PRAAT create string array and search in that array - praat

It seems like an easy task (and is easy in other languages), but Im having trouble finding a solution.
Is it possible to create an array of strings? I'm looking for a PRAAT equivalent of the following python code
The ultimate goal is to do something like
for InputEle in Input
if InputEle is in options
do blah

You could use a string vector:
options$# = {"a", "b", "cd"}
for i from 1 to 3
appendInfoLine: options$# [i]
Check out section 8 at


Multiple unique random values in a single request in JMeter

I am trying to make an HTTP request in JMeter that contains multiple random numbers within a fixed range (specifically 0-50). With each request, I need to send out about 45 different integers, so on any given request, there are six integers within said range that are not included. Obviously {__Random()} doesn't work, as it will inevitably generate some equal values. My idea, and please bear with me because I am very new to this, was to create an array with the integers, such as:
String line = "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.....";
String[] numbers = line.split(",");
and then assign them fixed variable names to include in the request. I can do this with counter with CSV data, but I'm unsure about how to do this with an array.
vars.put("VAR_" + counter, line);
VAR_1 = 1
VAR_2 = 2
and so on...
then shuffle the array (which I do not know how to do in Beanshell) and generate something like:
VAR_1 = 16
VAR_2 = 27
to send with the next request.
If anyone could help me with this, or suggest a simpler way, I would great appreciate it. Thanks.
To shuffle the list just use Collections.shuffle() method
Consider using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language instead of Beanshell as it is:
More Java compliant
Has better performance
Has built-in support of JSON, XML and some "syntax sugar" which minimises and simplifies code
Check out Groovy Is the New Black article for more details
I figured it out. It's kind of ugly and cumbersome, but fairly simple and does exactly what I needed it to do. In JSR223 PreProcessor, my code is
def list = [0,1,2,3,4,5,.....];
String VAR_1 = Integer.toString(list.getAt(0));
vars.put("VAR_1", VAR_1);
String VAR_2 = Integer.toString(list.getAt(1));
vars.put("VAR_2", VAR_2);
String VAR_3 = Integer.toString(list.getAt(2));
and so on.....
I had to input the 50 variables manually. I'm sure there was a simpler way, but I'm quite satisfied. Thanks for the suggestions.

Extract values from an array of hashes

I need to extract values from an array of hashes:
data =
I need to get all the :room night fields and add the values. What is the best way to achieve that?
first: it's not nice to ask for help and to format the question as you did.
second: the question has nothing to do with Rails or with Savon.
This is a pure Ruby question.
The solution seems simple to me.
You iterate over your array and summarize the numbers for each key :room_night
For example like this:
nights = 0
data.each do |booking|
nights += booking[:room_night].to_i
print "nights=#{nights}\n"
If you go functional it's even more simple:
nights ={|e| e[:room_night].to_i}.reduce(:+)
and done!
As a bonus I put a executable script into Pastbin

re-organizing Array (Transpose)

For an array that looks like:
arr = [["name1","name2","name3"],["address1","address2","address3"],["phone1","phone2","phone3"]]
I would like to re-arrange it so that it looks like:
arr = [["name1","address1","phone1"],["name2","address2","phone2"], ...
Current method is:
name = arr[0]
add = arr[1]
phone = arr[2]
arr =,phone)
which works, but when I have over ten nested arrays within an array, I have ten lines of defining which is which, just to use zip later.
I hope someone can show me a better way of handling this.
I originally had "Phone1","Phone2", as my initial array (uppercase) and "phone1", "phone2" as my transposed array.
This wasn't intended so I edited it, but with my original post Sawa's answer handles the transpose & the UPPERCASE to lowercase.
Also found the documentation here:
An answer to the original question:{|a|}
An answer to a different question after OP's edit:
How about:
arr =*arr)
this code uses the first element of the arr while removing it from arr (via shift), than it uses the splat operator to zip it with the rest of the arrays in the array.

Parse text/json data in Ruby

I am collecting HTTP response and it comes back in the text/json form. The original format is as follows:
{"param" => "value", "interesting_param" => [{"parama1"=>vala1,"parama2"=>vala2,"parama3"=>vala3,"parama4"=>vala4,"parama5"=>vala5},
When I do a JSON.parse(response.body)["interesting_param"], I can retrieve this output:
How can I capture only the following from the full result-set above.
`parama1-vala1`, `parama2-vala2` and `parama5-vala5`
`paramb1-valb1`, `paramb2-valb2` and `paramb5-valb5`
I did try further on this & now I am thinking of making use of loop.
The way I am attempting to do this is:
Find the count of records, for example, if:
test =
Then, test.count will be 2.
Now if somehow I can use a loop to iterate over elements in test, then I might be able to capture specific elements.
It looks like you want to map each hash into a list of strings made by joining the string version of the key with the string version of the value, joined by a '-'.
The above code should give you a ruby list of hashes.
interesting_bits = JSON.parse(response.body)["interesting_param"]
result ={|bit|{|k,v| "#{k}-#{v}"}}
Something like that should do the trick.
puts result.inspect
# [ ["parama1-vala1","parama2-vala2","parama3-vala3","parama4-vala4","parama5-vala5"] , ["paramb1-valb1","paramb2-valb2","paramb3-valb3","paramb4-valb4","paramb5-valb5"] ]
I don't understand what criteria you are using for then filtering this down to just 1,2 and 5... but that is easily done too. I would do that to the hashes before converting them to string lists.

How do you modify array mapping data structure resultant from Ruby map?

I believe that I may be missing something here, so please bear with me as I explain two scenarios in hopes to reconcile my misunderstanding:
My end goal is to create a dataset that's acceptable by Highcharts via lazy_high_charts, however in this quest, I'm finding that it is rather particular about the format of data that it receives.
A) I have found that when data is formatted like this going into it, it draws the points just fine:
[0.0000001240,0.0000000267,0.0000000722, ..., 0.0000000512]
I'm able to generate an array like this simply with:
array =
data.each do |row|
array.push row[:datapoint1].to_f
B) Yet, if I attempt to use the map function, I end up with a result like and Highcharts fails to render this data:
[[6.67e-09],[4.39e-09],[2.1e-09],[2.52e-09], ..., [3.79e-09]]
From code like:
array ={|row| [(row.datapoint1.to_f)] }
Is there a way to coax the map function to produce results in B that more akin to the scenario A resultant data structure?
This get's more involved as I have to also add datetime into this, however that's another topic and I just want to understand this first and what can be done to perhaps further control where I'm going.
Ultimately, EVEN SCENARIO B SHOULD WORK according to the data in the example here: (press the "View options" button at bottom)
Heck, I'll send you a sucker in the mail if you can fill me in on that part! ;)
You can fix arrays like this
[[6.67e-09],[4.39e-09],[2.1e-09],[2.52e-09], ..., [3.79e-09]]
that have nested arrays inside them by using the flatten method on the array.
But you should be able to avoid generating nested arrays in the first place. Just remove the square brackets from your map line:
array ={|row| row.datapoint1.to_f }
a = [[6.67e-09],[4.39e-09],[2.1e-09],[2.52e-09], [3.79e-09]]
b ={|el| "%.10f" % el }
puts b.inspect
["0.0000000067", "0.0000000044", "0.0000000021", "0.0000000025", "0.0000000038"]
Unless I, too, am missing something, your problem is that you're returning a single-element array from your block (thereby creating an array of arrays) instead of just the value. This should do you:
array = {|row| row.datapoint1.to_f }
# => [ 6.67e-09, 4.39e-09, 2.1e-09, 2.52e-09, ..., 3.79e-09 ]
