YouTube API v3 nodejs quickstart not working - google-api
after running the code I get the url below:
Authorize this app by visiting this url:
Enter the code from that page here:
But after signing in I was brought to this link with no code.

In your example the code you have to provide is just:
(deduced from the URL you provided).


Request to Google OAuth endpoint redirects to a blank page in Firefox

I have a React (CRA) + Node JS application already deployed locally (using the create-react-app build script), I've implemented Google OAuth signin with passportjs and cookieSession for persistence.
The login works fine but there is a strange bug when I Logout and then try to log in again with google OAuth, it just redirects me to a blank page.
This is how I make the request to my google oauth endpoint:'https://localhost:3000/auth/google', "_self")
That endpoint then is taken by my API:
app.get('/auth/google', passport.authenticate('google', { scope: ['profile', 'email'] }));
Doing some troubleshooting it seemed at first the culprit were the cookies because when I delete the site data before trying to login again... then the login works just fine.
However if I delete the cookies only (through the storage panel -> cookies -> delete all, in firefox) the bug still persists, it only disappears when I delete the site data entirely.
Moreover, The second time I try to login the request don't event reach my server.
What I've alredy tried:
Wrapping my login button inside an anchor tag and setting the anchor's tag href to the endpoint url.
Creating an anchor tag and assigning an href with the endpoint url and then clicking that new element programmatically.
None of this worked, the issue still persists.
Fresh firefox profile: this is even weird, the bug appears the very first time I try to login with google in a newly created profile. Again I have to first click the clear cookies and site data button for it to work.
Incognito mode: The issue persists, again the first time I login it works but the second time it redirects me to a blank page and the request is not even reaching my server.
What could be the problem here?
The issue was the service worker that cames with the creat-react-app template, however I didn't want to disable it completely as I want my app to be a PWA, so the next best thing was to disable the service-worker caching specifically for the page from which the user initiates the Google login (the page where the google button is).
For this I had to install the sw-precache package which allows you to modify the default service-worker that came with the create-react-app template (as you cannot directly modify it).
Then you have to create a config file at the root of your project and add these lines, in this case I call it sw-precache-config.js:
module.exports = {
runtimeCaching: [
urlPattern: /<the route to ignore>/,
handler: 'networkOnly'
and then in the build script from your package json:
"build": "react-scripts build && sw-precache --config=sw-precache-config.js"

Where do I get the value for `shopOrigin` when using Shopify app bridge?

Throughout the documentation for the new App Bridge, Shopify refers to the shopOrigin value and how it's used to configure the Provider from app-bridge-react but they never specify how to get this value?
The react app is loaded inside of an iframe and the src includes the shopOrigin value as a query string param called shop, but when I try the following code I get the error window is not defined:
const params = queryString.parse(;
const config = {
apiKey: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_KEY,
1) Why would I be getting window is not defined in javascript code running in a browser?! This makes no sense to me
2) If this value can be read from of the provided libraries such as #shopufy/app-bridge-react please tell me how
Unless you're using a library tailored specifically to Shopify, you have to manually save the shop origin during OAuth authorization.
Hopefully this Shopify tutorial is of some assistance
The shopOrigin is available within your browser cookies.
If you followed the Shopify development for react and Node.js, you should already saved this after the Shopify authentification.
I am not sure what exactly is the need for shopOrigin, if you just wanted to go to admin section of the shop from client side you can use Redirect in app bridge. otherwise you can store the shop detail on server during auth process and create a get api to retrive the details on client side as needed.

Why are my S3 images are not valid for Facebook Javascript SDK?

I'm running into a error with the Facebook SDK which appears to be related to the permissions on my S3 bucket. I'm using Ruby on Rails with the Paperclip gem with Amazon S3 for storage.
Right now I have the dialog setup like so:
method: 'feed',
name: "Check out this project on WorkHands",
picture: "",
link: link.attr('href'),
caption: 'Work by',
description: "hello",
display: 'popup',
redirect_ui: window.location.origin
The reason why I think it has something to do with S3 is that I can pass in an image url from another src not on S3 (even from google images) and the dialog works perfectly fine.
My understanding is that Paperclip sets the ACL of each object to public_read by default.
I have tried setting a bucket policy similar to the example here:
But that didn't seem to fix anything.
For the image above, when I call s3object.acle.grants.inspect, I get XML like this:
[<Grant><Grantee xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:type=\"CanonicalUser\"><ID>0e77d1de2a82b95d7b735e0071296ef5f903fa17ba0b98ecfe5ab2d36a8f17d0</ID>
cush4437FULL_CONTROL,\" xsi:type=\"Group\">]
I think it's the numbers after the '?' in your url. Facebook is (probably?) being strict about formatting URL queries in the "k=v" format, and since there is no '=' it is unhappy.
Drop the 's' from 'https'. Facebook won't always reliably fetch them.
It turns out that Facebook throws this error because of the source url has two subdomains. see - throws an error - works fine

Facebook Redirect url in ruby on rails open ssl error

I have followed the omniauth devise facebook app as explained by Ryan in episode 235.After the user authorizes we are getting the error at http://localhost:3000/auth/facebook/callback?code=13444...
The following are the facebook settings :
App Domain : localhost
siteurl: locahost:3000/
canvas url: http://localhost:3000/auth/facebook/
please tell me where am i going wrong?
In one project, we had to add this code to config/environments/development.rb to get Facebook connect working for local development:
I was working in rails 4 and this link gave me what I needed to get it working. Just follow the instructions. You'll need to download rails installer then run two command line functions.
This link

Error using Json-feed for login: ACS50011

I have an RP for which I've built a login page using the Json feed from ACS. The IP images are linked to the .LoginUrl attribute of the feed and when I click on one of the images it correctly jumps to that IP's page.
Entering my credentials, however, I'm redirected to a page on the site with the following error:
HTTP Error Code: 400
Message: ACS50000: There was an error issuing a token.
ACS50011: The RP ReplyTo address is missing. Either the RP ReplyToAddresses
are not configured or an invalid wreply '' was received
in the sign-in request.
the RP is configured in the App Labs site with a returnUrl of:
and in looking at the wreply parameter in the feed, I see:
According to some SO articles like [this one] the return url of the app should be a prefix of the wreply parameter - which is clearly not the case here.
so... what have I done wrong now?
p.s. one interesting bit of info: in the Application Integration page of ACS there is a link to the ACS-hosted login page. the link used there seems to differ from the one I'm given in the feed; in particular, the ACS-hosted page uses a wctx of:
whereas the feed gives me:
so I don't know what that's worth but maybe it's a clue to what's wrong.
* update *
decoded, that last string is:
which clearly shows the Json feed is providing an ry that is not present in the ACS-hosted page... meaning anything to anyone?
ok. my bad. apparently, when I was fetching the Json feed, the URL I used did not have the reply_to set correctly.
