Laravel 5.5.x to 5.6.x upgrade requirements issue - laravel

Loading composer repositories with package information
Info from #StandWithUkraine
Updating dependencies
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- laravel/framework[v5.6.0, ..., v5.6.40] require php ^7.1.3 -> your php version (8.1.2) does not satisfy that requirement.
- Root composer.json requires laravel/framework 5.6.* -> satisfiable by laravel/framework[v5.6.0, ..., v5.6.40].


composer install Doctrine/DBAL fails in Laravel 9 with PHP 8.2

I got an error when trying to install doctrine/dbal in order to add timestamp type according to laravel doc in order to allow changing timestamp column in migration.
Here is the message
composer require doctrine/dbal
Using version ^3.6 for doctrine/dbal
./composer.json has been updated
Running composer update doctrine/dbal
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- nette/schema v1.2.2 requires php >=7.1 <8.2 -> your php version (8.2.2) does not satisfy that requirement.
- league/commonmark 2.3.5 requires league/config ^1.1.1 -> satisfiable by league/config[v1.1.1].
- laravel/framework v9.30.0 requires league/commonmark ^2.2 -> satisfiable by league/commonmark[2.3.5].
- league/config v1.1.1 requires nette/schema ^1.2 -> satisfiable by nette/schema[v1.2.2].
- laravel/framework is locked to version v9.30.0 and an update of this package was not requested.
How can I deal with that ? Installing nette/schema before ?
It's saying that a depency cannot be updated / installed with your PHP version. Pay special atention to this line:
- nette/schema v1.2.2 requires php >=7.1 <8.2 -> your php version (8.2.2) does not satisfy that requirement.
You have to check another nette/schema version that support PHP version 8.2.2 (your version) or downgrade PHP

jenssegers/mongodb dependecies issues with Laravel Sail - ext-mongodb

I'm trying to setup MongoDB in a Laravel Jetstream + Sail.
What I'm doing is trying to install the following packages:
but I get the following errors :
Problem 1
- jenssegers/mongodb[v3.8.0, ..., v3.8.2] require mongodb/mongodb ^1.6 -> satisfiable by mongodb/mongodb[1.6.0, ..., 1.9.x-dev (alias of dev-master)].
- mongodb/mongodb 1.9.x-dev is an alias of mongodb/mongodb dev-master and thus requires it to be installed too.
- mongodb/mongodb dev-master requires ext-mongodb ^1.10.0 -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's mongodb extension.
- mongodb/mongodb[1.6.0, ..., v1.6.x-dev] require php ^5.6 || ^7.0 -> your php version (8.0.2) does not satisfy that requirement.
- mongodb/mongodb[1.7.0-beta1, ..., v1.7.x-dev] require php ^7.0 -> your php version (8.0.2) does not satisfy that requirement.
- mongodb/mongodb[1.8.0-RC1, ..., v1.8.x-dev] require ext-mongodb ^1.8.1 -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's mongodb extension.
- Root composer.json requires jenssegers/mongodb ^3.8 -> satisfiable by jenssegers/mongodb[v3.8.0, v3.8.1, v3.8.2].
like suggested in this: Why does composer complain about the ext-mongo extension?
I added to my composer.json the following
"provide" : {
"ext-mongo": "*"
But nothing changed, I also tried adding the package:
"soyuka/stubs-mongodb": "^1.0",
But same problems.
The solution was to publish Sail docker files and add:
in /docker/8.0/DockerFile
Building and running:
sail composer require jenssegers/mongodb

Installing Laravel Backpack 4.1 into Laravel 8

I am trying to install Backpack 4.1 into Laravel 8. I ran
composer require backpack/crud:"4.1.*"
But I received the following error.
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of
backpack/crud[4.1.22, ..., 4.1.x-dev] require doctrine/dbal ^2.5 -> found doctrine/dbal[v2.5.0-BETA2, ..., 2.12.x-dev] but it conflicts
with your root composer.json require (^3.0).
backpack/crud[4.1.0, ..., 4.1.21] require laravel/framework ^7.0|^6.0 -> found laravel/framework[v6.0.0, ..., 6.x-dev, v7.0.0,
..., 7.x-dev] but it conflicts with your root composer.json require
Root composer.json requires backpack/crud 4.1.* -> satisfiable by backpack/crud[4.1.0, ..., 4.1.x-dev].
I have been looking around but have not found a solution yet. Versions: Laravel 8.17, PHP 7.3.24
UPDATE I have tried installing 4.2; please see below.
Root composer.json requires backpack/crud 4.2.* -> satisfiable by
backpack/crud[4.2.x-dev]. backpack/crud 4.2.x-dev requires
doctrine/dbal ^2.5 -> found doctrine/dbal[v2.5.0-BETA2, ...,
2.12.x-dev] but it conflicts with your root composer.json require (^3.0).
Pending answer removal.
It seems Backpack 4.1 now supports Laravel8

I can't install laravel 6 even my php is 7.2

I working on my local computer(server). This is first time to install Laravel 6. By typing this command,
Laravel new project
The said
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- This package requires php ^7.2 but your HHVM version does not satisfy that requirement.
Problem 2
- Installation request for doctrine/lexer 1.2.0 -> satisfiable by doctrine/lexer[1.2.0].
- doctrine/lexer 1.2.0 requires php ^7.2 -> your PHP version (7.1.26) does not satisfy that requirement.
Problem 3
- Installation request for laravel/framework v6.14.0 -> satisfiable by laravel/framework[v6.14.0].
- laravel/framework v6.14.0 requires php ^7.2 -> your PHP version (7.1.26) does not satisfy that requirement.
Problem 4
- Installation request for laravel/tinker v2.2.0 -> satisfiable by laravel/tinker[v2.2.0].
- laravel/tinker v2.2.0 requires php ^7.2 -> your PHP version (7.1.26) does not satisfy that requirement.
Problem 5
- Installation request for monolog/monolog 2.0.2 -> satisfiable by monolog/monolog[2.0.2].
- monolog/monolog 2.0.2 requires php ^7.2 -> your PHP version (7.1.26) does not satisfy that requirement.
Problem 6
- Installation request for symfony/css-selector v5.0.4 -> satisfiable by symfony/css-selector[v5.0.4].
- symfony/css-selector v5.0.4 requires php ^7.2.5 -> your PHP version (7.1.26) does not satisfy that requirement.
Problem 7
- Installation request for symfony/mime v5.0.4 -> satisfiable by symfony/mime[v5.0.4].
- symfony/mime v5.0.4 requires php ^7.2.5 -> your PHP version (7.1.26) does not satisfy that requirement.
Problem 8
- Installation request for symfony/service-contracts v2.0.1 -> satisfiable by symfony/service-contracts[v2.0.1].
- symfony/service-contracts v2.0.1 requires php ^7.2.5 -> your PHP version (7.1.26) does not satisfy that requirement.
Problem 9
- Installation request for symfony/translation-contracts v2.0.1 -> satisfiable by symfony/translation-contracts[v2.0.1].
- symfony/translation-contracts v2.0.1 requires php ^7.2.5 -> your PHP version (7.1.26) does not satisfy that requirement.
Problem 10
- Installation request for phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock 5.0.0 -> satisfiable by phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock[5.0.0].
- phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock 5.0.0 requires php ^7.2 -> your PHP version (7.1.26) does not satisfy that requirement.
Problem 11
- Installation request for phpunit/php-code-coverage 7.0.10 -> satisfiable by phpunit/php-code-coverage[7.0.10].
- phpunit/php-code-coverage 7.0.10 requires php ^7.2 -> your PHP version (7.1.26) does not satisfy that requirement.
Problem 12
- Installation request for phpunit/phpunit 8.5.2 -> satisfiable by phpunit/phpunit[8.5.2].
- phpunit/phpunit 8.5.2 requires php ^7.2 -> your PHP version (7.1.26) does not satisfy that requirement.
Problem 13
- Installation request for sebastian/global-state 3.0.0 -> satisfiable by sebastian/global-state[3.0.0].
- sebastian/global-state 3.0.0 requires php ^7.2 -> your PHP version (7.1.26) does not satisfy that requirement.
Problem 14
- Installation request for sebastian/type 1.1.3 -> satisfiable by sebastian/type[1.1.3].
- sebastian/type 1.1.3 requires php ^7.2 -> your PHP version (7.1.26) does not satisfy that requirement.
Problem 15
- doctrine/lexer 1.2.0 requires php ^7.2 -> your PHP version (7.1.26) does not satisfy that requirement.
- egulias/email-validator 2.1.15 requires doctrine/lexer ^1.0.1 -> satisfiable by doctrine/lexer[1.2.0].
- Installation request for egulias/email-validator 2.1.15 -> satisfiable by egulias/email-validator[2.1.15].
I am using wamp server
My composer version is
CLI version
How can I fix this? thank you in advance!
It seems like your command line is using a different version of PHP (it seems HHVM).
Try type
where php
in a command prompt and check if the given path is the same inside the WAMP installation folder

Problem of Laravel Framework version for using the package mailjet/laravel-mailjet

I've a problem for using mailjet/laravel-mailjet, it seems a problem of versions.
I was using Laravel Framework 5.6.33 and i got
Can only install one of: laravel/framework[v5.6.39, 5.4.x-dev].
i've change my composer.json and now, i'm using Laravel Framework 5.6.39 but i've still the same problem
$ php artisan --version
Laravel Framework 5.6.39
There is the answer when i try to install mailjet/laravel-mailjet
$ composer require mailjet/laravel-mailjet
Using version ^1.1 for mailjet/laravel-mailjet
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- Can only install one of: laravel/framework[v5.6.39, 5.4.x-dev].
- Can only install one of: laravel/framework[5.4.x-dev, v5.6.39].
- Can only install one of: laravel/framework[5.4.x-dev, v5.6.39].
- mailjet/laravel-mailjet 1.1.0 requires laravel/framework 5.4.* -> satisfiable by laravel/framework[5.4.x-dev].
- Installation request for mailjet/laravel-mailjet ^1.1 -> satisfiable by mailjet/laravel-mailjet[1.1.0].
- Installation request for laravel/framework 5.6.39 -> satisfiable by laravel/framework[v5.6.39].
the 4th line explains it all.
mailjet/laravel-mailjet 1.1.0 requires laravel/framework 5.4.*
so, you can't use v5.6.39, only 5.4.*
