Is there any way to enable sonarQube to use Dev branch instead of main in community edition? - sonarqube

SonarQube community edition support scanning the code present in the main branch. But I want to use sonarqube to scan my Dev branch. Since I want to use Dev branch for my active development and main branch for my releases.
I red some where we have this option in the community edition.
Please help me with your valuable answers.

On the following link you can find:
In the previous versions(before 7.7) of SonarQube we could analyze
multiple branches of our project. But after that version we can
analyze only master branch with SonarQube in Community edition.
I suggest to use Developer Edition if you have enough budget. If you
do not have enough budget there is a SonarQube plugin that you can
make branch analysis with any branch.
Link to plugin.


Sonarqube - Run scan on develop branch vs master in the Community Edition

I have installed the community edition version 9.x.x of SonarQube. I have 2 branches develop and master. All active code checkin's etc. go into the develop branch.
I run the scan manually on the command line using the command:
sonar-scan Dsonar.projectKey=XXX -Dsonar.sources=. -Dsonar.login=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
It seems to be scanning the master branch in all cases, I want it to scan the develop branch instead.
Things already tried which do not seem to work:
Making the default branch from master to develop
Setting = develop (This is not allowed any more in the community edition)
Help appreciated.

Master branch analysis with Sonarqube (Community Edition)

I understand that it is possible to perform the analysis of the master branch with the Community version.
How can this be done? Since the only way I've found is using the sonar-scanner.
Sonarqube supports scanning of a branch per project in the Community Edition without any additional plugins installed. You typically do this using the scanner that fits into your build tool, e.g. Sonar Maven Scanner, Sonar Gradle Scanner, Sonar MSBuild Scanner plus some other scanners. You'll need to have a SonarQube server running somewhere (locally, or potentially Sonar Cloud) for the Scanner to communicate with.
The terminology may be what's misleading you here - SonarQube is split into 3 main parts:
Sonar Server: the user interface and API, typically run on a remote server
Sonar Scanner: the part that runs on your local/build machine, gathers details about your source code, libraries, test results, coverage etc and submits them to the Compute Engine
Sonar Compute Engine: the part that does all the work of analysing source and byte code, coverage, and test results to calculate any issues and produce quality metrics which Sonar Server then presents back as the result of a scan. This part is normally run as part of you launching Sonar Server so you wont typically have to do anything special to get this working.
You wont be able to get any results without having used all 3 of these parts, normally by downloading and running SonarQube, and then running the scanner using your build tool.
If you're wanting to scan more than a single branch in newer editions of SonarQube (7.3 and above) then you'll need to consider updating to SonarQube Developer Edition, or installing a plugin that support Community Edition Branch Analysis

SONAR quality gates on cross-projects

We have set up our branching strategy in Bitbucket in a way that for each release to production we create a new release branch in Bitbucket (User Acceptance Testing and then the production release is done from this branch). Now for each feature to be developed in that release, we create a new feature branch and to merge the new feature developed from the feature branch to the release branch, we create pull requests.
When the pull request is created from a feature branch, we trigger the build in TeamCity which in turn connects to SonarQube server (Version 5.0.1). Sonar now creates a new project for this pull request (as I have specified sonar.branch property) and we can see the analysis on Sonar dashboard.
Also on creating of a release branch in Bitbucket and on subsequent merges to release branch (from feature branch), we are triggering the build in Teamcity which connects to the same SonarQube server and creates a new project for this release branch.
Now we need to set up a quality gate in SONARQube that will check for the new blocker, critical and major issues introduced in the feature branch against the release branch. So the baseline for us will always be the release branch. Please note that we will have different projects in SONAR for each feature branch and release branch.
Is it possible to have Sonar Quality gates created on cross-projects? I think the SONARQube version 5.0.1, that we are using, doesn't have the capability - Is that correct? Is it possible in the latest SONAR versions?
Thanks and Regards,

Which consulting company can review our SonarQube installation?

Which good SonarQube consulting company could you recommend, that can review our SonarQube installation and processes?
We could even be open to having them take on the whole management of our installation.
Use the official hosted SonarQube instance called SonarCloud. It is maintained by SonarSource (the organization behind SonarQube) and can be used for both open source and closed source projects.

Ez Publish 4.5 is free or is only Enterprise Edition?

I'm new to Ez Publish. I need to know if the Ez Publish is like Joomla and is completely free or is a commercial open source application. It is possible to use Ez Publish without paying any fees?
PS: I don't know if this is the place to ask this question.
Best Regards,
Short answer :
4.5 is the Enterprise Edition of eZ Publish, also called Matterhorn and is not free.
Long answer :
2011.x is the Community Project version and has the same development base because eZ Systems engineers works and commits their work on the same master branch :
The versions of the Community Project that you are able to download are snapshots taken from the master branch, and packaged using the same continuous integration tools used by eZ Systems for the Enterprise Edition.
The short story : eZ Systems was used to provide consulting and support services aside eZ Publish but to make it more clear for decision takers, this package (software code source & services) is now called Enterprise Edition. Nothing has really changed, only naming convention, and last but not least, innovation and contribution is now more easy than before.
The Enterprise editions have extra features for remote Enterprise Management ( a charged-for service and official, supported point releases of patches, enhancements, etc. are more frequent. But the community editions are also frequent but may not yet be fully tested or official.
