This should add items to the wishlist that you have passed as an argument when calling the function. Its the only solution I can come up with. Hope this helps!
I just stumbled across this question because I'm trying to do something similar - your code part helped me to create a new wishlist, and I've managed to do the rest so thought I'd share.
This code will;
Create a new wishlist with the name 'Quote dd/mm/YY h:m:s'
Load the wishlist collection for the current user, ordered by highest ID first
Load the newest wishlist
Add all basket items to it
Redirect the user to the new wishlist view.
public function addToQuoteAction() {
if(Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->isLoggedIn()) {
$customerData = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer();
$customerId = $customerData->getId();
} else {
Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->addError($this->__('Please login to use this feature'));
return $this->_redirectUrl($this->_getRefererUrl());
// Create the wishlist
$newWishlist = Mage::getModel('wishlist/wishlist');
$curretDate = date('d/m/Y h:m:s', time());
$newWishlist->setName('Quote ' . $curretDate)
// Find the newly create list and load it
$wishlistCollection = Mage::getModel('wishlist/wishlist')->getCollection()
$firstWish = $wishlistCollection->getFirstItem();
$wishlist = Mage::getModel('wishlist/wishlist')->load($firstWish->getWishlistId());
$cart = Mage::getModel('checkout/cart')->getQuote();
foreach ($cart->getAllVisibleItems() as $item) {
$productId = $item->getProductId();
$buyRequest = $item->getBuyRequest();
$result = $wishlist->addNewItem($productId, $buyRequest);
Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->addSuccess($this->__('All items have been moved to your quote'));
return $this->_redirectUrl(Mage::getBaseUrl().'wishlist/index/index/wishlist_id/'.$firstWish->getWishlistId().'/');
