ESPAsyncWebServer on ESP32 serving CaptivePortal Issue with displaying images - esp32

Im trying to make a captive portal that serves index.html that displays images from device.
If I connect ESP32 to wifi AP and access it directly images display as intended but if I set it up as Captive portal images dont display.
Do I need to hardcode routes to every image?


Images not displaying in Gmail and other web based email apps

I am creating an email template in pug. All of my images show fine in the Outlook desktop app (after clicking to download them) But in Outlook web app and gmail. They dont show and just shows the alt text.
img.logo(src=hostname+'/images/logo.png' alt="logo" style="display: block; height:64px; width:90px;" height="64" width="90")
hostname is the local address of the server
When trying to view in gmail web app I get a 404 for all images.
Both mail apps use a proxy server to load the images. But as your own webserver is currently not accessible from outside your own network, this request fails.
You need to host the images on a webserver that can be reached from the "usual internet"

PWA app to detect when camera on mobile has taken a picture

I want to launch a Progressive Web App whenever a camera on a mobile device has taken a picture.
When a picture is taken I want to captured extra metadata and upload the picture to a server in the cloud and the metadata to a database in the cloud. I know how to upload pictures and metadata.
I want to launch the Progressive Web App when pictures are taken to enable the user to enter extra metadata and store the picture in the cloud.
Is it possible and where can I find information on how to accomplish this?

With a Spring MVC webapp, can you take a photo on a mobile device and upload it to the server?

I was asked to write a webapp using Spring MVC that among other things it must either take a photo on a mobile device or at least upload it from the device's photo library. Apparently we have some product (probably .NET based) that allows taking/uploading photos from the a web page displayed on a mobile and is where they got the idea from. Most devices will be iPhones but some might be Android.
Is this even possible with a Spring MVC webapp - with no code on the mobile device?
If yes, how would you go about designing this? Is it simply a matter of implementing a file upload as you would from a PC and trust that the mobile device will somehow magically handle the "take a photo" or "pick the photo from the image library", or is there more to it?
Is there anything else I need to know about?
Yes, although I am experienced with Spring MVC and even "normal" webapps that are accessed from a mobile... I am clearly clueless about this type of "photo" app.
write the web app allow access to the camera through the browser of device, when the users take the photo send it to web app or simply create the form allow user select image from device. ( with browser of device you can access camera or folder on device

it is possible to turn on gps from mobile browser?

I have website based on laravel framework and I use geolocation maps api inside my website. When user access my website from mobile browser and their gps is turn of, can I turn on the gps from mobile browser chrome/firefox ? Like in the android/iOs app..

Google Play badge with https

I need to integrate on my website a Google Play badge for linking to an Android app on Google Play, with https.
The badge generator offers the badge in http version:
On the other hand, this page gives the possiblity to download the desired badge.
Google doesn't seem to provide these images with an "https" url, which creates warning on the browser if the user is accessing the website with https.
I was wondering if I am allowed to host the image of the Google badge on the website that is using it, and therefore being able to access the image through https connection when desired.
