How to fix the subscription period in google play console? - google-play-console

Having creating many subscriptions, it seems that google play fix the subscription to 10 or 15 minutes, but I want to change it to some amount per 3 or 6 months ?,
I don't find anywhere int the console how to fix this ?


Can i use Free Heroku plan as a Telegram Bot?

I want to use Telegram Bot with enabled webHook,
Can I use Heroku free plan as my Bot's Url to hook up when received text message ?
I'm using Nodejs as language.
Yes, you can and it works fine. But Heroku will try to freeze your app for some time. In fact it can't be active for more than 18 of the last 24 hours.
And if you will prevent it, with ping your app or your bot will continuously receive messages, your app will recharge next 6 hours. It's a limit of the free plan.
I suggest that you use Openshift, it doesn't have such limits in free tier.
I guess another suggestion I can make is for you to use glitch.
I use glitch for all the bots I have made so far, it's free, easy to get started with. It also has the limitation where it sleeps after 5 minutes of your bot not being active.
In a post they say the reason why and how to solve it:
Apps sleeping is a large reason why we can offer the Glitch service
for free, so it’s not something we can turn off. However, we accept
that for some use-cases, like bots with no webhooks support, that’s
not ideal. It’s possible to expose a route in your app that a web cron
service or uptime monitoring service can hit and cause your bot to
wake. Doing that every 5 mins or so should do what you want.
Hope it helps.
I have a couple of telegram bots hosted on Heroku's free plan, with webhooks active.
They work fine but as mentioned in other answers the app is put to sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity: webhooks will reactivate it but when waking up there will be some lag and rarely some malfunctions (I lost a couple of commands).
There is a monthly limit of usage time but unless the bot is heavily used I found that this has not ever been a problem.
All in all I like the service, especially since it is free.

is parse push notification delay more than 2 minutes?

I want to make an app that get push notification from server (iOS and android app). I'm interested in using Parse. I have heard in the past that parse push sometime delay up to 10 minutes or more. My app requires at most 2 minutes notification delay.
Can parse today do that job? or it still delay more than 2 minutes?
If it is delay more than 2 minutes what other solution you suggest me for push notification? I don't want difficult solution like making my own server or anything like that. I'm newbie please suggest me an easy solution.
I am using Parse for my app. Yes, I still experience delays, sometimes longer than a few minutes. But most of time, it feels instantaneous. I would suggest something more realtime if you really care about the response time (go check out pubhub etc.). If you stick to use push notifications, there is always a chance that you will get delay.

Google Tasks API not using its increased quota

I have a Windows Phone Google Tasks app that has been growing in popularity and a couple months ago I realized I was hitting the Google Tasks API courtesy quota of 5,000 daily requests.
I was getting 403 "DailyLimitExceeded". Following the advice of multiple forums, I requested an increase and was eventually granted 20,000 daily requests.. However, it still seems that the 5,000 limit is blocking me. To get around this I have created two more projects and have my app round robin users between them to help balance load.
I am using OAuth so I don't think I'm hitting the anonymous have limits. The projects all list the quota as 20,000 and track towards that but my original project starts erroring right around 5,000.. I have not hit that high of usage on the new projects yet. I have also tried turning off the API and back on, but that didn't help.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
There was a bug in the quota increase process that prevented changes from going into effect. The bug has been fixed in code and should be released early next week.

Maximum expiration time for Cache Services in Google Apps Script

Does anybody know what the maximum expiration time for Cache Services in Google Apps Script is? I am running my script on Google Sites and have tried to run a trigger that re-caches the cache, but the cache seems to still expire overnight and I am not certain how long it lasts. If anyone has timed the actual length of the cache it would be good to know - unfortunately, Google hasn't made this info public.
We are working on adding that information to our documentation, but the maximum time something can be stored in the cache in 6 hours (21600 seconds) and the default time is 10 minutes (600 seconds).

How to send GPS data to server every 5 minutes?

I am planning to write WP7 app, which needs to send to server phones GPS position every 5 minutes. Data must be sent to server even if app is not running. One way to do that is to use Background agents (I am using 7.5 Mango), but in that case app will send data only every 30 minutes, which is not acceptable in my case.
Is there any other solution?
Thanks in advice.
No, this is not a supported usecase for WP7 apps on Mango. Also, it's important to mention that the location you'll get for GeoCoordinateWatcher on a background agent is a cached geolocation from approximately the last 15 minutes and not the real-time geolocation.
What exactly are you trying to build if you don't mind me asking? This sounds oddly close to spyware. Even if it's innocuous and meant for a good purpose, I'd be careful walking in any direction that constantly shares GeoLoc with a remote server.
Your only choices are sending the data every 5 minutes while application is running (even when the phone is locked) and/or send the data once every 30 minutes by registering a PeriodicTask.
Having said that, I agree with Justin in that what you are describing sounds nefarious.
